ANTH Archaeology (AAAR)

AAMW 5120Petrography of Cultural Materials1
AAMW 5239Surface Archaeology1
AAMW 5260Material & Methods in Mediterranean Archaeology1
AAMW 5390Archaeobotany Seminar1
AAMW 5570Archaeology of Landscapes1
AAMW 5620Intro to Digital Archaeology1
AAMW 5720Geophysical Prospection for Archaeology1
ANCH 3201Disasters in the Ancient Mediterranean World1
ANTH 0050Great Transformations1
ANTH 0103Origin and Culture of Cities1
ANTH 0105Ancient Civilizations of the World1
ANTH 0111Archaeology & The Bible1
ANTH 0184Food and Culture1
ANTH 0905Water in the Middle East Throughout History1
ANTH 1020Iraq: Ancient Cities and Empires1
ANTH 1219Archaeology in the City of Brotherly Love1
ANTH 1300Introduction to Mediterranean Archaeology1
ANTH 1303The Material Past in a Digital World1
ANTH 1410Museums, Monuments, and Social Justice1
ANTH 1480Food and Fire: Archaeology in the Laboratory1
ANTH 1900Pastoral Nomadism in the Past and Present1
ANTH 1905GIS for the Digital Humanities and Social Sciences1
ANTH 1925Who Owns the Past? Archaeology and Politics in the Middle East1
ANTH 2145Reading Maya Culture: Decipherment and a New Window into the Ancient Americas1
ANTH 2150The Ancient Maya: Integrating Material, Text, and Image1
ANTH 2221Material World in Archaeological Science1
ANTH 2267Living World in Archaeological Science1
ANTH 2330Origins of Art / Origins of Writing1
ANTH 2840World Heritage in Global Conflict1
ANTH 2866Exploring the Ancient Maya: Image, Text, and Artefact1
ANTH 3101Disasters in the Ancient Mediterranean World1
ANTH 3215Archaeology of Animals1
ANTH 3219Mining Archaeology1
ANTH 3221Surface Archaeology1
ANTH 3230Forensic Anthropology1
ANTH 3235The Past Preserved: Conservation In Archaeology1
ANTH 3240Plants and Society1
ANTH 3307Intro to Digital Archaeology1
ANTH 3310Historical Ecology1
ANTH 3360The Peopling of the Americas1
ANTH 3451Historical Archaeology1
ANTH 3454Quantitative Analysis of Anthropological Data1
ANTH 3480Colonialism and its Legacies1
ANTH 3820Writing, Society & Power: How Pre-Modern Scripts Shaped Societies and Political Action1
ANTH 4010Senior Thesis1
ANTH 5026Material & Methods in Mediterranean Archaeology1
ANTH 5110Ethics, Archaeology, and Cultural Heritage1
ANTH 5211Petrography of Cultural Materials1
ANTH 5215Archaeology of Animals1
ANTH 5219Mining Archaeology1
ANTH 5220Intro to Digital Archaeology1
ANTH 5221Material World in Archaeological Science1
ANTH 5230Archaeobotany Seminar1
ANTH 5231Surface Archaeology1
ANTH 5235The Past Preserved: Conservation In Archaeology1
ANTH 5240Plants and Society1
ANTH 5360The Peopling of the Americas1
ANTH 5433Andean Archaeology1
ANTH 5451Historical Archaeology1
ANTH 5454Quantitative Analysis of Anthropological Data1
ANTH 5480Colonialism and its Legacies1
ANTH 5490Topics in Archaeological Method and Theory1
ANTH 5564Colonial Ecologies1
ANTH 5570Archaeology of Landscapes1
ANTH 5720Geophysical Prospection for Archaeology1
ANTH 5805Ruins and Reconstruction1
ANTH 5840World Heritage in Global Conflict1
ANTH 5857Cultural Heritage and Conflict1
ANTH 5893Natural and Cultural Heritage in Global Perspective1
ANTH 5898The Economics of Heritage1
ARTH 0127The Material Past in a Digital World1
ARTH 0141Museums, Monuments, and Social Justice1
ARTH 0143The Past Preserved: Conservation In Archaeology1
ARTH 0221Material World in Archaeological Science1
ARTH 2145Reading Maya Culture: Decipherment and a New Window into the Ancient Americas1
ARTH 2200The Ancient Maya: Integrating Material, Text, and Image1
ARTH 3230Origins of Art / Origins of Writing1
CLST 1300Introduction to Mediterranean Archaeology1
CLST 1303The Material Past in a Digital World1
CLST 3201Disasters in the Ancient Mediterranean World1
CLST 3302Material World in Archaeological Science1
CLST 3303Living World in Archaeological Science1
CLST 3307Intro to Digital Archaeology1
CLST 3314Mining Archaeology1
CLST 3315The Past Preserved: Conservation In Archaeology1
CLST 3316Plants and Society1
CLST 3319World Heritage in Global Conflict1
CLST 3321Surface Archaeology1
CLST 5314Mining Archaeology1
CLST 5315The Past Preserved: Conservation In Archaeology1
CLST 5316Plants and Society1
CLST 5321Surface Archaeology1
CLST 5620Intro to Digital Archaeology1
CLST 6300Material & Methods in Mediterranean Archaeology1
CLST 7311Petrography of Cultural Materials1
CLST 7313Archaeobotany Seminar1
CLST 7315Geophysical Prospection for Archaeology1
CLST 7317Ruins and Reconstruction1
CRIM 2230Forensic Anthropology1
HIST 0871The Material Past in a Digital World1
HSPV 5840World Heritage in Global Conflict1
HSPV 5850Ruins and Reconstruction1
JWST 0111Archaeology & The Bible1
LALS 2145Reading Maya Culture: Decipherment and a New Window into the Ancient Americas1
LALS 2150The Ancient Maya: Integrating Material, Text, and Image1
LALS 2866Exploring the Ancient Maya: Image, Text, and Artefact1
LALS 3360The Peopling of the Americas1
LALS 5110Ethics, Archaeology, and Cultural Heritage1
LALS 5570Archaeology of Landscapes1
MELC 0003Origin and Culture of Cities1
MELC 0050Ancient Civilizations of the World1
MELC 0100Archaeology & The Bible1
MELC 0900Pastoral Nomadism in the Past and Present1
MELC 0905Water in the Middle East Throughout History1
MELC 1000Iraq: Ancient Cities and Empires1
MELC 1905GIS for the Digital Humanities and Social Sciences1
MELC 2900Who Owns the Past? Archaeology and Politics in the Middle East1
MELC 2920World Heritage in Global Conflict1
MELC 2950Living World in Archaeological Science1
MELC 2960Material World in Archaeological Science1
MELC 3070Origins of Art / Origins of Writing1
MELC 3950Intro to Digital Archaeology1
MELC 4950Mining Archaeology1
MELC 4955The Past Preserved: Conservation In Archaeology1
MELC 5925Geophysical Prospection for Archaeology1
MELC 5950Ruins and Reconstruction1
MELC 6920Material World in Archaeological Science1
MELC 6930Archaeobotany Seminar1
URBS 0003Origin and Culture of Cities1
URBS 0050Ancient Civilizations of the World1
URBS 1020Iraq: Ancient Cities and Empires1