MES Resource Management Elective (BMEM)

COML 5430Environmental Humanities: Theory, Method, Practice1
CPLN 5040Site Planning1
CPLN 5050Planning by Numbers1
CPLN 5060Negotiation and Conflict Resolution1
CPLN 5300Introduction to Land Use Planning1
CPLN 5310Sustainability and Environmental Planning1
CPLN 5500Introduction to Transportation Planning1
CPLN 6300Innovations in Growth Management1
CPLN 6310Planning for Land Conservation1
CPLN 6750Land Use and Environmental Modeling1
DYNM 6190Organizational Project Management1
EESC 6715Water Resources for Geologists and Environmental Scientists1
ENGL 5430Environmental Humanities: Theory, Method, Practice1
ENVS 5404Wetlands1
ENVS 5410Environmental Humanities: Theory, Method, Practice1
ENVS 5414Conservation and Land Management1
ENVS 5706Modeling Geographical Objects1
ENVS 5716Modeling Geographical Space1
ENVS 5744Regional Field Ecology1
ENVS 6221Topics Course in Resource Management1
ENVS 6611Floodplain Management in a Changing Climate1
GAFL 5200Marketing & Fundraising for Non-Profit Organizations1
GAFL 5290Nonprofit Financial Management1
GRMN 5430Environmental Humanities: Theory, Method, Practice1
LARP 7600Topics in Ecological Design1
MUSA 6750Land Use and Environmental Modeling1
SPAN 5430Environmental Humanities: Theory, Method, Practice1
URBS 4120Building Non-Profits: The Business of a Mission-Driven Organization1