BIOL Additional Computational Biology Course (ABB2)

BIOL 2010Cell Biology1
BIOL 2110Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology1
BIOL 2311Human Physiology1
BIOL 2610Ecology: From individuals to ecosystems1
BIOL 2810Biochemistry1
BIOL 3054Developmental Biology1
BIOL 3310Principles of Human Physiology1
BIOL 4010Advanced Cell Biology1
BIOL 4210Molecular Genetics1
BIOL 4231Genome Science and Genomic Medicine1
BIOL 4235The RNA World: A functional and computational analysis1
BIOL 4410Advanced Evolution1
BIOL 4825Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Superlab1
BIOL 5010Advanced Cell Biology1
BIOL 5231Genome Science and Genomic Medicine1
BIOL 5511Biological Data Analysis1
BIOL 5825Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Superlab1
BIOL 5860Mathematical Modeling in Biology1
CAMB 4310Genome Science and Genomic Medicine1
CAMB 4800Advanced Cell Biology1
CAMB 4850The RNA World: A functional and computational analysis1
CHEM 2510Principles of Biological Chemistry1
MATH 5861Mathematical Modeling in Biology1
NRSC 2110Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology1