DHUM Digital Humanities Minor- Skills (ADHC)

AFRC 2010Social Statistics1
ANTH 1303The Material Past in a Digital World1
ANTH 1905GIS for the Digital Humanities and Social Sciences1
ANTH 3307Intro to Digital Archaeology1
ARTH 0127The Material Past in a Digital World1
CIMS 2000Virtual Reality Lab1
CIMS 3415Italian Digital Humanities1
CLST 1303The Material Past in a Digital World1
CLST 3307Intro to Digital Archaeology1
COML 1650Introduction to Digital Humanities1
COMM 2100Quantitative Research Methods in Communication1
ENGL 0765Podcasting--a Critical-Creative Seminar (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
ENGL 0766Virtual Bodies, Virtual Worlds1
ENGL 1650Introduction to Digital Humanities1
ENGL 1670Data Science for the Humanities1
ENGL 2951Virtual Reality Lab1
FNAR 1010Video I1
HIST 0870Introduction to Digital Humanities1
HIST 0871The Material Past in a Digital World1
ITAL 3415Italian Digital Humanities1
MELC 1905GIS for the Digital Humanities and Social Sciences1
MELC 3950Intro to Digital Archaeology1
PSCI 1800Introduction to Data Science1
SOCI 2010Social Statistics1