URBS Urban Economics/Finance (AREF)

AFRC 0010Homelessness & Urban Inequality1
AFRC 4050Religion, Social Justice & Urban Development1
AFRC 4800Liberation and Ownership1
ECON 4420Political Economy1
ECON 4470Urban Fiscal Policy1
REAL 2150Urban Real Estate Economics1
RELS 4050Religion, Social Justice & Urban Development1
SOCI 2940Homelessness & Urban Inequality1
SOCI 2942Cities, Suburbs, Regions1
URBS 0010Homelessness & Urban Inequality1
URBS 1030Industrial Metropolis1
URBS 1400Inequity and Empowerment: Urban Financial Literacy1
URBS 2160Social Entrepreneurship1
URBS 2500Urban Public Policy: Philadelphia -- A Case Study1
URBS 2530Cities, Suburbs, Regions1
URBS 4040Philanthropy and the City1
URBS 4050Religion, Social Justice & Urban Development1
URBS 4150Urban Real Estate Markets1
URBS 4350The Political Economy of Urban Development1
URBS 4500Urban Redevelopment1
URBS 4510The Politics of Housing and Urban Development1
URBS 4520Community Economic Development1
URBS 4540City Limits: The Impact of Urban Policy1
URBS 4760Urban Housing & Community Development Policy in America1
URBS 4800Liberation and Ownership1