CRIM Crim Justice Research (ACRC)

AFRC 2010Social Statistics1
CIS 1050Computational Data Exploration1
CRIM 1200Statistics for the Social Sciences I1
CRIM 2040Forensic Analysis1
CRIM 4002Criminal Justice Data Analytics1
CRIM 4012Machine Learning for Social Science1
CRIM 5350Quantitative Methods for Public Policy1
CRIM 6002Criminal Justice Data Analytics1
ECON 2300Statistics for Economists1
HSOC 2002Sociological Research Methods1
HSOC 2012Introduction to Data Analytics1
LALS 2012Introduction to Data Analytics1
MATH 1510Calculus, Part II with Probability and Matrices1
MKTG 2120Data and Analysis for Marketing Decisions1
PSCI 1800Introduction to Data Science1
PSCI 1801Statistical Methods PSCI1
PSCI 3800Applied Data Science1
SOCI 2000Sociological Research Methods1
SOCI 2010Social Statistics1
SOCI 2020Introduction to Data Analytics1
SOCI 3200Qualitative Methods1
SOCI 3501Machine Learning for Social Science1
SOCI 4002Criminal Justice Data Analytics1
SOCI 6002Criminal Justice Data Analytics1
STAT 1010Introductory Business Statistics1
STAT 1018Introductory Business Statistics1
STAT 1020Introductory Business Statistics1
STAT 1028Introductory Business Statistics1
STAT 1110Introductory Statistics1
STAT 1120Introductory Statistics1
STAT 4220Predictive Analytics for Business0.5-1
STAT 4240Text Analytics0.5
STAT 4320Mathematical Statistics1
STSC 2012Introduction to Data Analytics1