PSCI American Politics (APSA)

AFRC 0010Homelessness & Urban Inequality1
AFRC 1060Race and Ethnic Relations1
AFRC 1090Urban Sociology1
AFRC 1119History of American Law to 18771
AFRC 1121The American South1
AFRC 1122Witches, Rebels, and Prophets: People on the Margins in Early America1
AFRC 1151Race, Space and Place in American History1
AFRC 1169History of American Law Since 18771
AFRC 1172Bodies, Race and Rights: Sex and Citizenship in Modern American History1
AFRC 1176African American History 1550-18761
AFRC 1177African American History 1876 to Present1
AFRC 1205Constitutional Law1
AFRC 1206American Constitutional Law II1
AFRC 1780Faculty-Student Collaborative Action Seminar in Urban University-Community Rltn1
AFRC 2161The Civil Rights Movement1
AFRC 2180Diversity and the Law1
AFRC 2210Race and the Media1
AFRC 2240Law and Social Change1
AFRC 2430Race, Science & Justice1
AFRC 2545Sex, Love, and Race in African American Life and History1
AFRC 3151The Civil Rights Movement1
AFRC 3152Law and Social Change1
AFRC 3173Penn Slavery Project Research Seminar1
AFRC 3500American Slavery and the Law1
AFRC 4050Religion, Social Justice & Urban Development1
AFRC 4200The US and Human Rights: Policies and Pratices1
AFRC 4480Neighborhood Displacement and Community Power1
AFRC 4800Liberation and Ownership1
AFRC 5240Inequality & Race Policy1
ASAM 0100Introduction to Asian American Studies1
ASAM 0102Introduction to Asian American History1
ASAM 1000South Asians in the United States1
ASAM 1010Asian American Race Relations: Comparative Case Studies and Theories1
ASAM 1500Asian Americans In Contemporary Society1
ASAM 1510Race and Ethnic Relations1
ASAM 1520Asian American Activism1
ASAM 1900Asian American Politics1
ASAM 2100The Wartime Incarceration of Japanese Americans1
ASAM 3100American Expansion in the Pacific1
BEPP 2010Public Finance and Policy1
BEPP 2300Urban Fiscal Policy1
CLST 0014Rome & America1
CLST 3706Ancient and Modern Constitution Making1
CLST 3707Classics & American Government1
COMM 2600Media Activism Studies1
COMM 2620Social Movements1
COMM 3230Contemporary Politics, Policy, and Journalism1
COMM 3950Communication and the Presidency1
COMM 3970New Media and Politics1
COMM 4040Media and Politics1
COMM 4070Understanding Social Networks1
COMM 4110Communication, Activism, and Social Change1
COMM 4280Conventions, Debates, and Campaigns1
COMM 4320Digital Inequalities1
CRIM 1000Criminology1
CRIM 1100Criminal Justice1
CRIM 2010American Death Penalty in Theory and Practice1
CRIM 2030Law and Criminal Justice1
CRIM 2080Neighborhood Dynamics of Crime1
EALC 1790The Vietnam War1
EALC 1791The Vietnam War1
ECON 0410Public Policy Analysis1
ECON 0420Political Economy1
ECON 0430Labor Economics1
ECON 0440Law and Economics1
ECON 4410Public Finance1
ECON 4430Labor Economics1
ECON 4440Law and Economics1
ECON 4470Urban Fiscal Policy1
ECON 4550The Political Economy of Early America1
EDUC 2140Education in American Culture1
ENGL 0159Gender and Society1
ENGL 3417Political Journalism1
ENGL 3418Political Commentary Writing1
ENGL 3419Political Journalism: The Congressional Midterms1
ENGL 3420Political Journalism: The Presidential Primaries1
ENGL 3421Political Journalism: The Presidential Election1
FNCE 2300Urban Fiscal Policy1
GAFL 5020Public Communications and Storytelling1
GAFL 5110Reinventing Nonprofits1
GAFL 5140Public Finance and Public Policy1
GAFL 5150Public Finance Leadership in the New Fiscal Reality1
GAFL 5170Quantitative Tools for Consulting1
GAFL 5210Advanced Public Management1
GAFL 5280Critical Issues in Public Finance1
GAFL 5300Evidence Based Policies of Economic and Political Development1
GAFL 5380Human Rights, Access To Justice, and Public Policy1
GAFL 5510Government Relations1
GSWS 0002Gender and Society1
GSWS 1042Population and Society1
GSWS 1101Sociology of Gender1
GSWS 1122Witches, Rebels, and Prophets: People on the Margins in Early America1
GSWS 1172Bodies, Race and Rights: Sex and Citizenship in Modern American History1
GSWS 1173History of Sexuality in the U.S.1
GSWS 1490Law and Social Policy on Sexuality and Reproduction1
GSWS 2545Sex, Love, and Race in African American Life and History1
GSWS 3100Politics of Political Writing: From 1
GSWS 3153American Feminist and LGBT Movements, 1960s-1980s1
GSWS 3702Feminism in the Americas1
HCMG 2500Health Care Reform and the Future of the American Health Care System1
HIST 0100Deciphering America1
HIST 0600The Foundations of the Early Modern Atlantic World 1450-18001
HIST 0810The City1
HIST 0811Faculty-Student Collaborative Action Seminar in Urban University-Community Rltn1
HIST 0812Perspectives on Urban Poverty1
HIST 0814American Slavery and the Law1
HIST 0818Sex, Love, and Race in African American Life and History1
HIST 1100North American Colonial History1
HIST 1110Hamilton's America: US History 1776-18041
HIST 1119History of American Law to 18771
HIST 1121The American South1
HIST 1122Witches, Rebels, and Prophets: People on the Margins in Early America1
HIST 1127African American History 1550-18761
HIST 1150American Jewish Experience1
HIST 1151Race, Space and Place in American History1
HIST 1153Transformations of Urban America: Making the Unequal Metropolis, 1945 to Today1
HIST 1155Introduction to Asian American History1
HIST 1162The American West1
HIST 1163Modern American Culture1
HIST 1165History of American Education1
HIST 1169History of American Law Since 18771
HIST 1171The American South 1860-Present1
HIST 1172Bodies, Race and Rights: Sex and Citizenship in Modern American History1
HIST 1173History of Sexuality in the U.S.1
HIST 1177African American History 1876 to Present1
HIST 1180U.S. Politics and Society since the 1960s: From Civil Rights to the Trump Right1
HIST 1190American Diplomatic History Since 17761
HIST 1191US Empire in the Twentieth Century1
HIST 1400Silver and Gold in the Americas from pre-history to the present1
HIST 1591The Vietnam War1
HIST 1635Histories of Religion and Violence (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
HIST 1733Free Speech and Censorship1
HIST 1735Cold War: Global History1
HIST 1740Capitalism, Socialism, and Crisis in the 20th Century Americas1
HIST 1785American Expansion in the Pacific1
HIST 2150Patriots, Parties, and Progressives: The U.S. 1776-19061
HIST 2152Work and Workers in America1
HIST 2154The State of the Union is not Good: The US in Crisis in the 1970s1
HIST 2158News, Media and American Democracy1
HIST 2161The Civil Rights Movement1
HIST 3150The Wartime Incarceration of Japanese Americans1
HIST 3151The Civil Rights Movement1
HIST 3152Law and Social Change1
HIST 3153American Feminist and LGBT Movements, 1960s-1980s1
HIST 3155Fake News and American Democracy1
HIST 3156Liberalism in the 20th Century1
HIST 3173Penn Slavery Project Research Seminar1
HIST 3702Feminism in the Americas1
HIST 3707The Vietnam War1
HSOC 1411American Health Policy1
HSOC 2312Healthy Schools1
JWST 1150American Jewish Experience1
LALS 0270The Immigrant City1
LALS 0600The Foundations of the Early Modern Atlantic World 1450-18001
LALS 1060Race and Ethnic Relations1
LALS 1090Urban Sociology1
LALS 1103Dilemmas of Immigration1
LALS 1121U.S. Intervention in Latin America1
LALS 1191US Empire in the Twentieth Century1
LALS 1290Race and Ethnic Politics1
LALS 1400Silver and Gold in the Americas from pre-history to the present1
LALS 1740Capitalism, Socialism, and Crisis in the 20th Century Americas1
LALS 2220Latino/as and the Law1
LALS 2320Educating for Democracy in Latin America and the U.S.1
LALS 2610Latinos in the United States1
LALS 3702Feminism in the Americas1
LALS 4020U.S.- Latin American Relations1
LALS 4240Latinx Communities and the Role of CBO's in Social Change1
LALS 5240Latinxs and the Law1
LGST 1000Ethics and Social Responsibility1
LGST 1008Ethics and Social Responsibility1
LGST 1010Law and Social Values1
LGST 1018Law and Social Values1
LGST 2150Environmental Management: Law & Policy1
LGST 2180Diversity and the Law1
LGST 2210Constitutional Law and Free Enterprise1
MGMT 2090The Political Environment of the Multinational Firm1
PPE 2355Introduction to Political Psychology1
PPE 3002Public Policy Process1
PPE 4650Advanced Seminar in Political Science: The Politics of Climate Change1
PSCI 0200Introduction to American Politics1
PSCI 0602American Political Thought1
PSCI 1101The Politics of Slow Moving Crises1
PSCI 1103Dilemmas of Immigration1
PSCI 1121U.S. Intervention in Latin America1
PSCI 1200Public Policy Process1
PSCI 1201Public Opinion and American Democracy1
PSCI 1202Changing American Electorate1
PSCI 1203The American Presidency1
PSCI 1205Constitutional Law1
PSCI 1206American Constitutional Law II1
PSCI 1207Who Gets Elected and Why? The Science of Politics1
PSCI 1208The Politics of Food and Agriculture1
PSCI 1209American Campaigns and Elections1
PSCI 1290Race and Ethnic Politics1
PSCI 1292Asian American Politics1
PSCI 1404American Foreign Policy1
PSCI 1800Introduction to Data Science1
PSCI 2200From Theory to Practice in Washington D.C.2
PSCI 2201Polarization1
PSCI 2203Healthy Schools1
PSCI 2204Congress, Elections and American Democracy1
PSCI 2206Race, Ethnicity and Constitutional Law1
PSCI 2993Selected Topics in Political Science (American Politics)1
PSCI 3993Selected Topics in Political Science (American Politics)1
PSCI 4101The Right Market: Conservatism & Capitalism in Theory & Practice1
PSCI 4200Political Psychology1
PSCI 4201Political Empathy & Deliberative Democracy in the US1
PSCI 4203The Future of Conservatism and the GOP: Radicalization, Renewal or Replacement (SNF Paideia Course)1
PSCI 4205American Conservatism From Taft to Trump1
PSCI 4206How Divided Is America? Polarization in the United States1
PSCI 4208Media and Politics1
PSCI 4210Advanced Seminar in Political Science: The Politics of Climate Change1
PSCI 4250Law, Religion, and Politics1
PSCI 4290Race & Criminal Justice1
PSCI 4291Social Movements1
PSCI 4292Modern Presidency & Race1
PSCI 4993Selected Topics in Political Science (American Politics)1
PSCI 5200Public Opinion & Elections1
PSCI 5290Inequality & Race Policy1
PSYC 2355Introduction to Political Psychology1
PSYC 3443Psychology and Law Seminar1
REAL 2300Urban Fiscal Policy1
REES 1370Cold War: Global History1
RELS 1150American Jewish Experience1
RELS 4050Religion, Social Justice & Urban Development1
SAST 1000South Asians in the United States1
SOCI 0270The Immigrant City1
SOCI 1020American Society1
SOCI 1040Population and Society1
SOCI 1050Social Stratification1
SOCI 1060Race and Ethnic Relations1
SOCI 1090Urban Sociology1
SOCI 1100Sociology of Gender1
SOCI 1140Asian Americans In Contemporary Society1
SOCI 2210Race and the Media1
SOCI 2240Law and Social Change1
SOCI 2410Metropolitan Growth and Poverty1
SOCI 2420Social Problems and Public Policy1
SOCI 2430Race, Science & Justice1
SOCI 2450Poverty, Race and Health1
SOCI 2610Latinos in the United States1
SOCI 2620Social Movements1
SOCI 2902The US and Human Rights: Policies and Pratices1
SOCI 2920Criminology1
SOCI 2921Criminal Justice1
SOCI 2931Latinx Communities and the Role of CBO's in Social Change1
SOCI 2940Homelessness & Urban Inequality1
SOCI 2942Cities, Suburbs, Regions1
SOCI 2944Perspectives on Urban Poverty1
SOCI 2946The History & Theory of Community Organizing1
URBS 0010Homelessness & Urban Inequality1
URBS 0210The City1
URBS 0270The Immigrant City1
URBS 1030Industrial Metropolis1
URBS 1060Race and Ethnic Relations1
URBS 1090Urban Sociology1
URBS 1153Transformations of Urban America: Making the Unequal Metropolis, 1945 to Today1
URBS 1780Faculty-Student Collaborative Action Seminar in Urban University-Community Rltn1
URBS 2020Urban Education1
URBS 2030Introduction to City Planning: Planning Urban Spaces1
URBS 2040Urban Law1
URBS 2090Neighborhood Dynamics of Crime1
URBS 2160Social Entrepreneurship1
URBS 2190The Heart of Social Change1
URBS 2410Metropolitan Growth and Poverty1
URBS 2450Poverty, Race and Health1
URBS 2500Urban Public Policy: Philadelphia -- A Case Study1
URBS 2520Urban Journalism1
URBS 2530Cities, Suburbs, Regions1
URBS 2810The US Criminal Justice System in Urban Context1
URBS 2900Metropolitan Nature1
URBS 3200Who Gets Elected and Why? The Science of Politics1
URBS 4050Religion, Social Justice & Urban Development1
URBS 4170Cities and Sustainability1
URBS 4200Perspectives on Urban Poverty1
URBS 4480Neighborhood Displacement and Community Power1
URBS 4500Urban Redevelopment1
URBS 4510The Politics of Housing and Urban Development1
URBS 4520Community Economic Development1
URBS 4540City Limits: The Impact of Urban Policy1
URBS 4730The History & Theory of Community Organizing1
URBS 4760Urban Housing & Community Development Policy in America1
URBS 4800Liberation and Ownership1