NU Sector Society & Social Structure (NUSS)

AFRC 0008Sociology of the Black Community1
AFRC 0010Homelessness & Urban Inequality1
AFRC 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
AFRC 1000Introduction to Sociology1
AFRC 1001Introduction to Africana Studies1
AFRC 1060Race and Ethnic Relations1
AFRC 1090Urban Sociology1
AFRC 1115American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
AFRC 1123Law and Society1
AFRC 1205Constitutional Law1
AFRC 1780Faculty-Student Collaborative Action Seminar in Urban University-Community Rltn1
AFRC 2010Social Statistics1
AFRC 2180Diversity and the Law1
AFRC 2210Race and the Media1
AFRC 2220African Women's Lives: Past and Present1
AFRC 2240Law and Social Change1
AFRC 2430Race, Science & Justice1
AFRC 2630Contemporary Issues in African Society1
AFRC 2903Exhibiting Black Bodies1
AFRC 3051Housing, Race, and Community in the United States1
AFRC 3230Demography of Race1
AFRC 4050Religion, Social Justice & Urban Development1
AFRC 4200The US and Human Rights: Policies and Pratices1
AFRC 4480Neighborhood Displacement and Community Power1
AFRC 4500Oil to Diamonds: The Political Economy of Natural Resources in Africa1
AFRC 4800Liberation and Ownership1
ANCH 0100Introduction to the Ancient Middle East1
ANCH 1203Myths and Religions of the Ancient World1
ANTH 0002The City in South Asia1
ANTH 0020Anthropology, Race, and the Making of the Modern World1
ANTH 0103Origin and Culture of Cities1
ANTH 0905Water in the Middle East Throughout History1
ANTH 0930Latinx Environmental Justice1
ANTH 1020Iraq: Ancient Cities and Empires1
ANTH 1040Sex and Human Nature1
ANTH 1238Introduction to Medical Anthropology1
ANTH 1310Small Business Anthropology1
ANTH 1480Food and Fire: Archaeology in the Laboratory1
ANTH 1670Population and Public Health in Eastern Europe1
ANTH 1688Sex and Socialism1
ANTH 2060Cultures of Science and Technology1
ANTH 2590Nutritional Anthropology1
ANTH 2730Global Health: Anthropological Perspectives1
ANTH 2940Global Cities: Urbanization in the Global South1
ANTH 3045Oil to Diamonds: The Political Economy of Natural Resources in Africa1
ANTH 3424Political Ecologies of the City1
ANTH 3930Latinx Environmental Justice1
ANTH 6110Topics In Anthropology and the Modern World1
ARTH 2370Berlin: History, Politics, Culture1
ARTH 2700The Modern City1
ASAM 0100Introduction to Asian American Studies1
ASAM 0101Asian American Communities1
ASAM 0115American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
ASAM 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
ASAM 1500Asian Americans In Contemporary Society1
ASAM 1510Race and Ethnic Relations1
ASAM 2600Asian American Food1
BEPP 2010Public Finance and Policy1
BEPP 2120Economic Analysis of Law1
BEPP 2300Urban Fiscal Policy1
BEPP 7700Public Finance and Policy1
BIOE 5750Health Care Reform and the Future of the American Health Care System0.5,1
CIMS 1051The City in Literature and Film1
CIMS 1910Sicily on Page and Screen1
CIMS 3010French Identity in the Twentieth Century1
COML 0030Introduction to Sexuality Studies and Queer Theory1
COML 1040Berlin: History, Politics, Culture1
COMM 1230Critical Approaches to Popular Culture1
COMM 1250Introduction to Communication Behavior1
COMM 1300Media Industries and Society1
COMM 2250Children and Media1
COMM 2260Introduction to Political Communication1
COMM 2620Social Movements1
COMM 2640Media Culture & Society in Contemporary China1
COMM 2750Communication and Persuasion1
COMM 2920WARNING! Graphic Content - Political Cartoons, Comix, and the Uncensored Artistic Mind1
COMM 3230Contemporary Politics, Policy, and Journalism1
CRIM 1000Criminology1
CRIM 1100Criminal Justice1
CRIM 2030Law and Criminal Justice1
CRIM 2080Neighborhood Dynamics of Crime1
CRIM 4000Research Seminar in Experiments in Crime and Justice1
EALC 1359Japanese Popular Culture1
EALC 1379Art, Pop, and Belonging: Or, How to Talk about Korean Popular Culture1
EALC 2722Cities in Chinese History1
EALC 3522Medicine and Healing in China1
ECON 0100Introduction to Micro Economics1
ECON 0430Labor Economics1
ECON 0440Law and Economics1
ECON 0450Industrial Organization1
ECON 0630The Economics and Financing of Health Care Delivery1
ECON 4100Game Theory1
ECON 4110Economics of Family1
ECON 4120Social Choice Theory1
ECON 4210Numerical Methods for Macroeconomists1
ECON 4410Public Finance1
ECON 4420Political Economy1
ECON 4430Labor Economics1
ECON 4440Law and Economics1
ECON 4450Industrial Organization1
ECON 4470Urban Fiscal Policy1
EDUC 2002Urban Education0-1
EDUC 2050Learning from Children1
EDUC 2140Education in American Culture1
EDUC 2445Civil Dialogue Seminar: Civic Engagement In A Divided Nation1
EDUC 2535Psychology of Women1
EDUC 3123Tutoring School: Theory and Practic1
EDUC 3545Psychology of Personal Growth1
EDUC 3726Tutoring in Urban Public Elementary Schools: A Child Development Perspective1
EDUC 5437Interfaith Dialogue in Action1
EDUC 5449The Social & Political Philosophy of Education1
ENGL 0159Gender and Society1
ENGL 0160Introduction to Sexuality Studies and Queer Theory1
ENGL 1951The City in Literature and Film1
ENGL 3513Cities and Stories1
ENVS 0054Latinx Environmental Justice1
ENVS 1615Urban Environments: Speaking About Lead in West Philadelphia1
ENVS 1625Community Based Environmental Health1
ENVS 1635Urban Environments: Prevention of Tobacco Smoking in Adolescents1
ENVS 1645Urban Environments: The Urban Asthma Epedemic1
ENVS 3445Latinx Environmental Justice1
FNAR 1110The Big Picture: Mural Arts in Philadelphia1
FNAR 4100Urban Communities and the Arts1
FNCE 2300Urban Fiscal Policy1
FREN 3010French Identity in the Twentieth Century1
GRMN 1040Berlin: History, Politics, Culture1
GSWS 0002Gender and Society1
GSWS 0003Introduction to Sexuality Studies and Queer Theory1
GSWS 0228Studying Sex1
GSWS 0680Feminist Political Thought1
GSWS 1011The Family1
GSWS 1042Population and Society1
GSWS 1101Sociology of Gender1
GSWS 1490Law and Social Policy on Sexuality and Reproduction1
GSWS 1680Sex and Socialism1
GSWS 2220African Women's Lives: Past and Present1
GSWS 2420Science of Sex & Sexuality1
GSWS 2490Philosophy of Education1
GSWS 2537Gender and Health1
GSWS 2700Folklore and Sexuality1
GSWS 2770Gender, Sex & Urban Life: The City as a Feminist/Queer/Trans Archive1
GSWS 3010French Identity in the Twentieth Century1
GSWS 3440Psychology of Personal Growth1
GSWS 3448The Future of Disability and the Afterlives of Epidemics1
GSWS 3500Trans Method1
GSWS 5880The Politics of Women's Health Care1
HCMG 1010Health Care Systems1
HCMG 2020The Economics and Financing of Health Care Delivery1
HCMG 2040Comparative Health Care Systems1
HCMG 2150Management and Economics of Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industries1
HCMG 2500Health Care Reform and the Future of the American Health Care System1
HCMG 8500Health Care Reform and the Future of the American Health Care System0.5,1
HIST 0310Warriors, Concubines & Converts: the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East & Europe1
HIST 0360History of the Middle East Since 18001
HIST 0730Introduction to the Ancient Middle East1
HIST 0810The City1
HIST 0811Faculty-Student Collaborative Action Seminar in Urban University-Community Rltn1
HIST 0812Perspectives on Urban Poverty1
HIST 0821Berlin: History, Politics, Culture1
HIST 0830Introduction to the Middle East1
HIST 0836Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the Middle East: Historical Perspectives1
HIST 0876Medicine in History1
HIST 0877Modern Biology and Social Implications1
HIST 1153Transformations of Urban America: Making the Unequal Metropolis, 1945 to Today1
HIST 1154Philadelphia, 1700-20001
HIST 1400Silver and Gold in the Americas from pre-history to the present1
HIST 1600Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
HIST 1610Medieval and Early Modern Jewry1
HIST 1710Jews in the Modern World1
HIST 2501Cities in Chinese History1
HIST 3705Jews and the City1
HIST 4925Independent Study: Europe after 18001
HSOC 0000Free Elective Transfer or Away Credit1
HSOC 0100Emergence of Modern Science1
HSOC 0228Studying Sex1
HSOC 0283Medicine, Magic and Miracles1
HSOC 0311Addiction: Understanding how we get hooked and how we recover1
HSOC 0313Cane and Able: Disability in America1
HSOC 0331Autism Epidemic1
HSOC 0361From Medical Missionaries to Community Partners1
HSOC 0387Epidemics in History1
HSOC 0400Medicine in History1
HSOC 0480Health and Societies1
HSOC 0490Comparative Medicine1
HSOC 0600Technology & Society1
HSOC 0823Sport Science in the World1
HSOC 1120Science Technology and War1
HSOC 1222Medical Sociology1
HSOC 1312Mental Illness1
HSOC 1330Bioethics1
HSOC 1382Introduction to Medical Anthropology1
HSOC 1401The Peoples Health1
HSOC 1411American Health Policy1
HSOC 2002Sociological Research Methods1
HSOC 2198Race, Science, and Globalization1
HSOC 2202Health of Populations1
HSOC 2211Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Science in South Asia: Perspectives from the Past and Present1
HSOC 2303Fundamentals of Epidemiology1
HSOC 2304Insect Epidemiology Pests, Pollinators and Disease Vectors1
HSOC 2312Healthy Schools1
HSOC 2382Global Health: Anthropological Perspectives1
HSOC 2401Social Determinants of Health1
HSOC 2418Engineering Cultures1
HSOC 2433Sustainability and Public Health1
HSOC 2457History of Bioethics1
HSOC 2483Health, Politics, and Social Movements1
HSOC 2511Foundations of Public Health1
HSOC 2514Environments and Public Health1
HSOC 2518Devices, Pills, People: American Medicine in the 20th and 21st Centuries1
HSOC 2523Technology and Medicine in Modern America1
HSOC 2537Gender and Health1
HSOC 2563Doing Good?: Humanitarianism and Global Health1
HSOC 2583Law and Medicine: Global Themes1
HSOC 2707Data and Death1
HSOC 2999Independent Study1
HSOC 3097Indigeneity in Health, Science, and Technology1
HSOC 3147Scientific Instruments and the Making of Knowledge1
HSOC 3185Global Radiation History: Living in the Atomic Age 1945-Present1
HSOC 3216Toxicity in Context1
HSOC 3217Weird Science1
HSOC 3279Nutritional Modernities: Food, Science, and Health in Global Context1
HSOC 3299CSI Global: History of Forensic Science1
HSOC 3313Reproductive Medicine: Societal Impact of New Technologies1
HSOC 3326Medicine and Healing in China1
HSOC 3327Birth Culture and Medical Technology1
HSOC 3328Women in Medicine1
HSOC 3356The Human Subject1
HSOC 3377Race and Medicine in the Global South1
HSOC 3383Bioethics and National Security1
HSOC 3447The Future of Disability and the Afterlives of Epidemics1
HSOC 3488Current Issues in Global Health1
HSOC 3524Medical Mestizaje: Health and Development in Contemporary Latin America1
HSOC 3528Public Health & Violence1
HSOC 3824Animals in Science Medicine Technology1
HSOC 3889Trans Method1
HSOC 4094Science and Disability1
HSOC 4114Sports Science Medicine Technology1
HSOC 4187Sound in Science, Medicine and Technology1
HSOC 4288Invisible Labor in the Human Sciences1
HSOC 4303Disease & Society1
HSOC 4324Medical Activism and the Politics of Health1
HSOC 4327Seeking Health: Tourism, Medicine in America 1800-20001
HSOC 4333Bodies, Gender, Science, and Medicine1
HSOC 4364Biopiracy: Medicinal Plants and Global Power1
HSOC 4375Medicine and Development1
HSOC 4400Research Seminar Health and Society1
HSOC 4437Remembering Epidemics1
HSOC 4517The Lazaretto, the City, and the World: Public Health, Immigration, and Urban Growth, 18th-21st C.1
HSOC 4528Race and Medicine in America1
HSOC 4588Environments and Health1
HSOC 4595Defining Disability1
HSOC 4980Honors Thesis1
HSOC 4999Capstone Independent Study1
INTR 2500Political Risk Analysis1
ITAL 1910Sicily on Page and Screen1
JWST 0303Introduction to the Bible1
JWST 0330Themes Jewish Tradition1
JWST 1600Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
JWST 1605Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the Middle East: Historical Perspectives1
JWST 1610Medieval and Early Modern Jewry1
JWST 1710Jews in the Modern World1
JWST 3705Jews and the City1
JWST 4305Spirit and Law1
LALS 0093Latinx Environmental Justice1
LALS 0115American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
LALS 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
LALS 0270The Immigrant City1
LALS 1060Race and Ethnic Relations1
LALS 1090Urban Sociology1
LALS 1290Race and Ethnic Politics1
LALS 1400Silver and Gold in the Americas from pre-history to the present1
LALS 1800Perspectives in Brazilian Culture1
LALS 2198Race, Science, and Globalization1
LALS 2590Nutritional Anthropology1
LALS 2610Latinos in the United States1
LALS 2650Sociology of the Climate Emergency1
LALS 2660International Migration1
LALS 2680Contemporary Immigration in the U.S.1
LALS 2810Designing a Green New Deal: From Concept to Program1
LALS 3377Race and Medicine in the Global South1
LALS 3524Medical Mestizaje: Health and Development in Contemporary Latin America1
LALS 3930Latinx Environmental Justice1
LALS 4240Latinx Communities and the Role of CBO's in Social Change1
LALS 4250Latinx Cultural History1
LGST 1010Law and Social Values1
LGST 1018Law and Social Values1
LGST 2020Law of Corporate Management and Finance1
LGST 2040Real Estate Law1
LGST 2050Antitrust and Big Tech1
LGST 2070The Sports Industry: Business and Legal Aspects1
LGST 2080The Law at Work: Employment Law for Managers1
LGST 2120Economic Analysis of Law1
LGST 2130Legal Aspect of Entrepreneurship1
LGST 2150Environmental Management: Law & Policy1
LGST 2180Diversity and the Law1
LGST 2190Law and Policy in International Business1
LGST 2200International Business Ethics1
LGST 2210Constitutional Law and Free Enterprise1
LGST 2260Markets, Morality & the Future of Capitalism1
LGST 2450Business, Law, and Democracy1
LGST 2910Negotiations1
LGST 2990Seminar in Law and Society0.5-1
LGST 8020Law of Corporate Management and Finance1
LGST 8040Real Estate Law1
LGST 8050Antitrust and Big Tech1
LGST 8130Legal and Transactional Aspects of Entrepreneurship0.5-1
LGST 8150Environmental Management: Law and Policy1
LGST 8200International Business Ethics1
LING 0600Introduction to Sociolinguistics1
MATH 1248Community Math Teaching Project1
MELC 0001Introduction to the Ancient Middle East1
MELC 0002Introduction to the Middle East1
MELC 0003Origin and Culture of Cities1
MELC 0004Myths and Religions of the Ancient World1
MELC 0200Land of the Pharaohs1
MELC 0215The Religion of Ancient Egypt1
MELC 0220Women in Ancient Egypt1
MELC 0300Introduction to the Bible1
MELC 0330Themes Jewish Tradition1
MELC 0350Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
MELC 0355Medieval and Early Modern Jewry1
MELC 0360Jews in the Modern World1
MELC 0450Warriors, Concubines & Converts: the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East & Europe1
MELC 0600The Middle East through Many Lenses1
MELC 0650History of the Middle East Since 18001
MELC 0905Water in the Middle East Throughout History1
MELC 1000Iraq: Ancient Cities and Empires1
MELC 1100History of Ancient Egypt1
MELC 1605Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the Middle East: Historical Perspectives1
MELC 2510Introduction to Islamic Law1
MELC 4105History of Egypt-New Kingdom1
MELC 4305Spirit and Law1
MELC 4505Islamic Intellectual Tradition1
MELC 5505Islamic Intellectual Tradition1
MELC 6100History of Ancient Egypt1
MELC 6120Women in Ancient Egypt1
MELC 6125The Religion of Ancient Egypt1
MELC 6305Themes Jewish Tradition1
MELC 6605Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the Middle East: Historical Perspectives1
MELC 6650Topics In Anthropology and the Modern World1
MGMT 2130Entrepreneurship through Acquisition0.5
MGMT 2380Organizational Behavior1
MGMT 2910Negotiations1
MKTG 1010Introduction to Marketing1
MKTG 1018Introduction to Marketing1
MKTG 2110Consumer Behavior1
MKTG 2600Antitrust and Big Tech1
MKTG 7600Antitrust and Big Tech1
MUSC 13001000 Years of Musical Listening1
MUSC 3510Music and Healing1
NPLD 5850Social Impact Lab1
NURS 3050Narrative Matters in Health and Illness Experiences1
NURS 3130Obesity and Society1
NURS 3150Sociocultural Influences on Health1
NURS 3160Social Determinants of Global Food Insecurity1
NURS 3200Designing to Care: Improving Health and Wellness (SNF Padeia Program Course)1
NURS 3270Foundations of Global Health1
NURS 3340Public Policy and the Nation's Health1
NURS 3670Case Study: Principles of Palliative Care1
NURS 5130Obesity and Society1
NURS 5150Sociocultural Influences on Health1
NURS 5160Social Determinants of Global Food Insecurity1
NURS 5270Foundations of Global Health1
NURS 5400Current Issues In Health and Social Policy1
NURS 5570Principles of Palliative Care1
NURS 5880The Politics of Women's Health Care1
OIDD 2000Grit Lab: Fostering Passion and Perseverance in Ourselves and Others (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
OIDD 2910Negotiations1
PHIL 1330Ethics1
PHIL 1342Bioethics1
PHIL 1433The Social Contract1
PHIL 1450Philosophy of Law1
PHIL 2450Justice, Law and Morality1
PHIL 2560Philosophy of Education1
PHYS 0016Energy, Oil, and Global Warming1
PHYS 0137Community Physics Initiative1
PPE 3002Public Policy Process1
PRTG 1800Perspectives in Brazilian Culture1
PSCI 0100Introduction to Comparative Politics1
PSCI 0200Introduction to American Politics1
PSCI 0400Introduction to International Relations1
PSCI 0680Feminist Political Thought1
PSCI 1172Russian Politics1
PSCI 1200Public Policy Process1
PSCI 1205Constitutional Law1
PSCI 1207Who Gets Elected and Why? The Science of Politics1
PSCI 1208The Politics of Food and Agriculture1
PSCI 1210Introduction to Political Communication1
PSCI 1290Race and Ethnic Politics1
PSCI 1401International Security1
PSCI 1404American Foreign Policy1
PSCI 1406International Human Rights1
PSCI 1440International Politics of the Middle East1
PSCI 1991Selected Topics in Political Science1
PSCI 2203Healthy Schools1
PSCI 2991Selected Topics in Political Science1
PSCI 3401International Law1
PSCI 3991Selected Topics in Political Science1
PSCI 4130Oil to Diamonds: The Political Economy of Natural Resources in Africa1
PSCI 4991Selected Topics in Political Science1
PSCI 5160Society and Politics in India1
PSCI 5401Human Rights1
PSYC 0400The Pursuit of Happiness1
PSYC 0405Grit Lab: Fostering Passion and Perseverance in Ourselves and Others (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
PSYC 1440Social Psychology1
PSYC 1450Personality and Individual Differences1
PSYC 1462Abnormal Psychology1
PSYC 2377Cognitive Development1
PSYC 2900Evolutionary Psychology1
REAL 2040Real Estate Law1
REAL 2300Urban Fiscal Policy1
REAL 8040Real Estate Law1
REES 0171The Socialist City1
REES 1535Russian Politics1
REES 1670Population and Public Health in Eastern Europe1
REES 1680Sex and Socialism1
RELS 0004Myths and Religions of the Ancient World1
RELS 0215The Religion of Ancient Egypt1
RELS 0301Introduction to the Bible1
RELS 0335Themes Jewish Tradition1
RELS 1600Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
RELS 1605Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the Middle East: Historical Perspectives1
RELS 1610Medieval and Early Modern Jewry1
RELS 1710Jews in the Modern World1
RELS 4050Religion, Social Justice & Urban Development1
RELS 4305Spirit and Law1
SAST 0002The City in South Asia1
SAST 0057Planning to be Off-shore?1
SAST 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
SAST 1115American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
SAST 2211Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Science in South Asia: Perspectives from the Past and Present1
SAST 2600Asian American Food1
SOCI 0001Poverty and Inequality1
SOCI 0100Sociology of the Black Community1
SOCI 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
SOCI 0270The Immigrant City1
SOCI 0600Technology & Society1
SOCI 1000Introduction to Sociology1
SOCI 1010The Family1
SOCI 1020American Society1
SOCI 1030Deviance1
SOCI 1040Population and Society1
SOCI 1050Social Stratification1
SOCI 1051Class Matters: Poverty, Prosperity, and the American Dream1
SOCI 1060Race and Ethnic Relations1
SOCI 1070Media and Popular Culture1
SOCI 1090Urban Sociology1
SOCI 1100Sociology of Gender1
SOCI 1110Medical Sociology1
SOCI 1111Mental Illness1
SOCI 1120Law and Society1
SOCI 1140Asian Americans In Contemporary Society1
SOCI 2000Sociological Research Methods1
SOCI 2010Social Statistics1
SOCI 2200Religion1
SOCI 2210Race and the Media1
SOCI 2220Health of Populations1
SOCI 2240Law and Social Change1
SOCI 2250Work in a Changing World - The Sociology of Work1
SOCI 2260The Future of Work1
SOCI 2270Families and Capitalism1
SOCI 2280Sociology of Education1
SOCI 2410Metropolitan Growth and Poverty1
SOCI 2420Social Problems and Public Policy1
SOCI 2430Race, Science & Justice1
SOCI 2450Poverty, Race and Health1
SOCI 2460Social Inequality and Health1
SOCI 2470Outsider Within: Unpacking Intersectionality in Everyday Life1
SOCI 2480Economic Inequality, Advantage and the Rich1
SOCI 2490Work, Love, and Independence: Coming of Age in East Asia1
SOCI 2600Global Health1
SOCI 2610Latinos in the United States1
SOCI 2620Social Movements1
SOCI 2630Contemporary Issues in African Society1
SOCI 2640Media Culture & Society in Contemporary China1
SOCI 2650Sociology of the Climate Emergency1
SOCI 2660International Migration1
SOCI 2670Sociology of Immigration1
SOCI 2680Contemporary Immigration in the U.S.1
SOCI 2810Designing a Green New Deal: From Concept to Program1
SOCI 2902The US and Human Rights: Policies and Pratices1
SOCI 2903Exhibiting Black Bodies1
SOCI 2904Oil to Diamonds: The Political Economy of Natural Resources in Africa1
SOCI 2920Criminology1
SOCI 2921Criminal Justice1
SOCI 2931Latinx Communities and the Role of CBO's in Social Change1
SOCI 2932Latinx Cultural History1
SOCI 2940Homelessness & Urban Inequality1
SOCI 2942Cities, Suburbs, Regions1
SOCI 2943Global Urban Education1
SOCI 2944Perspectives on Urban Poverty1
SOCI 2945Globalization & The City: Global Urbanization1
SOCI 2946The History & Theory of Community Organizing1
SOCI 2950Population and Public Health in Eastern Europe1
SOCI 2960Participatory Cities (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
SOCI 2971Bioethics1
SOCI 2972Sex and Socialism1
SOCI 2976American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
SOCI 3000Classical Sociological Theory1
SOCI 3010Contemporary Sociological Theory1
SOCI 3200Qualitative Methods1
SOCI 3210Sample Survey Methods1
SOCI 3220Basic Demographic Methods1
SOCI 3230Demography of Race1
SOCI 3240Demographic, Economic, and Social Interrelations1
SOCI 3998Independent Study1
SOCI 3999Senior Research1
SOCI 4100Thesis Workshop I0.5
SOCI 4101Thesis Workshop II0.5
SOCI 4998Honors Independent Study1
SPAN 0093Latinx Environmental Justice1
SPAN 3930Latinx Environmental Justice1
STSC 0100Emergence of Modern Science1
STSC 0228Studying Sex1
STSC 0283Medicine, Magic and Miracles1
STSC 0313Cane and Able: Disability in America1
STSC 0387Epidemics in History1
STSC 0400Medicine in History1
STSC 0490Comparative Medicine1
STSC 0600Technology & Society1
STSC 0823Sport Science in the World1
STSC 1120Science Technology and War1
STSC 1151Modern Biology and Social Implications1
STSC 2198Race, Science, and Globalization1
STSC 2303Fundamentals of Epidemiology1
STSC 2304Insect Epidemiology Pests, Pollinators and Disease Vectors1
STSC 2418Engineering Cultures1
STSC 2607Cyberculture1
STSC 2707Data and Death1
STSC 3097Indigeneity in Health, Science, and Technology1
STSC 3147Scientific Instruments and the Making of Knowledge1
STSC 3185Global Radiation History: Living in the Atomic Age 1945-Present1
STSC 3216Toxicity in Context1
STSC 3217Weird Science1
STSC 3279Nutritional Modernities: Food, Science, and Health in Global Context1
STSC 3299CSI Global: History of Forensic Science1
STSC 3509Bioethics and National Security1
STSC 3824Animals in Science Medicine Technology1
STSC 3889Trans Method1
STSC 4094Science and Disability1
STSC 4114Sports Science Medicine Technology1
STSC 4187Sound in Science, Medicine and Technology1
STSC 4288Invisible Labor in the Human Sciences1
STSC 4364Biopiracy: Medicinal Plants and Global Power1
STSC 4595Defining Disability1
URBS 0002The City in South Asia1
URBS 0003Origin and Culture of Cities1
URBS 0005Poverty and Inequality1
URBS 0010Homelessness & Urban Inequality1
URBS 0093Latinx Environmental Justice1
URBS 0101Asian American Communities1
URBS 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
URBS 0171The Socialist City1
URBS 0210The City1
URBS 0248The Urban Food Chain1
URBS 0270The Immigrant City1
URBS 1020Iraq: Ancient Cities and Empires1
URBS 1030Industrial Metropolis1
URBS 1051The City in Literature and Film1
URBS 1060Race and Ethnic Relations1
URBS 1070Berlin: History, Politics, Culture1
URBS 1090Urban Sociology1
URBS 1150American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
URBS 1153Transformations of Urban America: Making the Unequal Metropolis, 1945 to Today1
URBS 1154Philadelphia, 1700-20001
URBS 1170Media and Popular Culture1
URBS 1310Small Business Anthropology1
URBS 1400Inequity and Empowerment: Urban Financial Literacy1
URBS 1780Faculty-Student Collaborative Action Seminar in Urban University-Community Rltn1
URBS 2000Introduction to Urban Research1
URBS 2020Urban Education1
URBS 2030Introduction to City Planning: Planning Urban Spaces1
URBS 2040Urban Law1
URBS 2050People and Design1
URBS 2060Public Environment of Cities: An Introduction to the Urban Landscape1
URBS 2090Neighborhood Dynamics of Crime1
URBS 2160Social Entrepreneurship1
URBS 2190The Heart of Social Change1
URBS 2410Metropolitan Growth and Poverty1
URBS 2445Civil Dialogue Seminar: Civic Engagement In A Divided Nation1
URBS 2450Poverty, Race and Health1
URBS 2500Urban Public Policy: Philadelphia -- A Case Study1
URBS 2501Cities in Chinese History1
URBS 2520Urban Journalism1
URBS 2530Cities, Suburbs, Regions1
URBS 2580Global Urban Education1
URBS 2590Nutritional Anthropology1
URBS 2600Asian American Food1
URBS 2760The Modern City1
URBS 2770Gender, Sex & Urban Life: The City as a Feminist/Queer/Trans Archive1
URBS 2810The US Criminal Justice System in Urban Context1
URBS 2850Health on the urban margins: The experience of health in American cities1
URBS 2900Metropolitan Nature1
URBS 2940Global Cities: Urbanization in the Global South1
URBS 2999Independent Study1
URBS 3000Fieldwork Seminar2
URBS 3050Housing, Race, and Community in the United States1
URBS 3140Participatory Cities (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
URBS 3200Who Gets Elected and Why? The Science of Politics1
URBS 3230Tutoring School: Theory and Practic1
URBS 3260Tutoring in Urban Public Elementary Schools: A Child Development Perspective1
URBS 3300GIS Applications in Social Science1
URBS 3424Political Ecologies of the City1
URBS 3500Cities and Stories1
URBS 3705Jews and the City1
URBS 3930Latinx Environmental Justice1
URBS 3999Independent Study1
URBS 4000Senior Seminar1
URBS 4010Urban Studies Honors1
URBS 4040Philanthropy and the City1
URBS 4050Religion, Social Justice & Urban Development1
URBS 4100Urban Communities and the Arts1
URBS 4120Building Non-Profits: The Business of a Mission-Driven Organization1
URBS 4150Urban Real Estate Markets1
URBS 4170Cities and Sustainability1
URBS 4190Urban Transportation in Flux1
URBS 4200Perspectives on Urban Poverty1
URBS 4350The Political Economy of Urban Development1
URBS 4400Introduction to City Planning: History, Theory and Practice1
URBS 4480Neighborhood Displacement and Community Power1
URBS 4500Urban Redevelopment1
URBS 4510The Politics of Housing and Urban Development1
URBS 4520Community Economic Development1
URBS 4540City Limits: The Impact of Urban Policy1
URBS 4570Globalization & The City: Global Urbanization1
URBS 4730The History & Theory of Community Organizing1
URBS 4760Urban Housing & Community Development Policy in America1
URBS 4780Undergraduate Urban Research Colloquium1
URBS 4800Liberation and Ownership1
URBS 4999Independent Study1-2