PPE Globalization (APPG)

AFRC 1090Urban Sociology1
AFRC 1130Contemporary African Politics1
AFRC 1160Caribbean Culture and Politics1
AFRC 1475History of Brazil: Slavery, Inequality, Development1
AFRC 1700The African Diaspora: Global Dimensions1
AFRC 2321War and Peace in Africa1
AFRC 2350Migration and Refugees in African History1
AFRC 3931The History of Foreign Aid and Intervention in Africa1
AFRC 4500Oil to Diamonds: The Political Economy of Natural Resources in Africa1
AFRC 4650Race and Racism in the Contemporary World1
ANTH 1160Caribbean Culture and Politics1
ANTH 2730Global Health: Anthropological Perspectives1
ANTH 2940Global Cities: Urbanization in the Global South1
ANTH 3045Oil to Diamonds: The Political Economy of Natural Resources in Africa1
ASAM 3110Immigration and the Making of US Law1
BDS 5250Organizational Behavior1
BDS 5450International Organizations & Organizational Influence1
BENF 2270Global Health Justice and Governance1
BEPP 2030Business in the Global Political Environment.1
BEPP 2120Economic Analysis of Law1
BEPP 2330Consumers, Firms and Markets in Developing Countries1
BEPP 2360International Housing Comparisons1
BEPP 2890Economic Globalization: Policy, History and Contemporary Issues1
BIOE 5510Race and Bioethics1
BIOE 5720Global Bioethics1
COMM 2140Media and South Asia1
COMM 2410Introduction to Network Dynamics and Collective Behavior1
COMM 2510Good Talk: The Purpose, Practice, and Representation of Dialogue Across Difference (SNF Paideia)1
COMM 2620Social Movements1
COMM 2640Media Culture & Society in Contemporary China1
COMM 3010Global Media and Society: Perspectives on Africa1
COMM 3120Studying Digital Worlds: Qualitative Social Science for Research1
COMM 3370Public Health Communication in the Digital Age1
COMM 3510Media and Migration in the 21st Century1
COMM 3600Understanding the Political Economy of Media1
COMM 4050Media, Public Opinion, and Globalization1
COMM 4110Communication, Activism, and Social Change1
COMM 4460Media Industries and Nationalism (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
EALC 1792Pacific World1
EAS 2610Emerging Technologies and the Future of the World1
EAS 3010Climate Policy and Technology1
ECON 0420Political Economy1
ECON 0460Economics and Theories of Fairness1
ECON 0465Economics and Philosophy1
ECON 0500International Economics1
ECON 0510Development Economics1
ECON 0615The International Monetary System from Sterling to Cryptocurrency (1720-2020)1
ECON 0620Financial Meltdown, Past and Present1
ECON 2200Intermediate Macroeconomics1
ECON 4510International Trade1
ECON 4520International Finance1
ECON 4530Topics in Development1
EDUC 5480Education and International Development1
EDUC 5805Globalization & the University1
ENVS 1043Repairing the Planet: Tools for the Climate Emergency1
FNCE 2190International Financial Markets and Cryptocurrencies1
FNCE 6130Macroeconomics and the Global Economic Environment1
GAFL 5300Evidence Based Policies of Economic and Political Development1
GAFL 5380Human Rights, Access To Justice, and Public Policy1
GSWS 2353Sex and Power in the Middle East: Unveiling Women's Lives1
HIST 0290The Soviet Century, 1917-19911
HIST 1191US Empire in the Twentieth Century1
HIST 1362The Making of Modern Israel and Palestine1
HIST 1382Modern Iran1
HIST 1475History of Brazil: Slavery, Inequality, Development1
HIST 1700The African Diaspora: Global Dimensions1
HIST 1708Revolutionary Ideas, Ideologies of Revolution1
HIST 1731Financial Meltdown, Past and Present1
HIST 1760Strategy, Policy and War1
HIST 2350Migration and Refugees in African History1
HIST 2352Israel and Iran: Historical Ties, Contemporary Challenges1
HIST 2353Sex and Power in the Middle East: Unveiling Women's Lives1
HIST 3160The Vietnam War1
HIST 3551Pacific World1
HIST 3910Immigration and the Making of US Law1
HIST 3921European International Relations 1914-present1
HIST 3930The History of Foreign Aid and Intervention in Africa1
HIST 3965The International Monetary System from Sterling to Cryptocurrency (1720-2020)1
HSOC 2382Global Health: Anthropological Perspectives1
HSOC 3377Race and Medicine in the Global South1
HSOC 3488Current Issues in Global Health1
HSOC 4375Medicine and Development1
INTG 2610Emerging Technologies and the Future of the World1
INTR 1001Transnational Issues in Global Politics1
INTR 2500Political Risk Analysis1
INTR 2900Topics in International Relations1
JWST 1362The Making of Modern Israel and Palestine1
LALS 1090Urban Sociology1
LALS 1103Dilemmas of Immigration1
LALS 1120Latin American Politics1
LALS 1121U.S. Intervention in Latin America1
LALS 1160Caribbean Culture and Politics1
LALS 1191US Empire in the Twentieth Century1
LALS 1475History of Brazil: Slavery, Inequality, Development1
LALS 1700The African Diaspora: Global Dimensions1
LALS 2020International Organizations in Latin America1
LALS 2120Democracy in Latin America1
LALS 3377Race and Medicine in the Global South1
LALS 4650Race and Racism in the Contemporary World1
LGST 2120Economic Analysis of Law1
LGST 2160Emerging Economies1
LGST 2190Law and Policy in International Business1
LGST 2200International Business Ethics1
LGST 2240Human Rights and Globalization1
LGST 5240Human Rts & Globalization1
MELC 2566Israel and Iran: Historical Ties, Contemporary Challenges1
MELC 2567Sex and Power in the Middle East: Unveiling Women's Lives1
MMES 2400The Iranian Nuclear Program: History, Science, Politics1
MMES 3000Research Seminar in Modern Middle Eastern Studies1
PHIL 1343Environmental Ethics1
PHIL 1440Machine Fairness: Algorithms and the Theory of Justice1
PHIL 1571Repairing the Planet: Tools for the Climate Emergency1
PHIL 2430Global Justice1
PHIL 2510Philosophy of Race1
PPE 1001Introduction to PPE: Ethics and Economics of Wealth Creation1
PPE 3950Center for Social Norms & Behavioral Dynamics Research Seminar1-2
PPE 3999Independent Study1
PPE 4701Advanced Seminar in Political Economy1
PPE 4900Advanced Seminar in PPE (SNF Paideia Course)1
PPE 4950Advanced Seminar in Research Methods1
PPE 4998Directed Honors Research1
PSCI 1101The Politics of Slow Moving Crises1
PSCI 1102Political Economy of Development1
PSCI 1103Dilemmas of Immigration1
PSCI 1105Networks and NGOs in World Politics1
PSCI 1120Latin American Politics1
PSCI 1121U.S. Intervention in Latin America1
PSCI 1130Contemporary African Politics1
PSCI 1140Politics in the Contemporary Middle East1
PSCI 1141The Making of Modern Israel and Palestine1
PSCI 1150Contemporary Chinese Politics1
PSCI 1160Democracy and Development in India1
PSCI 1170Politics of Post War Western Europe1
PSCI 1171The European Union1
PSCI 1172Russian Politics1
PSCI 1173Comparative Health Politics1
PSCI 1191Japanese Politics and Foreign Policy1
PSCI 1401International Security1
PSCI 1402International Political Economy1
PSCI 1403International Law & Institutions1
PSCI 1404American Foreign Policy1
PSCI 1406International Human Rights1
PSCI 1407Ethics and International Relations1
PSCI 1408War, Strategy and Politics1
PSCI 1440International Politics of the Middle East1
PSCI 1441Arab Israeli Relations1
PSCI 1640Islamist Political Theory: from al-Banna to bin Laden1
PSCI 1801Statistical Methods PSCI1
PSCI 2103Information Communication Technologies for Development1
PSCI 2120Democracy in Latin America1
PSCI 2160Modern India1
PSCI 2401Emerging Technologies and the Future of the World1
PSCI 2421International Organizations in Latin America1
PSCI 3150China's Political Economy1
PSCI 3151Politics, Geopolitics, and China's Role in the World's Renewable Energy Revolution1
PSCI 3170Comparative Politics of the Welfare State in Rich Democracies1
PSCI 3200Global Development: Intermediate Topics in Politics, Policy, and Data1
PSCI 3400The Causes of War & Peace1
PSCI 3401International Law1
PSCI 4100Power Sharing in Deeply Divided Places - BFS1
PSCI 4102Global Development: Intermediate Issues in Politics, Policy and Data1
PSCI 4130Oil to Diamonds: The Political Economy of Natural Resources in Africa1
PSCI 4170Comparative Politics of the Welfare State1
PSCI 4190Race and Racism in the Contemporary World1
PSCI 4209Media, Public Opinion, and Globalization1
PSCI 4400Security & Anxiety at International Borders: Turkey & USA in Global Perspective1
PSCI 4450Chinese Foreign Policy1
PSCI 4800Evidence Based Policies of Economic and Political Development1
PSCI 5160Society and Politics in India1
PUBH 5190Foundations of Global Health1
REAL 2050Global Real Estate: Risk, Politics and Culture1
REAL 2360International Housing Comparisons1
REES 0311The Soviet Century, 1917-19911
REES 1535Russian Politics1
REES 1630Soviet and Post-Soviet Economy1
SAST 1110Media and South Asia1
SAST 1160Democracy and Development in India1
SOCI 1090Urban Sociology1
SOCI 2620Social Movements1
SOCI 2640Media Culture & Society in Contemporary China1
SOCI 2904Oil to Diamonds: The Political Economy of Natural Resources in Africa1
SOCI 2943Global Urban Education1
SOCI 2945Globalization & The City: Global Urbanization1
SOCI 2947Sex and Power in the Middle East: Unveiling Women's Lives1
URBS 1090Urban Sociology1
URBS 2580Global Urban Education1
URBS 2940Global Cities: Urbanization in the Global South1
URBS 4570Globalization & The City: Global Urbanization1