LALX History (ALHI)

AFRC 0400Colonial Latin America1
AFRC 1310Africa and the Transatlantic Slave Trade1
AFRC 1475History of Brazil: Slavery, Inequality, Development1
AFRC 1700The African Diaspora: Global Dimensions1
AFRC 2401Indians, Pirates, Rebels and Runaways: Unofficial Histories of the Colonial Caribbean1
AFRC 2402The Haitian Revolution1
AFRC 3700Abolitionism: A Global History1
GSWS 2401Indians, Pirates, Rebels and Runaways: Unofficial Histories of the Colonial Caribbean1
GSWS 3702Feminism in the Americas1
HIST 0040First-Year Seminar: Coca and Cocaine1
HIST 0400Colonial Latin America1
HIST 0450Modern Latin America 1808-Present1
HIST 0600The Foundations of the Early Modern Atlantic World 1450-18001
HIST 1191US Empire in the Twentieth Century1
HIST 1310Africa and the Transatlantic Slave Trade1
HIST 1400Silver and Gold in the Americas from pre-history to the present1
HIST 1455Independence and Revolution in Latin America: Crises and Crossroads1
HIST 1475History of Brazil: Slavery, Inequality, Development1
HIST 1620The Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire 1450-17001
HIST 1700The African Diaspora: Global Dimensions1
HIST 1740Capitalism, Socialism, and Crisis in the 20th Century Americas1
HIST 2400Indigenous History of Mexico from the Aztecs to Present1
HIST 2401Indians, Pirates, Rebels and Runaways: Unofficial Histories of the Colonial Caribbean1
HIST 2402The Haitian Revolution1
HIST 2450Coca and Cocaine1
HIST 2702How to Rule an Empire: Intro to European and American Imperialism1
HIST 2703Decades of Extremes: Protectionism, Fascism, Imperialism, 1917-19451
HIST 3251Modern Spain: Civil War and Postwar, 1930-19701
HIST 3700Abolitionism: A Global History1
HIST 3702Feminism in the Americas1
HIST 3703Taking Off: How Some Economies Get Rich1
HIST 6600Topics in Latin American and Caribbean History1
HIST 6610Topics in Pre-Colonial Latin American History1
HIST 6620Topics in Colonial-Era Latin American1
HIST 6630Topics in Post-Colonial Latin American1
HIST 7600Research Seminar in Latin American History1
HIST 7610Research Seminar in Pre-Colonial Latin American History1
HIST 7620Research Seminar in Colonial Latin American History1
HIST 7630Research Seminar in Post-Colonial Latin American History1
LALS 0040First-Year Seminar: Coca and Cocaine1
LALS 0400Colonial Latin America1
LALS 0450Modern Latin America 1808-Present1
LALS 0600The Foundations of the Early Modern Atlantic World 1450-18001
LALS 1191US Empire in the Twentieth Century1
LALS 1310Africa and the Transatlantic Slave Trade1
LALS 1400Silver and Gold in the Americas from pre-history to the present1
LALS 1455Independence and Revolution in Latin America: Crises and Crossroads1
LALS 1475History of Brazil: Slavery, Inequality, Development1
LALS 1620The Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire 1450-17001
LALS 1700The African Diaspora: Global Dimensions1
LALS 1740Capitalism, Socialism, and Crisis in the 20th Century Americas1
LALS 2400Indigenous History of Mexico from the Aztecs to Present1
LALS 2401Indians, Pirates, Rebels and Runaways: Unofficial Histories of the Colonial Caribbean1
LALS 2402The Haitian Revolution1
LALS 2450Coca and Cocaine1
LALS 3251Modern Spain: Civil War and Postwar, 1930-19701
LALS 3700Abolitionism: A Global History1
LALS 3702Feminism in the Americas1