ESE Information & Decision Systems (EUEI)

BE 5210Brain-Computer Interfaces1
BEPP 7610Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1
CIS 5200Machine Learning1
CPLN 6500Transportation Planning Methods1
CPLN 7500Advanced Transportation Seminar1
ESE 3030Stochastic Systems Analysis and Simulation1
ESE 3050Foundations of Data Science1
ESE 3250Fourier Analysis and Applications in Engineering, Mathematics, and the Sciences1
ESE 4070Introduction to Networks and Protocols1
ESE 5000Linear Systems Theory1
ESE 5010Networking - Theory and Fundamentals1
ESE 5050Feedback Control Design and Analysis1
ESE 5120Dynamical Systems for Engineering and Biological Applications1
ESE 5280Estimation and Detection Theory1
ESE 5310Digital Signal Processing1
ESE 5450Data Mining: Learning from Massive Datasets1
ESE 5460Principles of Deep Learning1
ESE 5480Transportation Planning Methods1
ESE 5500Advanced Transportation Seminar1
ESE 5670Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1
ESE 6050Modern Convex Optimization1
ESE 6500Learning in Robotics1
ESE 6740Information Theory1
MEAM 5130Feedback Control Design and Analysis1
MEAM 5200Introduction to Robotics1
MEAM 6200Advanced Robotics1
NETS 3120Theory of Networks1
NGG 5210Brain-Computer Interfaces1
OIDD 7610Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1