Wharton UG Management Concentration ENTI Elec (WUEI)

FNCE 2500Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation1
FNCE 2510The Finance of Buyouts and Acquisitions1
HCMG 3910Health Care Entrepreneurship1
LGST 2130Legal Aspect of Entrepreneurship1
LGST 2910Negotiations1
MEAM 4150Product Design1
MGMT 2120Social Entrepreneurship0.5
MGMT 2130Entrepreneurship through Acquisition0.5
MGMT 2140Market Dynamics and Technical Change1
MGMT 2290Intellectual Property Strategy for the Innovation-Driven Enterprise0.5
MGMT 2310Entrepreneurship Launchpad0.5-1
MGMT 2330Strategies and Practices of Family-Controlled Companies0.5-1
MGMT 2370Management of Technology1
MGMT 2490Mergers and Acquisitions1
MGMT 2640Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Management1
MGMT 2650Culture of Technology: Culture & Institutions of the Tech Sector--Bridging Research and Practice0.5
MGMT 2670Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation0.5
MGMT 2910Negotiations1
MKTG 2270Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce0.5
MKTG 2340Idea Generation & the Systematic Approach for Creativity0.5
MKTG 2410Entrepreneurial Marketing0.5
OIDD 2360Scaling Operations in Technology Ventures: Linking Strategy and Execution1
OIDD 2910Negotiations1
OIDD 3140Enabling Technologies0.5-1
OIDD 4150Product Design1
REAL 3960Real Estate Entrepreneurship0.5