MES Envi Resilience and Adaptation Elective (BMER)

ARCH 7510Ecology, Technology, and Design1
BEPP 7610Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1
CBE 5430Sustainable Development of Water Resource Systems1
COML 5430Environmental Humanities: Theory, Method, Practice1
CPLN 5040Site Planning1
CPLN 5060Negotiation and Conflict Resolution1
CPLN 5310Sustainability and Environmental Planning1
CPLN 5500Introduction to Transportation Planning1
CPLN 5710Sensing the City1
CPLN 6750Land Use and Environmental Modeling1
CPLN 7300Sustainable Cities1
EAS 5010Energy and its Impacts: Technology, Environment, Economics, Sustainability.1
EAS 5030Energy Systems and Policy1
EESC 5320Fundamentals of Air Pollution1
EESC 6610Sustainable Development of Water Resource Systems1
EESC 6715Water Resources for Geologists and Environmental Scientists1
ENGL 5430Environmental Humanities: Theory, Method, Practice1
ENVS 1665Air Pollution: Sources & Effects in Urban Environments1
ENVS 5404Wetlands1
ENVS 5410Environmental Humanities: Theory, Method, Practice1
ENVS 5706Modeling Geographical Objects1
ENVS 6611Floodplain Management in a Changing Climate1
ENVS 6620Global Water Conference in Stockholm, Sweden1
ENVS 6645Practical Solutions to Global Climatic Change1
ENVS 6820The US Water Industry in the 21st Century1
ENVS 6870City Sustainability Policies: Building Performance, Energy, and Carbon1
ENVS 6880Risk Assessment: Science & Policy Challenges1
ENVS 6885Fundamentals of Climate Action Planning for Cities1
ENVS 6998Masters of Environmental Studies Capstone Seminar1
ESE 5670Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1
GRMN 5430Environmental Humanities: Theory, Method, Practice1
LARP 7600Topics in Ecological Design1
MUSA 6750Land Use and Environmental Modeling1
OIDD 7610Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1
SPAN 5430Environmental Humanities: Theory, Method, Practice1