MELC Arabic and Islamic Literature (ANAT)

ARAB 0700The Adab Tradition1
ARAB 4040Readings in the Qur'an and Tafsir1
ARAB 4050Arabic Readings in Belles-Lettres1
ARAB 4070Readings in Arabic Literature1
CIMS 1360Arab/Israeli Conflict in Literature and Film1
COML 0615Modern Arabic Literature1
COML 4500Arabic Literature and Literary Theory1
HIST 0310Warriors, Concubines & Converts: the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East & Europe1
HIST 1360Arab/Israeli Conflict in Literature and Film1
MELC 0400Getting Crusaded1
MELC 0450Warriors, Concubines & Converts: the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East & Europe1
MELC 0510Muhammad and Society1
MELC 0550Introduction to Islam1
MELC 0615Modern Arabic Literature1
MELC 0620Food in the Islamic Middle East: History, Memory, Identity1
MELC 0675Arab/Israeli Conflict in Literature and Film1
MELC 1001The Arabian Nights1
MELC 4320Prose Narrative1
MELC 4500Arabic Literature and Literary Theory1
MELC 6500Seminar in Selected Topics in Arabic Literature1
RELS 1430Introduction to Islam1
SAST 1430Introduction to Islam1