PSCI PhD Comparative Politics (HDPC)

AFRC 5240Inequality & Race Policy1
AFRC 6560Politics and Social Movements in Contemporary Afro-Latin America1
AFRC 7100Political Economy and Social History of Africa and the African Diaspora1
LALS 5120Latin American Politics1
LALS 6106Democracy in Comparative Perspective1
LALS 6560Politics and Social Movements in Contemporary Afro-Latin America1
PSCI 5120Latin American Politics1
PSCI 5160Society and Politics in India1
PSCI 5170Territorial Restructuring1
PSCI 5290Inequality & Race Policy1
PSCI 6100Comparative Political Analysis1
PSCI 6101Great Books in Comparative Politics1
PSCI 6103Identity Politics1
PSCI 6104Political Economy of Development1
PSCI 6105Hegemonic Analysis: Theories and Applications1
PSCI 6106Democracy in Comparative Perspective1
PSCI 6120Politics and Social Movements in Contemporary Afro-Latin America1
PSCI 7290Political Economy and Social History of Africa and the African Diaspora1