WH UG BHEC Conc Electives (WUBE)

BEPP 2010Public Finance and Policy1
BEPP 2610Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1
BEPP 2840Game Theory for Business and Life1
BEPP 3050Risk Management1
ECON 4140Decision Making Under Uncertainty1
FNCE 2390Behavioral Finance1
LGST 2910Negotiations1
LGST 2920Advanced Negotiation0.5
MGMT 2910Negotiations1
MGMT 2920Advanced Negotiation0.5
MKTG 2110Consumer Behavior1
MKTG 2660Marketing for Social Impact1
OIDD 2610Risk Analysis and Environmental Management1
OIDD 2910Negotiations1
OIDD 2920Advanced Negotiation0.5
OIDD 3190Advanced Decision Systems: Evolutionary Computation1
OIDD 4900The Science of Behavior Change1
PSYC 2737Judgment and Decisions1
PSYC 4900The Science of Behavior Change1