DSGN Design Masters CPLN Elective (FMCP)

ARCH 6850Environmental Readings1
ARCH 7620Design and Development1
CPLN 5040Site Planning1
CPLN 5050Planning by Numbers1
CPLN 5060Negotiation and Conflict Resolution1
CPLN 5080Urban Research Methods1
CPLN 5090Law of Planning and Urban Development1
CPLN 5200Introduction to Housing, Community and Economic Development1
CPLN 5300Introduction to Land Use Planning1
CPLN 5310Sustainability and Environmental Planning1
CPLN 5350Topics in Energy Policy1
CPLN 5400Introduction to Property Development1
CPLN 5500Introduction to Transportation Planning1
CPLN 5600Introduction to Graphics for Urban Design1
CPLN 5710Sensing the City1
CPLN 5770Topics in International Development1
CPLN 5771Topics in International Development1
CPLN 5820Place, Taste and Neighborhood Change: Frameworks for Integrating Aesthetics, Equity and Creativity1
CPLN 5910Introduction to Smart Cities1
CPLN 6200Techniques of Urban Economic Development1
CPLN 6210Metropolitan Food System1
CPLN 6240Race, Poverty and Place1
CPLN 6270Social Impact in Practice1
CPLN 6280Migration and Development1
CPLN 6290Housing, Community & Economic Development Topics Class1
CPLN 6291Housing, Community & Economic Development Topics Class1
CPLN 6292Housing, Community & Economic Development Topics Class1
CPLN 6300Innovations in Growth Management1
CPLN 6310Planning for Land Conservation1
CPLN 6350Water Policy1
CPLN 6410Progressive Development1
CPLN 6420Downtown Development1
CPLN 6430Design and Development1
CPLN 6440Housing Policy1
CPLN 6500Transportation Planning Methods1
CPLN 6550Multimodal Transport1
CPLN 6600Fundamentals of Urban Design2
CPLN 6710Statistical and Data Mining Methods for Urban Data Analysis1
CPLN 6750Land Use and Environmental Modeling1
CPLN 6850Environmental Readings1
CPLN 6870Topics in Historic Preservation1
CPLN 6920Java Script Programming for Planners and Designers1
CPLN 7300Sustainable Cities1
CPLN 7600Urban Design Capstone Studio2
ENMG 5020Introduction to Energy Policy1
ENMG 5030Topics in Energy Policy1
ESE 5480Transportation Planning Methods1
GAFL 6510Financial Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations1
HSPV 6380Topics in Historic Preservation1
LARP 6850Environmental Readings1
MUSA 5000Statistical and Data Mining Methods for Urban Data Analysis1
MUSA 6110Java Script Programming for Planners and Designers1
MUSA 6750Land Use and Environmental Modeling1
SOCI 6280Migration and Development1