COL Sector - Physical World (AUPW)

ASTR 0001A Survey of the Universe1
ASTR 1211Introduction to Astrophysics I1
ASTR 1212Introduction to Astrophysics II1
CHEM 1011Introduction to General Chemistry I1
CHEM 1012General Chemistry I1
CHEM 1021Introduction to General Chemistry II1
CHEM 1022General Chemistry II1
CHEM 1151Honors Chemistry I1
CHEM 1161Honors Chemistry II1
EESC 1000Earth Systems Science1
EESC 1030Oceanography1
EESC 1050Earth and Life Through Time1
EESC 1090Introduction to Geotechnical Science1.5
ENVS 1000Introduction to Environmental Science1
LING 1250The Phonetics of Music1
LING 2210Phonetics I: Experimental1
PHYS 0008Physics for Architects I1
PHYS 0101General Physics: Mechanics, Heat and Sound1.5
PHYS 0102General Physics: Electromagnetism, Optics, and Modern Physics1.5
PHYS 0150Principles of Physics I: Mechanics and Wave Motion1.5
PHYS 0151Principles of Physics II: Electromagnetism and Radiation1.5
PHYS 0170Honors Physics I: Mechanics and Wave Motion1.5
PHYS 0171Honors Physics II: Electromagnetism and Radiation1.5