COL Sector - Natural Science Across Disciplines (AUNM)

ANTH 1430Explorations in Human Biology1
ARTH 1500Eye, Mind, and Image1
ASTR 0006The Solar System, Exoplanets, and Life1
ASTR 0007The Big Bang and Beyond1
ASTR 3392Life and Death of Stars1
BCHE 2280Physical Models of Biological Systems1
BE 5300Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience1
BIOL 1017The Biology of Food1
BIOL 1604Humans and the Environment1
BIOL 4536Introduction to Computational Biology & Biological Modeling1
CHEM 0250Structural Biology0.5
CHEM 1000Academic Based Community Service-Chemistry Outreach1
CHEM 1200Environmental Chemistry1
CIS 1400Introduction to Cognitive Science1
CIS 4360Introduction to Computational Biology & Biological Modeling1
COGS 1001Introduction to Cognitive Science1
EESC 1060Natural Disturbances and Disasters1
ENVS 1043Repairing the Planet: Tools for the Climate Emergency1
ENVS 1615Urban Environments: Speaking About Lead in West Philadelphia1
ENVS 1650The Role of Water in Urban Sustainability and Resiliency1
ENVS 1665Air Pollution: Sources & Effects in Urban Environments1
ENVS 3991Topics in Environmental Studies1
FRSM 0007Research: From Curiosity to Knowledge1
HIST 0877Modern Biology and Social Implications1
HSOC 0100Emergence of Modern Science1
LING 0001Introduction to Linguistics1
LING 0500Introduction to Formal Linguistics1
LING 0700Data Science for Studying Language and the Mind1
LING 1005Introduction to Cognitive Science1
LING 3850Experiments in the Study of Meaning1
MATH 1700Ideas in Mathematics1
MATH 2020Proving Things: Analysis1
MATH 2100Mathematics in the Age of Information1
MATH 2900Undergraduate Mathematics Research Course1
NGG 5940Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience1
NRSC 2249Cognitive Neuroscience1
NRSC 2270Drugs, Brain and Mind1
NRSC 5585Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience1
PHIL 1571Repairing the Planet: Tools for the Climate Emergency1
PHIL 1800Philosophy of Science1
PHIL 1810Philosophy of Space and Time1
PHIL 1830Philosophy of Biology1
PHIL 1831Evolution's Laboratory1
PHIL 1840Introduction to Cognitive Science1
PHIL 1860Philosophy of Environmental Science1
PHYS 0009Physics for Architects II1
PHYS 0016Energy, Oil, and Global Warming1
PHYS 0080Physics and Consciousness1
PHYS 0137Community Physics Initiative1
PHYS 1100Foundations of Data Science1.5
PHYS 2260Introduction to Computational Physics1
PHYS 2280Physical Models of Biological Systems1
PHYS 3358Data Analysis for the Natural Sciences I: Fundamentals1
PHYS 3359Data Analysis for the Natural Sciences II: Machine Learning1
PHYS 5580Biological Physics1
PHYS 5585Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience1
PSYC 1230Cognitive Neuroscience1
PSYC 1333Introduction to Cognitive Science1
PSYC 2250Drugs, Brain and Mind1
PSYC 2314Data Science for Studying Language and the Mind1
PSYC 5390Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience1
STSC 0100Emergence of Modern Science1
STSC 1151Modern Biology and Social Implications1
VIPR 1210Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) Seminar, Part II0.5
VLST 1010Eye, Mind, and Image1