ENG Engineering Entrepreneurship (EUNP)

BE 4700Medical Devices1
BE 4720Medical Device Development1
BE 5020From Biomedical Science to the Marketplace1
BE 5140Rehab Engineering and Design1
BE 5280Applied Medical Innovation I1
BE 5290Applied Medical Innovation II1
BE 5620Drug Discovery and Development1
BE 6080Medical Entrepreneurship: Commercializing Translational Science1
CBE 3200Basic Chemical Process Safety1
CBE 4000Introduction to Product and Process Design1
CBE 4590Product and Process Design Projects1
CBE 5620Drug Discovery and Development1
EAS 2030Engineering Ethics1
EAS 5070Intellectual Property and Business Law for Engineers1
EAS 5120Engineering Negotiation1
EAS 5410Engineering Entrepreneurship Fellows I1
EAS 5430Engineering Entrepreneurship Fellows II1
EAS 5490Engineering Entrepreneurship Lab1
EAS 5900Commercializing Information Technology1
EAS 5950Foundations of Leadership1
ENGR 1400Penn Global Seminar: Robotics and Rehabilitation1
ENGR 5400Engineering Economics1
ESE 4000Engineering Economics1
ESE 4440Project Management1
ESE 5400Engineering Economics1
ESE 5430Human Systems Engineering1
ESE 5440Project Management1
FNCE 2500Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation1
HCMG 2150Management and Economics of Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industries1
HCMG 3910Health Care Entrepreneurship1
HCMG 8530Management and Strategy in Medical Devices and Technology1
HCMG 8630Management and Economics of Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industries0.5-1
HCMG 8670Health Care Entrepreneurship0.5
HSOC 1330Bioethics1
IPD 5040Rehab Engineering and Design1
IPD 5090Needfinding1
IPD 5140Design for Manufacturability1
IPD 5150Product Design1
IPD 5520Problem Framing1
LAW 5070Introduction to Intellectual Property3
LAW 6770Patent Law1-4
LAWM 5280ML: General Business Law3
LGST 1000Ethics and Social Responsibility1
LGST 1008Ethics and Social Responsibility1
LGST 2220Internet Law, Privacy, and Cybersecurity1
MEAM 4110How to Make Things: Production Prototyping Studio1
MEAM 4150Product Design1
MEAM 5140Design for Manufacturability1
MGMT 2380Organizational Behavior1
MGMT 2640Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Management1
MGMT 2670Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation0.5
MKTG 2270Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce0.5
MKTG 2410Entrepreneurial Marketing0.5
MKTG 7410Entrepreneurial Marketing0.5
MTR 6200Medical Entrepreneurship: Commercializing Translational Science1
NETS 1120Networked Life1
NURS 3570Case Study: Innovation in Health: Foundations of Design Thinking & Equity-centered Design1
NURS 3670Case Study: Principles of Palliative Care1
NURS 5530Innovation & Applied Technology in Health Care0.5
NURS 5730Innovation in Health: Foundations of Design Thinking1
OIDD 2220Internet Law, Privacy, and Cybersecurity1
OIDD 2360Scaling Operations in Technology Ventures: Linking Strategy and Execution1
OIDD 3140Enabling Technologies0.5-1
OIDD 4110How to Make Things: Production Prototyping Studio1
OIDD 4150Product Design1
OIDD 5150Product Design1
OIDD 6590Advanced Topics0.5
PHIL 1342Bioethics1
REG 6120Introduction to Drug Development1
SOCI 2971Bioethics1
VIPR 1200Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) Seminar, Part I0.5
VIPR 1210Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) Seminar, Part II0.5