CLST Classical Studies Related Crs Other Dept (ACLB)

AFRC 2140Tutankhamun’s Tomb: Its Treasures and Significance1
ANCH 0100Introduction to the Ancient Middle East1
ANCH 1203Myths and Religions of the Ancient World1
ANCH 1305Art and Architecture in Ancient Egypt1
ANTH 0105Ancient Civilizations of the World1
ANTH 0111Archaeology & The Bible1
ANTH 1480Food and Fire: Archaeology in the Laboratory1
ANTH 1925Who Owns the Past? Archaeology and Politics in the Middle East1
ANTH 2267Living World in Archaeological Science1
ARTH 1010World Art Before 14001
ARTH 1060Architect and History1
ARTH 2180Art and Architecture in Ancient Egypt1
ARTH 2221The Early Bronze Age1
ARTH 2250Greek Art and Artifact1
ARTH 2260Hellenistic and Roman Art and Artifact1
ARTH 2290Roman Architecture and Urbanism1
ARTH 2320Byzantine Art and Architecture1
ARTH 2330Eastern Medieval Art and Architecture1
ARTH 2400Medieval Art1
ARTH 3030Introduction to Museums1
ARTH 3200Aegean Bronze Age Art Seminar1
ARTH 3250Classical Mythology in the Western Tradition1
ARTH 3251Arts of the Roman House, Villa, and Palace Seminar1
ARTH 3252Violence in Ancient Mediterranean Art Seminar1
ARTH 3290Luxury in the Greco-Roman World: Self-Identity and Self-Indulgence1
ARTH 3291Greek Art, Architecture, and Urbanism1
ARTH 3292Roman Art, Architecture, and Urbanism1
ARTH 3320The Byzantine Art of Devotion Seminar1
ARTH 3330Material Christianities1
ARTH 3400Medieval Art Seminar1
ARTH 3401Topics in Medieval Art1
ARTH 5330Material Christianities1
CLST 1200Sex and Gender in Ancient Greece and Rome1
CLST 1501Ancient Greek Philosophy1
CLST 1502Greek and Roman Moral Philosophy1
CLST 1503Ancient Political Thought1
CLST 3303Living World in Archaeological Science1
CLST 3309Introduction to Museums1
CLST 3401Greek Art and Artifact1
CLST 3402Hellenistic and Roman Art and Artifact1
CLST 3409Classical Mythology in the Western Tradition1
CLST 3410Arts of the Roman House, Villa, and Palace Seminar1
CLST 3411Violence in Ancient Mediterranean Art Seminar1
CLST 3415Roman Architecture and Urbanism1
CLST 3703Benjamin Franklin Seminar: Classicism and Literature1
CLST 3708Topics In Classicism and Literature: Epic Tradition1
COML 1000Introduction to Literary Study1
COML 1013Chaucer: Poetry, Voice, and Interpretation1
COML 1021Introduction to Renaissance Literature and Culture1
COML 1200Sex and Gender in Ancient Greece and Rome1
COML 1201Foundations of European Thought: from Rome to the Renaissance1
COML 1400Introduction to Literary Theory1
COML 2000Topics In Classicism and Literature: Epic Tradition1
ENGL 0500Benjamin Franklin Seminar: Classicism and Literature1
ENGL 0501Benjamin Franklin Seminar: Old English1
ENGL 1002The Bible As Literature1
ENGL 1010Old English1
ENGL 1011Medieval Literature and Culture1
ENGL 1013Chaucer: Poetry, Voice, and Interpretation1
ENGL 1021Introduction to Renaissance Literature and Culture1
ENGL 1400Introduction to Literary Theory1
ENGL 1409Introduction to Literary Study1
ENGL 2000Topics In Classicism and Literature: Epic Tradition1
GRMN 1303Introduction to Literary Theory1
GSWS 1200Sex and Gender in Ancient Greece and Rome1
GSWS 2000Topics In Classicism and Literature: Epic Tradition1
HIST 0020First-Year Seminar: Reading the Classics1
HIST 0205Europe: From Fall of Rome to Age of Exploration1
HIST 0730Introduction to the Ancient Middle East1
HIST 0830Introduction to the Middle East1
HIST 1200Foundations of European Thought: from Rome to the Renaissance1
HIST 1600Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
HIST 2201The City of Rome: From Constantine to the Borgias1
ITAL 2201The City of Rome: From Constantine to the Borgias1
JWST 0020Religions of the West1
JWST 0111Archaeology & The Bible1
JWST 0303Introduction to the Bible1
JWST 0305Great Books of Judaism1
JWST 1200The Bible in Translation1
JWST 1320The History of God1
JWST 1330Jews and Violence in Antiquity1
JWST 1360Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Judaism and Christianity1
JWST 1600Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
LING 3100History of the English Language1
MELC 0001Introduction to the Ancient Middle East1
MELC 0002Introduction to the Middle East1
MELC 0004Myths and Religions of the Ancient World1
MELC 0050Ancient Civilizations of the World1
MELC 0100Archaeology & The Bible1
MELC 0200Land of the Pharaohs1
MELC 0205Literary Legacy of Ancient Egypt1
MELC 0210Art and Architecture in Ancient Egypt1
MELC 0215The Religion of Ancient Egypt1
MELC 0220Women in Ancient Egypt1
MELC 0225The World of Cleopatra1
MELC 0300Introduction to the Bible1
MELC 0305Great Books of Judaism1
MELC 0350Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
MELC 0500Introduction to the Qur'an1
MELC 0550Introduction to Islam1
MELC 0605Penn/Philadelphia/and the Middle East1
MELC 1200The Bible in Translation1
MELC 1330Jews and Violence in Antiquity1
MELC 2055The Early Bronze Age1
MELC 2140Tutankhamun’s Tomb: Its Treasures and Significance1
MELC 2900Who Owns the Past? Archaeology and Politics in the Middle East1
MELC 2950Living World in Archaeological Science1
MELC 3260Eastern Christianities1
PHIL 1110Ancient Greek Philosophy1
PHIL 1111Greek and Roman Moral Philosophy1
PHIL 2112Introduction to Plato1
PHIL 2113Introduction to Aristotle1
PHIL 4112Plato's Selected Dialogues1
PHIL 4113Aristotle1
PSCI 0600Ancient Political Thought1
RELS 0004Myths and Religions of the Ancient World1
RELS 0020Religions of the West1
RELS 0040Art and Religion1
RELS 0215The Religion of Ancient Egypt1
RELS 0301Introduction to the Bible1
RELS 0305Great Books of Judaism1
RELS 0504Introduction to the Qur'an1
RELS 1200The Bible in Translation1
RELS 1320The History of God1
RELS 1360Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Judaism and Christianity1
RELS 1430Introduction to Islam1
RELS 1440From Jesus to Muhammad: History of Early Christianity1
RELS 1600Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
RELS 2350Eastern Christianities1
RELS 3330Material Christianities1
RELS 5330Material Christianities1
SAST 1430Introduction to Islam1
SAST 2350Eastern Christianities1
URBS 0050Ancient Civilizations of the World1