Penn Global Seminars (UNPG)

AFRC 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
AFRC 1560Seeing/Hearing Globally (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
ANTH 0091Sustainable Development and Culture in Latin America1
ANTH 1560Seeing/Hearing Globally (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
ANTH 1803Sacred Stuff: Religious Bodies, Places, and Objects1
ASAM 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
ASLD 1039Disability Rights and Oppression: Experiences within Global Deaf Communities1
CHIN 0301Intermediate Chinese I1
CHIN 0401Intermediate Chinese II1
CHIN 0701Advanced Chinese I1
CHIN 0801Advanced Chinese II1
CIMS 2002Global Jewish Communities (Penn Global Seminar - PGS)1
COMM 3640Before Netflix: The Past and Present of Latin American Television1
EALC 0080Mongolian Civilization: Nomadic and Sedentary1
ENGR 1400Penn Global Seminar: Robotics and Rehabilitation1
ENVS 0053Sustainable Development and Culture in Latin America1
ENVS 3053Sustainable Development And Culture in Latin America1
ENVS 3103Penn Global Seminar: Case Studies in Environmental Sustainability1
FREN 2251Paris during the German Occupation and its Places of [Non-]Memory1
GRMN 1151Comparative Cultures of Resilience and Sustainability in the Netherlands and the United States1
HIST 0757Mongolian Civilization: Nomadic and Sedentary1
HIST 2290The Great War in Memoir and Memory (Penn Global Seminar)1
HSOC 3185Global Radiation History: Living in the Atomic Age 1945-Present1
ITAL 2952Palermo: Empires, Mafia, and Migration1
KORN 0201Beginning Korean II1
KORN 0401Intermediate Korean II1
KORN 5201Beginning Korean II1
LALS 0091Sustainable Development and Culture in Latin America1
LALS 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
LALS 2121People of the Land: Indigeneity and Politics in Argentina and Chile (Penn Global Seminar - PGS)1
LALS 3910Sustainable Development And Culture in Latin America1
MALG 0201Malagasy (Elementary II) Language in a Cultural Context1
MALG 0401Intermediate Malagasy II: Language in a Cultural Context1
MUSC 1560Seeing/Hearing Globally (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
NURS 3430Global Engagement Seminar1
PHIL 1831Evolution's Laboratory1
PPE 4903Advanced Seminar in PPE: Policy Task Force on US-China Relations (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
PSCI 2103Information Communication Technologies for Development1
PSCI 2121People of the Land: Indigeneity and Politics in Argentina and Chile (Penn Global Seminar - PGS)1
PSCI 3151Politics, Geopolitics, and China's Role in the World's Renewable Energy Revolution1
RELS 1800Sacred Stuff: Religious Bodies, Places, and Objects1
RELS 3560Living Deliberately: Monks, Saints, and the Contemplative Life1
SAST 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
SOCI 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
SOCI 2710Global Aging: Challenges and Opportunities1
SPAN 0091Sustainable Development and Culture in Latin America1
SPAN 3910Sustainable Development And Culture in Latin America1
STSC 3185Global Radiation History: Living in the Atomic Age 1945-Present1
URBS 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
URBS 1151Comparative Cultures of Resilience and Sustainability in the Netherlands and the United States1
URBS 2952Palermo: Empires, Mafia, and Migration1
WH 2011Global Business Communication for Impact1
WH 2981Wharton International Program0.5
WRIT 0120Global Studies: (Topic/Place)1