COL Sector - History & Tradition (AUHT)

AFRC 0030First-Year Seminar: Africa in World History1
AFRC 0300Africa Before 18001
AFRC 0350Africa Since 18001
AFRC 0400Colonial Latin America1
AFRC 1121The American South1
AFRC 1122Witches, Rebels, and Prophets: People on the Margins in Early America1
AFRC 1176African American History 1550-18761
AFRC 1177African American History 1876 to Present1
AFRC 2851Advanced Swahili II1
AFRC 2870Religion and Society in Africa1
AMHR 1100Advanced Amharic1
AMHR 1300Amharic Language and Culture1
ANCH 0100Introduction to the Ancient Middle East1
ANCH 0101Strife: A History of the Greeks1
ANCH 0102Ancient Rome1
ANCH 1100Ancient Mediterranean Empires1
ANCH 1203Myths and Religions of the Ancient World1
ANCH 3203Power and Peril: The Paradox of Monarchy among Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Jews1
ANTH 0050Great Transformations1
ANTH 0103Origin and Culture of Cities1
ANTH 0105Ancient Civilizations of the World1
ANTH 1300Introduction to Mediterranean Archaeology1
ARAB 0500Advanced Intermediate Arabic I1
ARAB 0600Advanced Intermediate Arabic II1
ARAB 0650Intensive Advanced Intermediate Arabic I&II2
ARAB 4000Advanced Arabic and Syntax I1
ARAB 4020Advanced Spoken Standard Arabic1
ASAM 0102Introduction to Asian American History1
ASLD 1030Advanced ASL and Deaf History1
ASLD 1031Deaf Literature, Performance, Art, and Film1
ASLD 1032Deaf Culture1
ASLD 1033ASL/Deaf Studies - ABCS1
BENG 1500Advanced Bengali1
CHIN 0700Advanced Chinese I1
CHIN 0701Advanced Chinese I1
CHIN 0705Advanced Spoken Chinese I1
CHIN 0800Advanced Chinese II1
CHIN 0801Advanced Chinese II1
CHIN 0805Advanced Spoken Chinese II1
CHIN 0860Business Chinese I1
CHIN 0865Business Chinese II1
CHIN 1040Readings in Modern Chinese: Literature I1
CHIN 1045Readings Modern Chinese: Literature II1
CHIN 1048Readings in Modern Chinese: Documents1
CHIN 1060Advanced Business Chinese I1
CHIN 1065Advanced Business Chinese II1
CHIN 1140Advanced Readings in Chinese Culture1
CHIN 1148Chinese for Specific Purposes: Legal Chinese1
CHIN 5700Advanced Chinese I1
CHIN 5705Advanced Spoken Chinese I1
CHIN 5800Advanced Chinese II1
CHIN 5805Advanced Spoken Chinese II1
CHIN 5860Business Chinese I1
CHIN 5865Business Chinese II1
CHIN 6060Advanced Business Chinese I1
CHIN 6065Advanced Business Chinese II1
CIMS 0088First-Year Seminar: Italian Histories1
CIMS 1004World Film History1
CLST 0010Archaeology & Technology1
CLST 0014Rome & America1
CLST 0017Private Life in Ancient Rome1
CLST 0101Strife: A History of the Greeks1
CLST 0102Ancient Rome1
CLST 1100Ancient Mediterranean Empires1
CLST 1300Introduction to Mediterranean Archaeology1
CLST 1501Ancient Greek Philosophy1
CLST 1503Ancient Political Thought1
CLST 3203Power and Peril: The Paradox of Monarchy among Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Jews1
CLST 3706Ancient and Modern Constitution Making1
COML 1201Foundations of European Thought: from Rome to the Renaissance1
EALC 0020Introduction to East Asia: China1
EALC 0040Introduction to East Asia: Japan1
EALC 0060Introduction to East Asia: Korea1
EALC 0730History of Modern China1
EALC 0750Modern Japanese History1
EALC 1521Introduction to Classical Chinese Thought1
EALC 8659Japanese for Sinologists1
FILP 0500Filipino Language and Culture1
FREN 1000Advanced French1
FREN 1212Advanced French Grammar and Composition1
FREN 1214Advanced French Conversation and Composition1
FREN 1217French Phonetics1
FREN 1226French History and Culture to 17741
FREN 2170French Phonetics1
FREN 2230Advanced Intensive French Composition and Conversation2
FREN 2231Advanced French Language and Culture1
GRMN 0012Jews and China: Views from Two Perspectives1
GRMN 1306Origins of Nazism: From Democracy to Race War and Genocide1
GRMN 1500Texts and Contexts1
GRMN 1520Business German: A Macro Perspective1
GRMN 1530Business German: A Micro Perspective1
GRMN 1800German in Residence0.5
GRMN 2100Texts and Contexts1
GRMN 2190Business German: A Macro Perspective1
GRMN 2290Business German: A Micro Perspective1
GSWS 1122Witches, Rebels, and Prophets: People on the Margins in Early America1
GUJR 1502Advanced Gujarati1
HEBR 1000Advanced Modern Hebrew: Conversation & Writing1
HIND 1500Advanced Hindi1
HIST 0001Making of the Modern World1
HIST 0010First-Year: Books that Changed Modern America1
HIST 0012First-Year Seminar: Why College? Historical and Contemporary Perspectives1
HIST 0013First-Year Seminar: American Pasts in American Places1
HIST 0014First-Year Seminar: A History of America's Children1
HIST 0020First-Year Seminar: Reading the Classics1
HIST 0021First-Year Seminar: Inquisitors, Heretics and Witches1
HIST 0030First-Year Seminar: Africa in World History1
HIST 0040First-Year Seminar: Coca and Cocaine1
HIST 0060First-Year Seminar: Epidemic Disease in Modern History1
HIST 0061First-Year Seminar: Of Horses, Bows and Fermented Milk: The Silk Roads in 10 Objects1
HIST 0100Deciphering America1
HIST 0108American Origins1
HIST 0200The Emergence of Modern Europe1
HIST 0205Europe: From Fall of Rome to Age of Exploration1
HIST 0220England and the British Isles to 17071
HIST 0240The Rise and Fall of the Russian Empire, 1552-19171
HIST 0250Making and Breaking European Hegemony1
HIST 0270Modern Britain, 1700-present: Empire, Industry and Democracy1
HIST 0290The Soviet Century, 1917-19911
HIST 0300Africa Before 18001
HIST 0310Warriors, Concubines & Converts: the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East & Europe1
HIST 0350Africa Since 18001
HIST 0360History of the Middle East Since 18001
HIST 0400Colonial Latin America1
HIST 0450Modern Latin America 1808-Present1
HIST 0550History of Modern China1
HIST 0560Modern Japanese History1
HIST 0720Strife: A History of the Greeks1
HIST 0721Ancient Rome1
HIST 0724Portraits of Old Rus: Myth, Icon, Chronicle1
HIST 0730Introduction to the Ancient Middle East1
HIST 0755History, Culture, and Religion in Early India1
HIST 0830Introduction to the Middle East1
HIST 0837Religion and Society in Africa1
HIST 0850Introduction to Modern India1
HIST 0860Introduction to East Asia: Korea1
HIST 0876Medicine in History1
HIST 1121The American South1
HIST 1122Witches, Rebels, and Prophets: People on the Margins in Early America1
HIST 1127African American History 1550-18761
HIST 1155Introduction to Asian American History1
HIST 1163Modern American Culture1
HIST 1171The American South 1860-Present1
HIST 1177African American History 1876 to Present1
HIST 1200Foundations of European Thought: from Rome to the Renaissance1
HIST 1270World War I1
HIST 1280Origins of Nazism: From Democracy to Race War and Genocide1
HIST 1600Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
HIST 1610Medieval and Early Modern Jewry1
HIST 1620The Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire 1450-17001
HIST 1710Jews in the Modern World1
HIST 1740Capitalism, Socialism, and Crisis in the 20th Century Americas1
HIST 1788Civilizations at Odds? The United States and the Middle East1
HSOC 0283Medicine, Magic and Miracles1
HSOC 0400Medicine in History1
HSOC 0490Comparative Medicine1
IGBO 1100Advanced Igbo I1
IRIS 1000Advanced Irish Gaelic I1
IRIS 1200Advanced Irish Gaelic II1
ITAL 0088First-Year Seminar: Italian Histories1
ITAL 1000Advanced Italian I1
ITAL 1200Advanced Italian II1
ITAL 3220Italian Translation1
JPAN 0500High Intermediate Japanese I1
JPAN 0600High Intermediate Japanese II1
JPAN 0700Advanced Japanese I1
JPAN 0760Japanese for the Professions I1
JPAN 0800Advanced Japanese II1
JPAN 0860Japanese for the Professions II1
JPAN 1040Advanced Japanese III1
JPAN 1045Advanced Japanese IV1
JPAN 1080Advanced Japanese for Proficiency I1
JPAN 1085Advanced Japanese for Proficiency II1
JPAN 1140Readings in Advanced Japanese1
JPAN 1145Readings Advanced Japanese II1
JPAN 5500High Intermediate Japanese I1
JPAN 5600High Intermediate Japanese II1
JPAN 5700Advanced Japanese I1
JPAN 5760Japanese for the Professions I1
JPAN 5800Advanced Japanese II1
JPAN 5860Japanese for the Professions II1
JPAN 6040Advanced Japanese III1
JPAN 6045Advanced Japanese IV1
JPAN 6080Advanced Japanese for Proficiency I1
JPAN 6085Advanced Japanese for Proficiency II1
JPAN 6140Readings in Advanced Japanese1
JPAN 6145Readings Advanced Japanese II1
JWST 0012Jews and China: Views from Two Perspectives1
JWST 0020Religions of the West1
JWST 0330Themes Jewish Tradition1
JWST 1000Advanced Modern Hebrew: Conversation & Writing1
JWST 1600Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
JWST 1610Medieval and Early Modern Jewry1
JWST 1710Jews in the Modern World1
JWST 3203Power and Peril: The Paradox of Monarchy among Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Jews1
KORN 0500High Intermediate Korean I1
KORN 0560Business Communication in Korean1
KORN 0600High Intermediate Korean II1
KORN 0678Medical Communication in Korean1
KORN 0700Advanced Korean I1
KORN 0800Advanced Korean II1
KORN 0860Business Korean I1
KORN 0865Business Korean II1
KORN 0870Current Korean Media I1
KORN 0875Current Korean Media II1
KORN 1040Advanced Readings in Modern Korean I1
KORN 1045Advanced Readings in Modern Korean II1
KORN 1060Advanced Business Korean I1
KORN 1065Advanced Business Korean II1
KORN 1070Advanced Topics in Korean Language and Culture I1
KORN 1075Advanced Topics in Korean Language and Culture II1
KORN 1140Advanced Academic Korean I1
KORN 1145Advanced Academic Korean II1
KORN 5100Beginning Korean I1
KORN 5600High Intermediate Korean II1
KORN 5678Medical Communication in Korean1
KORN 5860Business Korean I1
KORN 5865Business Korean II1
KORN 6040Advanced Readings in Modern Korean I1
KORN 6045Advanced Readings in Modern Korean II1
KORN 6060Advanced Business Korean I1
KORN 6065Advanced Business Korean II1
KORN 6070Advanced Topics in Korean Language and Culture I1
KORN 6075Advanced Topics in Korean Language and Culture II1
KORN 6140Advanced Academic Korean I1
KORN 6145Advanced Academic Korean II1
LALS 0040First-Year Seminar: Coca and Cocaine1
LALS 0400Colonial Latin America1
LALS 0450Modern Latin America 1808-Present1
LALS 1340Portuguese for the Professions II1
LALS 1620The Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire 1450-17001
LALS 1740Capitalism, Socialism, and Crisis in the 20th Century Americas1
LING 0051Proto-Indo European Language and Society1
LING 0054Bilingualism in History1
LING 0150Writing Systems1
MALG 1100Advanced Malagasy I1
MELC 0001Introduction to the Ancient Middle East1
MELC 0002Introduction to the Middle East1
MELC 0003Origin and Culture of Cities1
MELC 0004Myths and Religions of the Ancient World1
MELC 0050Ancient Civilizations of the World1
MELC 0102Reading Ancient Mesopotamia1
MELC 0110Ancient Iraq1
MELC 0200Land of the Pharaohs1
MELC 0300Introduction to the Bible1
MELC 0330Themes Jewish Tradition1
MELC 0350Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
MELC 0355Medieval and Early Modern Jewry1
MELC 0360Jews in the Modern World1
MELC 0400Getting Crusaded1
MELC 0450Warriors, Concubines & Converts: the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East & Europe1
MELC 0460First-Year Seminar: Of Horses, Bows and Fermented Milk: The Silk Roads in 10 Objects1
MELC 0650History of the Middle East Since 18001
MELC 0680Civilizations at Odds? The United States and the Middle East1
MELC 1325Jews and Christians1
MRTI 1500Advanced Marathi1
PERS 2000Advanced Persian I1
PERS 2100Advanced Persian II1
PHIL 1110Ancient Greek Philosophy1
PHIL 1170History of Modern Philosophy1
PHIL 1252Introduction to Indian Philosophy1
PRTG 1000Advanced Portuguese1
PRTG 1340Portuguese for the Professions II1
PSCI 0600Ancient Political Thought1
PSCI 0601Modern Political Thought1
PUNJ 1500Advanced Punjabi1
REES 0100Portraits of Old Rus: Myth, Icon, Chronicle1
REES 0310The Rise and Fall of the Russian Empire, 1552-19171
REES 0311The Soviet Century, 1917-19911
REES 2179Behind the Headlines: Navigating Russian-Language Media1
REES 5179Behind the Headlines: Navigating Russian-Language Media1
RELS 0003History, Culture, and Religion in Early India1
RELS 0004Myths and Religions of the Ancient World1
RELS 0020Religions of the West1
RELS 0055Introduction to Indian Philosophy1
RELS 0330Modern Catholic Christianity1
RELS 0335Themes Jewish Tradition1
RELS 1350Introduction to the New Testament1
RELS 1600Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
RELS 1610Medieval and Early Modern Jewry1
RELS 1710Jews in the Modern World1
RELS 2870Religion and Society in Africa1
RELS 3203Power and Peril: The Paradox of Monarchy among Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Jews1
RUSS 0201Russian for Heritage Speakers I1
SAST 0001Introduction to Modern India1
SAST 0003History, Culture, and Religion in Early India1
SAST 0050Introduction to Indian Philosophy1
SPAN 1000Advanced Spanish1
SPAN 1005Advanced Spanish for the Medical Professions1
SPAN 1010Business Spanish I1
SPAN 1110Business Spanish II1
SPAN 1210Spanish for the Professions1
STSC 0283Medicine, Magic and Miracles1
STSC 0400Medicine in History1
STSC 0490Comparative Medicine1
STSC 0668Rivers, Culture, Power1
SWAH 1100Advanced Swahili I1
SWAH 1200Advanced Swahili II1
SWAH 1300Swahili Lang/Culture I1
TAML 1500Advanced Tamil1
TIGR 1100Advanced Tigrinya I1
TURK 1000Advanced Modern Turkish I1
TURK 4000Advanced Spoken Turkish and Cinema I1
TURK 4100Advanced Spoken Turkish and Cinema II1
TURK 4200Advanced Turkish Culture & Media I1
TURK 4300Advanced Turkish Culture & Media II1
TWI 1200Advanced Twi II1
UKRN 1100Advanced Ukrainian I1
UKRN 1200Advanced Ukrainian II1
URBS 0003Origin and Culture of Cities1
URBS 0050Ancient Civilizations of the World1
URBS 1030Industrial Metropolis1
URDU 1500Advanced Urdu: Language and Literature1
WOLF 1100Advanced Wolof I1
YORB 1100Advanced Yoruba I1
YORB 1200Advanced Yoruba II1
ZULU 1100Advanced Zulu I1
ZULU 1200Advanced Zulu II1
ZULU 1400Zulu Language and Culture II1