ENVS Earth Systems Concentrations List (AESL)

EAS 4010Energy and Its Impacts: Technology, Environment, Economics, Sustainability1
EAS 4020Renewable Energy and Its Impacts: Technology, Environment, Economics, Sustainability.1
EAS 4030Energy Systems and Policy1
EESC 1000Earth Systems Science1
EESC 1030Oceanography1
EESC 2100Mineralogy1
EESC 2120Earth Materials: Minerals and Rocks1
EESC 2300Global Climate Change1
EESC 2500Earth and Life Through Geologic Time1
EESC 2600Stratigraphy1
EESC 2704Earth and Environmental Field Studies1
EESC 2800Earth's Interior1
EESC 3300Glaciers,Ice & Climate1
EESC 3376Climate and Big Data1
EESC 3600Earth's Surface1
EESC 4250Our Water Planet1
EESC 4336Ocean-Atmosphere Dynamics and Implications for Future Climate Change1
EESC 4360Environmental Fluid Dynamics1
EESC 4400Biogeochemistry1
EESC 4440Geomicrobiology1
EESC 4510Introduction to Vertebrate Paleontology1
EESC 4630Hydrology1
EESC 4660Soil Science1
EESC 4991Topics in Earth Science1
EESC 5010The Geology and Geography of Energy Resources1
EESC 5400Evolution/Revolution of Land Ecosystems1
EESC 5800Geotectonics1
EESC 6360Advanced Environmental Fluid Dynamics1
ENVS 3100Environmental Case Studies1
ENVS 4200The anthropocene: Human-dominated Earth1
ENVS 4250Our Water Planet1
PHYS 3314Ocean-Atmosphere Dynamics and Implications for Future Climate Change1