COGS Language & Mind (ACGL)

ASLD 2047Structure of American Sign Language1
CIS 1100Introduction to Computer Programming1
CIS 1210Programming Languages and Techniques II1
CIS 1400Introduction to Cognitive Science1
CIS 4300Natural Language Processing1
CIS 5300Natural Language Processing1
COGS 1001Introduction to Cognitive Science1
COGS 2982Study Abroad1
COGS 3998Senior Thesis1
COGS 3999Independent Study1
LGIC 1710Introduction to Logic1
LGIC 3200Logic and Computability 21
LING 0001Introduction to Linguistics1
LING 0500Introduction to Formal Linguistics1
LING 0600Introduction to Sociolinguistics1
LING 0750Language and Thought1
LING 1005Introduction to Cognitive Science1
LING 1700Experimental Approaches to the Study of Language1
LING 1720Language, Cognition and Culture1
LING 1750Psychology of Language1
LING 2042Construct a Language1
LING 2047Structure of American Sign Language1
LING 2100Introduction to Language Change1
LING 2210Phonetics I: Experimental1
LING 2220Phonetics II: Data Science1
LING 2250Computer Analysis and Modeling of Biological Signals and Systems1
LING 2300Sound Structure of Language1
LING 2500Introduction to Syntax1
LING 2700Language Acquisition1
LING 3410Morphology I1
LING 3640Experimental Sociolinguistics1
LING 3650Sociophonetics1
LING 3740Neurolinguistics1
LING 3750Psycholinguistics Seminar1
LING 3810Semantics I1
LING 3850Experiments in the Study of Meaning1
LING 5150Dynamics of Language1
LING 5210Phonetics I: Experimental1
LING 5220Phonetics II: Data Science1
LING 5250Computer Analysis and Modeling of Biological Signals and Systems1
LING 5310Phonology I1
LING 5320Phonology II1
LING 5450Mental Lexicon1
LING 5510Syntax I1
LING 5520Syntax II1
LING 5700Developmental Psycholinguistics1
LING 5810Semantics I1
LING 5820Semantics II1
MATH 1400Calculus, Part I1
MATH 1410Calculus, Part II1
MATH 1510Calculus, Part II with Probability and Matrices1
MATH 6770Topics in Logic1
NRSC 3334Computational Neuroscience Lab1
PHIL 1170History of Modern Philosophy1
PHIL 1710Introduction to Logic1
PHIL 1800Philosophy of Science1
PHIL 1810Philosophy of Space and Time1
PHIL 1830Philosophy of Biology1
PHIL 1840Introduction to Cognitive Science1
PHIL 2620Introduction to Epistemology and Metaphysics1
PHIL 2640Introduction to Philosophy of Mind1
PHIL 2660What is Meaning?1
PHIL 2680Introduction to Metaphysics1
PHIL 3200Twentieth Century Philosophy1
PHIL 3620Topics in Epistemology1
PHIL 4600Origins of Analytic Philosophy1
PHIL 4620Theory of Knowledge1
PHIL 4640Philosophy of Mind1
PHIL 4660Philosophy of Language1
PHIL 4722Logic and Computability 21
PHIL 4723Introduction to Mathematical Logic1
PHIL 4770Philosophy of Mathematics1
PHIL 4840Philosophy of Psychology1
PHIL 4843Philosophy and Visual Perception1
PHIL 6720Topics in Logic1
PHIL 6770Philosophy of Mathematics1
PSYC 0001Introduction to Experimental Psychology1
PSYC 1310Language and Thought1
PSYC 1333Introduction to Cognitive Science1
PSYC 2310Psychology of Language1
PSYC 3310Psycholinguistics Seminar1
PSYC 4281Computational Neuroscience Lab1
VLST 2210Introduction to Philosophy of Mind1