Wharton MBA Org Effectiveness Major Elec (WMOE)

LGST 8060Negotiations1
MGMT 6240Leading Diversity in Organizations0.5
MGMT 6250Corporate Governance, Executive Compensation and the Board0.5
MGMT 6710Executive Leadership1
MGMT 6910Negotiations1
MGMT 7720Power and Politics in Organizations0.5
MGMT 7730Managing Organizational Change0.5-1
MGMT 7930People Analytics0.5
MGMT 7940Understanding Careers and Executive Labor Markets0.5
MGMT 8020Change, Innovation & Entrepreneurship0.5
MGMT 8160Building Human Assets in Entrepreneurial Ventures0.5
MGMT 8920Advanced Study Project - Collaborative Innovation Program0.5-1
OIDD 6910Negotiations1
OIDD 7930People Analytics0.5