NU Nursing and Health Services Management Minor Wharton Elective (NUWE)

ECON 0630The Economics and Financing of Health Care Delivery1
HCMG 1010Health Care Systems1
HCMG 2020The Economics and Financing of Health Care Delivery1
HCMG 2040Comparative Health Care Systems1
HCMG 2130Health Care Strategy and Management: the Business of Health Care1
HCMG 2150Management and Economics of Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industries1
HCMG 2160Health Insurance and Health Care Strategy1
HCMG 2500Health Care Reform and the Future of the American Health Care System1
HCMG 3520Health Services Delivery: A Managerial Economic Approach1
HCMG 3910Health Care Entrepreneurship1
LGST 2910Negotiations1
MGMT 2910Negotiations1
OIDD 2910Negotiations1