MPH Public Health Elective (MMPU)

ANTH 5460Global Citizenship1
CPLN 6210Metropolitan Food System1
CPLN 6350Water Policy1
EALC 5702Economic Development, Education, and Inequality in East Asia1
EDUC 5406International Early Childhood Policies and Programs1
EDUC 5412Policy Planning in International Educational Development: Theory and Practice1
EDUC 5414Economics of Education in Developing Countries1
EDUC 5418Global Governance and Cooperation: International Education Policy and Practice1
EDUC 5430Migration, Displacement, and Education1
EDUC 5431Global Citizenship1
EDUC 5434Decolonizing Education1
EDUC 5439Examining the School to Prison Pipeline: Implications of History, Policy, and Race1
EDUC 5450Economic Development, Education, and Inequality in East Asia1
ENVS 6880Risk Assessment: Science & Policy Challenges1
EPID 6460Reproductive Epidemiology1
EPID 7040Methods for Social Epidemiologic Research1
LALS 5420Parallel Plagues: Infectious Diseases and their Control in Peru and The United States1
LALS 5430Migration, Displacement, and Education1
LAW 6060Refugee Law1-4
LAW 6230Leading Social Change1-3
LAW 9060Criminal Law Seminar3
LAWM 5050ML: American Constitutional Law3
LAWM 5060ML: Technology Law3
LAWM 5110ML: US Law & Legal Methods1-3
LAWM 5130ML: Medical Negligence and Tort Law Fundamentals3
LAWM 5280ML: General Business Law3
LAWM 5290ML: Navigating the Regulatory State3
LAWM 5410ML: Healthcare Compliance and Ethics Online3
LAWM 5560ML: Health Law and Comparative Health Systems3
LAWM 5760ML: Intro to Patent Law - Online3
MSSP 7300Community Mapping1
NURS 5160Social Determinants of Global Food Insecurity1
NURS 5700Foundations of Public Health1
NURS 6130Design for Health Behavior Change1
NURS 6160Interpreting Epidemiologic Literature to Inform & Influence1
NURS 6980Public Health Considerations for Human Milk and Breast/Chest Feeding1
PUBH 5170Geography & Public Health1
PUBH 5190Foundations of Global Health1
PUBH 5230Epidemics, Emergencies, and Environmental Threats1
PUBH 5250Health & Human Rights1
PUBH 5310Public Health Nutrition1
PUBH 5420Parallel Plagues: Infectious Diseases and their Control in Peru and The United States1
PUBH 5510Global Health Policy & Delivery1
PUBH 5530Science & Politics of Food1
PUBH 5550A Public Health Approach to Behavioral Health1
PUBH 5680Philanthropy & Public Health Justice1
PUBH 5700Evidence-Based Strategies to Improve Adolescent and Young Adult Health1
PUBH 5730Substance Use as a Public Health Issue1
PUBH 5750Intimate Partner Violence1
PUBH 5890The Public Health Challenges of Alzheimer's Disease and Cognitive Aging1
PUBH 6040Qualitative Research Methods in Public Health1
PUBH 6050Epidemiology & Control of Infectious Diseases1
PUBH 6060Interpreting Epidemiologic Literature to Inform & Influence1
PUBH 6070Advanced Local Policymaking1
PUBH 6080Design for Health Behavior Change1
PUBH 6100Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases1
PUBH 6150Principles of Injury & Violence Prevention1
PUBH 6210Program Evaluation in Public Health1
PUBH 6250Public Health, Cities, & the Climate Crisis1
PUBH 6370Advocacy & Public Health: Turning Knowledge into Action1
SOCI 5450Economic Development, Education, and Inequality in East Asia1
SWRK 7060Policies for Children and Their Families1
URBS 5460Global Citizenship1
VCSN 6570One Health & Global Food Security4
VCSP 6340Emergency Preparedness and Response3
VPTH 5500One Health Study Design Seminar6
VPTH 6500One Health Study Design Seminar6