LGIC Minor- Logic, Info, and Computing Elective (ALCN)

AMCS 5461Advanced Applied Probability1
AMCS 5840The Mathematics of Medical Imaging and Measurement1
BE 5840The Mathematics of Medical Imaging and Measurement1
CIS 1200Programming Languages and Techniques I1
CIS 1210Programming Languages and Techniques II1
CIS 3200Introduction to Algorithms1
CIS 3340Advanced Topics in Algorithms1
CIS 3980Quantum Computer and Information Science1
CIS 5210Artificial Intelligence1
LGIC 3100Logic and Computability 11
LGIC 3200Logic and Computability 21
LGIC 4960Topics in Mathematical Logic1
LING 5820Semantics II1
MATH 2100Mathematics in the Age of Information1
MATH 3500Number Theory1
MATH 3600Advanced Calculus1
MATH 3610Advanced Calculus1
MATH 3700Algebra1
MATH 3710Algebra1
MATH 4100Complex Analysis1
MATH 4200Ordinary Differential Equations1
MATH 4250Partial Differential Equations1
MATH 4320Game Theory.1
MATH 4800Topics in Modern Math1
MATH 4990Supervised Study0-1
MATH 5000Topology1
MATH 5010Differential Geometry1
MATH 5020Abstract Algebra1
MATH 5030Abstract Algebra1
MATH 5040Graduate Proseminar in Mathematics1
MATH 5050Graduate Proseminar in Mathematics1
MATH 5080Advanced Analysis1
MATH 5090Advanced Analysis1
MATH 5120Advanced Linear Algebra1
MATH 5200Selections from Algebra1
MATH 5300Mathematics of Finance1
MATH 5460Advanced Applied Probability1
MATH 5600Selections from Geometry and Topology1
MATH 5610Selections from Geometry and Topology1
MATH 5800Combinatorial Analysis1
MATH 5810Topics in Combinatorial Theory1
MATH 5840The Mathematics of Medical Imaging and Measurement1
MATH 5940Mathematical Methods of Physics1
MATH 5999Independent Study1-4
PHIL 4720Topics in Mathematical Logic1
PHIL 4721Logic and Computability 11
PHIL 4722Logic and Computability 21
PHIL 4770Philosophy of Mathematics1
PHYS 5500Mathematical Methods of Physics1