MMES Modern Middle East Stud - Humanities Distrib (AMMH)

AAMW 7370Islamic Architecture Seminar1
AFRC 1350Faces of Jihad in African Islam1
AFRC 1358Histories of Egypt1
AFRC 1600North Africa: History, Culture, Society1
AFRC 3351Africa and the Mid-East1
ANTH 0905Water in the Middle East Throughout History1
ANTH 1533Music in Troubled Places1
ANTH 1925Who Owns the Past? Archaeology and Politics in the Middle East1
ARAB 0700The Adab Tradition1
ARAB 4040Readings in the Qur'an and Tafsir1
ARAB 4050Arabic Readings in Belles-Lettres1
ARAB 4060Arabic Readings in the Social Sciences and the Media1
ARAB 4070Readings in Arabic Literature1
ARAB 4080Introduction to Pre-Modern Arabic Texts1
ARAB 4090History & Fiction in Arabic1
ARAB 5300Advanced Spoken Standard Arabic1
ARAB 5400Readings in Islamic Law1
ARAB 7000Topics in Islamic Studies1
ARAB 7020Arabic Texts in Islamic History1
ARAB 7030Selected Topics in Arabic Literature1
ARTH 2350Introduction to Visual Culture of the Islamic World1
ARTH 7370Islamic Architecture Seminar1
ASAM 2010Migration and the Middle East1
CIMS 0320Modern Hebrew Literature and Film in Translation1
CIMS 1358Histories of Egypt1
CIMS 1360Arab/Israeli Conflict in Literature and Film1
CIMS 2355Classic Icons, Cinematic Images: Popular Culture in the Middle East1
CIMS 2705Media and Culture in Contemporary Iran1
COML 0320Modern Hebrew Literature and Film in Translation1
COML 0615Modern Arabic Literature1
COML 0700Iranian Cinema: Gender, Politics and Religion1
COML 1311Introduction to Modern Hebrew Literature1
COML 2400Faces of Love: Gender, Sexuality and the Erotic in Persian Literature1
COML 4300Seminar in Modern Hebrew Literature1
COML 4500Arabic Literature and Literary Theory1
GSWS 0700Iranian Cinema: Gender, Politics and Religion1
GSWS 1361Sex Matters: Politics of Sex in the Modern Middle East1
GSWS 2353Sex and Power in the Middle East: Unveiling Women's Lives1
GSWS 2402Faces of Love: Gender, Sexuality and the Erotic in Persian Literature1
GSWS 2705Media and Culture in Contemporary Iran1
HEBR 4000Rabbinic Writers on Rabbinic Culture1
HIST 0061First-Year Seminar: Of Horses, Bows and Fermented Milk: The Silk Roads in 10 Objects1
HIST 0310Warriors, Concubines & Converts: the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East & Europe1
HIST 0360History of the Middle East Since 18001
HIST 0830Introduction to the Middle East1
HIST 0835North Africa: History, Culture, Society1
HIST 0836Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the Middle East: Historical Perspectives1
HIST 1300Gunpowder, Art and Diplomacy: Islamic Empires in the Early Modern World1
HIST 1350Faces of Jihad in African Islam1
HIST 1358Histories of Egypt1
HIST 1360Arab/Israeli Conflict in Literature and Film1
HIST 1361Sex Matters: Politics of Sex in the Modern Middle East1
HIST 1362The Making of Modern Israel and Palestine1
HIST 1382Modern Iran1
HIST 1388From Oil Fields to Soccer Fields: The Middle East in the 20th Century1
HIST 1788Civilizations at Odds? The United States and the Middle East1
HIST 2352Israel and Iran: Historical Ties, Contemporary Challenges1
HIST 2353Sex and Power in the Middle East: Unveiling Women's Lives1
HIST 2355Classic Icons, Cinematic Images: Popular Culture in the Middle East1
HIST 3351Africa and the Mid-East1
JWST 0020Religions of the West1
JWST 0320Modern Hebrew Literature and Film in Translation1
JWST 0625Israel in the Middle East1
JWST 1272Israel: Law, Religion and State1
JWST 1310Introduction to Modern Hebrew Literature1
JWST 1362The Making of Modern Israel and Palestine1
JWST 1605Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the Middle East: Historical Perspectives1
JWST 4000Rabbinic Writers on Rabbinic Culture1
JWST 4300Seminar in Modern Hebrew Literature1
MELC 0002Introduction to the Middle East1
MELC 0320Modern Hebrew Literature and Film in Translation1
MELC 0400Getting Crusaded1
MELC 0450Warriors, Concubines & Converts: the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East & Europe1
MELC 0460First-Year Seminar: Of Horses, Bows and Fermented Milk: The Silk Roads in 10 Objects1
MELC 0500Introduction to the Qur'an1
MELC 0510Muhammad and Society1
MELC 0550Introduction to Islam1
MELC 0600The Middle East through Many Lenses1
MELC 0605Penn/Philadelphia/and the Middle East1
MELC 0610Modern Middle Eastern Literature in Translation1
MELC 0615Modern Arabic Literature1
MELC 0620Food in the Islamic Middle East: History, Memory, Identity1
MELC 0625Israel in the Middle East1
MELC 0650History of the Middle East Since 18001
MELC 0675Arab/Israeli Conflict in Literature and Film1
MELC 0680Civilizations at Odds? The United States and the Middle East1
MELC 0690From Oil Fields to Soccer Fields: The Middle East in the 20th Century1
MELC 0700Iranian Cinema: Gender, Politics and Religion1
MELC 0905Water in the Middle East Throughout History1
MELC 1310Introduction to Modern Hebrew Literature1
MELC 1600North Africa: History, Culture, Society1
MELC 1605Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the Middle East: Historical Perspectives1
MELC 1610Nationalism and Communal Identity in the Middle East1
MELC 1615Migration and the Middle East1
MELC 1620Middle Eastern Jews in Israel1
MELC 1700Introduction to Persian Poetic Tradition1
MELC 2400Faces of Love: Gender, Sexuality and the Erotic in Persian Literature1
MELC 2510Introduction to Islamic Law1
MELC 2566Israel and Iran: Historical Ties, Contemporary Challenges1
MELC 2567Sex and Power in the Middle East: Unveiling Women's Lives1
MELC 2705Media and Culture in Contemporary Iran1
MELC 2900Who Owns the Past? Archaeology and Politics in the Middle East1
MELC 2910The University, the Museum, and the Middle East1
MELC 3550Africa and the Mid-East1
MELC 3560Gunpowder, Art and Diplomacy: Islamic Empires in the Early Modern World1
MELC 4300Seminar in Modern Hebrew Literature1
MELC 4500Arabic Literature and Literary Theory1
MELC 4505Islamic Intellectual Tradition1
MELC 5410Seminar in Modern Hebrew Literature1
MELC 5505Islamic Intellectual Tradition1
MELC 7550Qur'anic Studies1
MELC 7561Islamic Architecture Seminar1
MMES 2400The Iranian Nuclear Program: History, Science, Politics1
MMES 3000Research Seminar in Modern Middle Eastern Studies1
MUSC 1530Music in Troubled Places1
PERS 2300Advanced Persian in the Media1
PERS 6700Persian Culture, Literature and Film for Advanced Learners I1
PSCI 1141The Making of Modern Israel and Palestine1
PSCI 1441Arab Israeli Relations1
RELS 0020Religions of the West1
RELS 0504Introduction to the Qur'an1
RELS 1189Islam and the West1
RELS 1271Israel: Law, Religion and State1
RELS 1430Introduction to Islam1
RELS 1605Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the Middle East: Historical Perspectives1
RELS 2180Media and Culture in Contemporary Iran1
RELS 2450Sufism1
RELS 4300Rabbinic Writers on Rabbinic Culture1
RELS 7420Qur'anic Studies1
SAST 1144Modern Islam and Poetry1
SAST 1189Islam and the West1
SAST 1430Introduction to Islam1
SAST 1615Migration and the Middle East1
SOCI 2947Sex and Power in the Middle East: Unveiling Women's Lives1
TURK 4200Advanced Turkish Culture & Media I1
TURK 4300Advanced Turkish Culture & Media II1
TURK 5800Advanced Turkish Culture & Media I1
TURK 5900Advanced Turkish Culture & Media II1
VLST 2350Introduction to Visual Culture of the Islamic World1