NU Sector Reasoning, Systems & Relationships (NURS)

ACCT 1010Accounting and Financial Reporting1
ACCT 1020Strategic Cost Analysis1
ACCT 2120Financial Measurement and Disclosure1
ACCT 2420Accounting and Business Analysis1
ACCT 2430Accounting for Mergers, Acquisitions, and Complex Financial Structures1
ACCT 2700Forensic Analytics1
ACCT 2970Taxes and Business Strategy1
ACCT 3990Independent Study0.5-1
AFRC 1000Introduction to Sociology1
AFRC 1780Faculty-Student Collaborative Action Seminar in Urban University-Community Rltn1
AFRC 2010Social Statistics1
ANTH 1610Humans and the Earth System: How it Works, How We Got Here, and How to Save Our Planet1
ANTH 2590Nutritional Anthropology1
ANTH 3454Quantitative Analysis of Anthropological Data1
ASTR 0001A Survey of the Universe1
ASTR 0007The Big Bang and Beyond1
BENF 2230Philanthropy and Health1
BENF 2990Health Capability1
BEPP 2500Managerial Economics1
BEPP 2508Managerial Economics1
BEPP 2610Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1
BEPP 7610Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1
BIOE 5650Rationing & Resource Allocation1
BIOL 1110Introduction to Brain and Behavior1
CHEM 1012General Chemistry I1
CHEM 1022General Chemistry II1
CIS 0099Undergraduate Research/Independent Study1
CIS 1050Computational Data Exploration1
CIS 1070Visual Culture through the Computer's Eye1
CIS 1100Introduction to Computer Programming1
CIS 1200Programming Languages and Techniques I1
CIS 1210Programming Languages and Techniques II1
CIS 1250Technology and Policy1
CIS 1400Introduction to Cognitive Science1
CIS 1600Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science1
CIS 1810The Quantum and the Computer1
CIS 2330Introduction to Blockchain1
CIS 2400Introduction to Computer Systems1
CIS 2610Discrete Probability, Stochastic Processes, and Statistical Inference1
CIS 2620Automata, Computability, and Complexity1
CIS 3200Introduction to Algorithms1
CIS 3340Advanced Topics in Algorithms1
CIS 3410Compilers and Interpreters1
CIS 3500Software Design/Engineering1
CIS 3900Robotics: Planning Perception1
CIS 3980Quantum Computer and Information Science1
CIS 4000Senior Project1
CIS 4010Senior Project1
CIS 4100CIS Senior Thesis1
CIS 4110CIS Senior Thesis1
CIS 4190Applied Machine Learning1
CIS 4210Artificial Intelligence1
CIS 4230Ethical Algorithm Design1
CIS 4480Operating Systems Design and Implementation1
CIS 4500Database and Information Systems1
CIS 4550Internet and Web Systems1
CIS 4600Interactive Computer Graphics1
CIS 4620Computer Animation1
CIS 4970DMD Senior Project1
CIS 4980Senior Capstone Project1
COGS 1001Introduction to Cognitive Science1
COMM 1130Data Science for Beginners1
CRIM 1100Criminal Justice1
CRIM 2040Forensic Analysis1
DSGN 1020Art of the web: Interactive Concepts for Art & Design1
DSGN 10303-D Computer Modeling1
DSGN 2540Information Design and Visualization1
EAS 2040Technical Innovation & Civil Discourse in a Dynamic World1
ECON 0100Introduction to Micro Economics1
ECON 0120Strategic Reasoning1
ECON 0200Introductory Economics: Macro1
ECON 0410Public Policy Analysis1
ECON 2100Intermediate Microeconomics1
ECON 2300Statistics for Economists1
ECON 4200Economic Growth1
ECON 4230Macro Perspectives on Challenges for Economic Policy1
ECON 4310Macro-Econometric Techniques and Applications1
ECON 4320Micro-econometric Techniques and Applications1
EDUC 2551Mindfulness and Human Development (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
EDUC 6667Introductory Statistics for Educational Research1
ENVS 1020Humans and the Earth System: How it Works, How We Got Here, and How to Save Our Planet1
ENVS 1625Community Based Environmental Health1
ESE 5670Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1
FNCE 2970Taxes and Business Strategy1
HCMG 1010Health Care Systems1
HCMG 3910Health Care Entrepreneurship1
HIST 0811Faculty-Student Collaborative Action Seminar in Urban University-Community Rltn1
HSOC 1222Medical Sociology1
HSOC 2002Sociological Research Methods1
HSOC 2202Health of Populations1
HSOC 2303Fundamentals of Epidemiology1
HSOC 2312Healthy Schools1
HSOC 2523Technology and Medicine in Modern America1
LALS 2590Nutritional Anthropology1
LGIC 1710Introduction to Logic1
LGIC 2100Discrete Mathematics I1
LGIC 2200Discrete Mathematics II1
LGST 2280Sports Law1
LGST 2910Negotiations1
LING 0001Introduction to Linguistics1
LING 0150Writing Systems1
LING 0500Introduction to Formal Linguistics1
LING 0600Introduction to Sociolinguistics1
LING 0700Data Science for Studying Language and the Mind1
LING 1005Introduction to Cognitive Science1
LING 1750Psychology of Language1
LING 2500Introduction to Syntax1
MATH 0030Introduction to Calculus Lab0
MATH 0040Calculus Lab I0
MATH 0100Calculus for Wharton Students Lab0
MATH 0140Calculus II Lab0
MATH 0240Calculus III Lab0
MATH 1100Calculus for Wharton Students1
MATH 1234Community Algebra Initiative1
MATH 1248Community Math Teaching Project1
MATH 1400Calculus, Part I1
MATH 1410Calculus, Part II1
MATH 1510Calculus, Part II with Probability and Matrices1
MATH 1610Honors Calculus1
MATH 1700Ideas in Mathematics1
MATH 2020Proving Things: Analysis1
MATH 2030Proving things: Algebra1
MATH 2100Mathematics in the Age of Information1
MATH 2400Calculus, Part III1
MATH 2410Calculus, Part IV1
MATH 2600Honors Calculus, Part II1
MATH 2800Entropy Math Evolution1
MATH 2900Undergraduate Mathematics Research Course1
MATH 2990Undergraduate Research in Mathematics1
MATH 3120Linear Algebra1
MATH 3130Computational Linear Algebra1
MATH 3140Advanced Linear Algebra1
MATH 3200Computer Methods in Mathematical Science I1
MATH 3400Discrete Mathematics I1
MATH 3410Discrete Mathematics II1
MATH 3500Number Theory1
MATH 3600Advanced Calculus1
MATH 3610Advanced Calculus1
MATH 3700Algebra1
MATH 3710Algebra1
MATH 4100Complex Analysis1
MATH 4200Ordinary Differential Equations1
MATH 4250Partial Differential Equations1
MATH 4320Game Theory.1
MATH 4600Topology1
MATH 4650Differential Geometry1
MATH 4800Topics in Modern Math1
MATH 4990Supervised Study0-1
MEAM 1010Introduction to Mechanical Design1
MGMT 2910Negotiations1
MUSC 1700Introduction to Theory and Musicianship1
NRSC 1110Introduction to Brain and Behavior1
NURS 3130Obesity and Society1
NURS 3270Foundations of Global Health1
NURS 3760Issues in Nutrition, Exercise, and Fitness1
NURS 3770Weight Management: Principles and Practices of Obesity Treatment1
NURS 5000Introduction to Principles and Methods of Epidemiology1
NURS 5270Foundations of Global Health1
NURS 5700Foundations of Public Health1
OIDD 2000Grit Lab: Fostering Passion and Perseverance in Ourselves and Others (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
OIDD 2610Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1
OIDD 2910Negotiations1
OIDD 7610Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1
PHIL 0700Critical Thinking1
PHIL 1580Philosophy of Religion1
PHIL 1710Introduction to Logic1
PHIL 1840Introduction to Cognitive Science1
PHIL 2540Philosophical Issues around Love and Sex1
PHIL 4723Introduction to Mathematical Logic1
PHIL 6723Introduction to Mathematical Logic1
PPE 1001Introduction to PPE: Ethics and Economics of Wealth Creation1
PPE 3001Strategic Reasoning1
PPE 3002Public Policy Process1
PPE 3003Behavioral Economics and Psychology1
PPE 4000Research in Philosophy, Politics & Economics1
PPE 4601Advanced Seminar in Social Policy1
PPE 4800Advanced Seminar in Psychology1
PPE 4802Advanced Seminar in Psychology: Obedience1
PSCI 1200Public Policy Process1
PSCI 2203Healthy Schools1
PSCI 3801Survey Research and Design1
PSYC 0001Introduction to Experimental Psychology1
PSYC 0405Grit Lab: Fostering Passion and Perseverance in Ourselves and Others (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
PSYC 1210Introduction to Brain and Behavior1
PSYC 1333Introduction to Cognitive Science1
PSYC 1777Introduction to Developmental Psychology1
PSYC 2310Psychology of Language1
PSYC 2314Data Science for Studying Language and the Mind1
PSYC 2400Introduction to Positive Psychology (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
PSYC 2737Judgment and Decisions1
PSYC 2750Behavioral Economics and Psychology1
PSYC 3400Positive Psychology Seminar: Positive Education1
PSYC 3780Advanced Seminar in Psychology: Obedience1
SOCI 1000Introduction to Sociology1
SOCI 1110Medical Sociology1
SOCI 2000Sociological Research Methods1
SOCI 2010Social Statistics1
SOCI 2220Health of Populations1
SOCI 2921Criminal Justice1
SOCI 3200Qualitative Methods1
SOCI 3210Sample Survey Methods1
SOCI 3220Basic Demographic Methods1
SPAN 3110Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics1
STAT 1120Introductory Statistics1
STSC 2303Fundamentals of Epidemiology1
URBS 1780Faculty-Student Collaborative Action Seminar in Urban University-Community Rltn1
URBS 2000Introduction to Urban Research1
URBS 2590Nutritional Anthropology1
URBS 3300GIS Applications in Social Science1
VLST 2090Visual Culture through the Computer's Eye1
WH 1500Evaluating Evidence1