DSGN Design Cert Energy Management (FCEM)

ACCT 7640Climate and Financial Markets0.5-1
BEPP 7610Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1
BEPP 7630Energy Markets & Policy1
BEPP 7640Climate and Financial Markets0.5-1
CPLN 5310Sustainability and Environmental Planning1
CPLN 5500Introduction to Transportation Planning1
CPLN 7300Sustainable Cities1
CPLN 7500Advanced Transportation Seminar1
EAS 5010Energy and its Impacts: Technology, Environment, Economics, Sustainability.1
EAS 5020Renewable Energy and Its Impacts: Technology, Environment, Economics, Sustainability1
EAS 5030Energy Systems and Policy1
EAS 5050Climate Policy and Technology1
ENMG 5030Topics in Energy Policy1
ENMG 5070Effective Policy for the Energy Transition1
ENVS 6302Climate Technology: Finance and Policy1
ENVS 6530Corporate Sustainability Strategies1
ENVS 6675Global Supply Chain Decarbonization1
ENVS 6840Energy, Waste and the Environment1
ESE 5500Advanced Transportation Seminar1
ESE 5670Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1
FNCE 7560Energy Finance1
GAFL 5140Public Finance and Public Policy1
GAFL 6210Public Economics1
LARP 7802Topics in Theory and Design1
LARP 7803Topics in Theory and Design1
LARP 7804Topics in Theory and Design1
LARP 7805Topics in Theory and Design1
LAW 6130Climate Change1-3
LAW 6190ESG: Public Corp ESG Initiatives1-3
LAW 6340Environmental Law3
LAW 9190Law Seminar3
LAW 9540Law Seminar3
MEAM 5020Energy Engineering in Power Plants and Transportation Systems1
OIDD 5250Thinking with Models: Business Analytics for Energy and Sustainability1
OIDD 7610Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1
OIDD 7630Energy Markets & Policy1