DMD Elective (EUDM)

COMM 1230Critical Approaches to Popular Culture1
COMM 1250Introduction to Communication Behavior1
COMM 1300Media Industries and Society1
COMM 2250Children and Media1
COMM 2750Communication and Persuasion1
COMM 3300The Hidden World of Privacy Policies1
EDUC 3123Tutoring School: Theory and Practic1
EDUC 5414Economics of Education in Developing Countries1
EDUC 6108MaKer Studio1
ENGL 3604Playwriting Workshop1
FNAR 1010Video I1
FNAR 1050Mixed Media Animation1
FNAR 1080Figure Drawing I1
FNAR 2010Documentary Video1
FNAR 2020Video II1
FNAR 2030Cinema Production1
FNAR 2040Advanced Video Projects1
FNAR 2100Computer Animation1
MKTG 1010Introduction to Marketing1
MKTG 1018Introduction to Marketing1
MKTG 2110Consumer Behavior1
MKTG 2120Data and Analysis for Marketing Decisions1
THAR 0020Fundamentals of Acting: First-Year Seminar1
THAR 0114Playwriting Workshop1
THAR 0120Introduction to Acting1
THAR 0121Introduction to Directing1
THAR 0130Introduction to Light, Set, and Costume Design1
THAR 1131Concepts of Lighting1
THAR 1132Concepts of Stage Design1
THAR 1133Costume1
URBS 2020Urban Education1
URBS 3230Tutoring School: Theory and Practic1