ANTH Archaeology and Culture Minor (AAAC)

ANCH 0100Introduction to the Ancient Middle East1
ANTH 0103Origin and Culture of Cities1
ANTH 0105Ancient Civilizations of the World1
ANTH 0905Water in the Middle East Throughout History1
ANTH 1020Iraq: Ancient Cities and Empires1
ANTH 1169Merchants, Saints, Slaves and Sojourners: the Worlds of the Indian Ocean1
ANTH 1300Introduction to Mediterranean Archaeology1
ANTH 1900Pastoral Nomadism in the Past and Present1
ANTH 3451Historical Archaeology1
ANTH 4010Senior Thesis1
CLST 1300Introduction to Mediterranean Archaeology1
CLST 1301Great Discoveries in Archaeology1
CLST 3301Excavating Ancient Cities: Troy & Gordion1
CLST 3306Archaeology of Anatolia1
HIST 0730Introduction to the Ancient Middle East1
MELC 0001Introduction to the Ancient Middle East1
MELC 0003Origin and Culture of Cities1
MELC 0050Ancient Civilizations of the World1
MELC 0110Ancient Iraq1
MELC 0200Land of the Pharaohs1
MELC 0900Pastoral Nomadism in the Past and Present1
MELC 0905Water in the Middle East Throughout History1
MELC 1000Iraq: Ancient Cities and Empires1
MELC 4110The Archaeology of Nubia1
MELC 6108The Archaeology of Nubia1
SAST 1169Merchants, Saints, Slaves and Sojourners: the Worlds of the Indian Ocean1
URBS 0003Origin and Culture of Cities1
URBS 0050Ancient Civilizations of the World1
URBS 1020Iraq: Ancient Cities and Empires1