Wharton UG Social Science (WUSS)

AFRC 0008Sociology of the Black Community1
AFRC 0010Homelessness & Urban Inequality1
AFRC 0030First-Year Seminar: Africa in World History1
AFRC 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
AFRC 0521Benjamin Franklin Seminar: 18th-Century Slavery and Abolition1
AFRC 1000Introduction to Sociology1
AFRC 1001Introduction to Africana Studies1
AFRC 1002Introduction to Africa1
AFRC 1060Race and Ethnic Relations1
AFRC 1090Urban Sociology1
AFRC 1115American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
AFRC 1117African American Religion1
AFRC 1119History of American Law to 18771
AFRC 1123Law and Society1
AFRC 1176African American History 1550-18761
AFRC 1177African American History 1876 to Present1
AFRC 1187The History of Women and Men of African Descent at the University of Penn1
AFRC 1205Constitutional Law1
AFRC 1310Africa and the Transatlantic Slave Trade1
AFRC 1780Faculty-Student Collaborative Action Seminar in Urban University-Community Rltn1
AFRC 2010Social Statistics1
AFRC 3350Religion and Colonial Rule in Africa1
AFRC 3351Africa and the Mid-East1
AFRC 3804Sighting Black Girlhood1
AFRC 5300Black Performance Theory1
ANCH 0020Travel and Ethnography1
ANCH 0100Introduction to the Ancient Middle East1
ANCH 0101Strife: A History of the Greeks1
ANCH 0102Ancient Rome1
ANCH 1100Ancient Mediterranean Empires1
ANCH 1102The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire?1
ANCH 1206Citizenship, Belonging and Exclusion in the Roman World1
ANCH 3203Power and Peril: The Paradox of Monarchy among Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Jews1
ANTH 0002The City in South Asia1
ANTH 0020Anthropology, Race, and the Making of the Modern World1
ANTH 0040The Modern World and Its Cultural Background1
ANTH 0050Great Transformations1
ANTH 0058Doing Research: First-Year Seminar1
ANTH 0063East & West: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Cultural History of the Modern World1
ANTH 0091Sustainable Development and Culture in Latin America1
ANTH 0103Origin and Culture of Cities1
ANTH 0120Globalization And Its Historical Significance1
ANTH 0184Food and Culture1
ANTH 0630Behind the Iron Curtain1
ANTH 0905Water in the Middle East Throughout History1
ANTH 0930Latinx Environmental Justice1
ANTH 1002Introduction to Africa1
ANTH 1169Merchants, Saints, Slaves and Sojourners: the Worlds of the Indian Ocean1
ANTH 1238Introduction to Medical Anthropology1
ANTH 1310Small Business Anthropology1
ANTH 1480Food and Fire: Archaeology in the Laboratory1
ANTH 1490Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Studies1
ANTH 1803Sacred Stuff: Religious Bodies, Places, and Objects1
ANTH 1925Who Owns the Past? Archaeology and Politics in the Middle East1
ANTH 2060Cultures of Science and Technology1
ANTH 2970Nature Culture Environmentalism1
ANTH 3030Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology1
ANTH 3050Anthropology and Policy: History, Theory, Practice1
ANTH 3180Anthropology and Praxis1
ANTH 3470Anthropology of Corporations1
ANTH 3804Sighting Black Girlhood1
ARTH 2370Berlin: History, Politics, Culture1
ARTH 3170CU in India - Topics Course1
ASAM 0100Introduction to Asian American Studies1
ASAM 0101Asian American Communities1
ASAM 0102Introduction to Asian American History1
ASAM 0115American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
ASAM 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
ASAM 1020The Asian American Entrepreneur1
ASAM 1300Asian American Cinema Movement: Fighting For Representation1
ASAM 1500Asian Americans In Contemporary Society1
ASAM 1510Race and Ethnic Relations1
ASAM 1520Asian American Activism1
ASAM 3100American Expansion in the Pacific1
ASLD 1039Disability Rights and Oppression: Experiences within Global Deaf Communities1
BENF 2230Philanthropy and Health1
BENF 2260Health and Social Justice (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
BENF 2270Global Health Justice and Governance1
BENF 2280Education and International Development1
BENF 2990Health Capability1
BIOE 4010Introduction to Bioethics1
CIMS 1050Metropolis: Culture of the City1
CIMS 1302Asian American Cinema Movement: Fighting For Representation1
CLST 0010Archaeology & Technology1
CLST 0014Rome & America1
CLST 0020Travel and Ethnography1
CLST 0023Off the Beaten Track: Travelling and Writing in the Ancient and Modern Worlds1
CLST 0101Strife: A History of the Greeks1
CLST 0102Ancient Rome1
CLST 1100Ancient Mediterranean Empires1
CLST 1102The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire?1
CLST 1200Sex and Gender in Ancient Greece and Rome1
CLST 1206Citizenship, Belonging and Exclusion in the Roman World1
CLST 1501Ancient Greek Philosophy1
CLST 1503Ancient Political Thought1
CLST 3203Power and Peril: The Paradox of Monarchy among Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Jews1
CLST 3706Ancient and Modern Constitution Making1
CLST 3707Classics & American Government1
COML 0030Introduction to Sexuality Studies and Queer Theory1
COML 1040Berlin: History, Politics, Culture1
COML 1121Community, Freedom, Violence: Writing the South Asian City1
COML 1200Sex and Gender in Ancient Greece and Rome1
COML 1262Tolstoy’s War and Peace and the Age of Napoleon1
COML 1301Jewish Folklore1
COML 2020Russia and the West1
COML 2217CU in India - Topics Course1
COMM 0025Fellows Proseminar I (SNF Paideia Program Course)0.5
COMM 0026Fellows Proseminar II (SNF Paideia Program Course)0.5
COMM 1130Data Science for Beginners1
COMM 1230Critical Approaches to Popular Culture1
COMM 1250Introduction to Communication Behavior1
COMM 2600Media Activism Studies1
COMM 2640Media Culture & Society in Contemporary China1
CPLN 6230The Carceral State1
CRIM 1000Criminology1
CRIM 1100Criminal Justice1
EALC 0001East Asia: Past and Present1
EALC 0020Introduction to East Asia: China1
EALC 0040Introduction to East Asia: Japan1
EALC 0060Introduction to East Asia: Korea1
EALC 0500East Asian Religions1
EALC 0501Introduction to Buddhism1
EALC 0502Gods, Ghosts, and Monsters1
EALC 0730History of Modern China1
EALC 0954Sushi & Ramen: Making Japanese Food Global1
EALC 1521Introduction to Classical Chinese Thought1
EALC 1711East Asian Diplomacy1
EALC 1720Late Imperial China1
EALC 2721History of Private Life in China1
EAS 2610Emerging Technologies and the Future of the World1
ECON 0100Introduction to Micro Economics1
ECON 0200Introductory Economics: Macro1
ECON 0620Financial Meltdown, Past and Present1
ECON 0630The Economics and Financing of Health Care Delivery1
EDUC 3123Tutoring School: Theory and Practic1
EDUC 3726Tutoring in Urban Public Elementary Schools: A Child Development Perspective1
EDUC 5437Interfaith Dialogue in Action1
EDUC 5580Developmental Theories & Applications with Children1
ENGL 0159Gender and Society1
ENGL 0160Introduction to Sexuality Studies and Queer Theory1
ENGL 0521Benjamin Franklin Seminar: 18th-Century Slavery and Abolition1
ENGL 1191Community, Freedom, Violence: Writing the South Asian City1
ENVS 0053Sustainable Development and Culture in Latin America1
ENVS 0054Latinx Environmental Justice1
ENVS 1043Repairing the Planet: Tools for the Climate Emergency1
ENVS 1400Global Environmental History from Paleolithic to the Present1
FREN 1228Contemporary France1
FREN 2280Contemporary France1
FRSM 0007Research: From Curiosity to Knowledge1
GRMN 0013Euro Zone Crisis - The EU in a Currency War for Suvival?1
GRMN 1040Berlin: History, Politics, Culture1
GRMN 1050Metropolis: Culture of the City1
GRMN 1151Comparative Cultures of Resilience and Sustainability in the Netherlands and the United States1
GRMN 1306Origins of Nazism: From Democracy to Race War and Genocide1
GSWS 0002Gender and Society1
GSWS 0003Introduction to Sexuality Studies and Queer Theory1
GSWS 0031Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change in the Middle East1
GSWS 0050Gender, Sexuality, and Religion1
GSWS 0228Studying Sex1
GSWS 1011The Family1
GSWS 1101Sociology of Gender1
GSWS 1200Sex and Gender in Ancient Greece and Rome1
GSWS 1490Law and Social Policy on Sexuality and Reproduction1
GSWS 2217CU in India - Topics Course1
GSWS 2420Science of Sex & Sexuality1
GSWS 2490Philosophy of Education1
GSWS 2500History of Private Life in China1
GSWS 2537Gender and Health1
GSWS 5180Nursing and the Gendering of Health Care in the United States and Internationally, 1860-20001
HCMG 2020The Economics and Financing of Health Care Delivery1
HIST 0001Making of the Modern World1
HIST 0010First-Year: Books that Changed Modern America1
HIST 0012First-Year Seminar: Why College? Historical and Contemporary Perspectives1
HIST 0013First-Year Seminar: American Pasts in American Places1
HIST 0020First-Year Seminar: Reading the Classics1
HIST 0021First-Year Seminar: Inquisitors, Heretics and Witches1
HIST 0022First-Year Seminar: A Tale of Two Cities: London and Paris 1750-present1
HIST 0030First-Year Seminar: Africa in World History1
HIST 0031Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change in the Middle East1
HIST 0040First-Year Seminar: Coca and Cocaine1
HIST 0060First-Year Seminar: Epidemic Disease in Modern History1
HIST 0061First-Year Seminar: Of Horses, Bows and Fermented Milk: The Silk Roads in 10 Objects1
HIST 0100Deciphering America1
HIST 0200The Emergence of Modern Europe1
HIST 0255Modern Europe, 1789-19191
HIST 0360History of the Middle East Since 18001
HIST 0500Late Imperial China1
HIST 0550History of Modern China1
HIST 0720Strife: A History of the Greeks1
HIST 0721Ancient Rome1
HIST 0730Introduction to the Ancient Middle East1
HIST 0755History, Culture, and Religion in Early India1
HIST 0811Faculty-Student Collaborative Action Seminar in Urban University-Community Rltn1
HIST 0821Berlin: History, Politics, Culture1
HIST 0824Russia and the West1
HIST 0825Portraits of Soviet Society: Literature, Film, Drama1
HIST 0830Introduction to the Middle East1
HIST 0850Introduction to Modern India1
HIST 0860Introduction to East Asia: Korea1
HIST 0876Medicine in History1
HIST 0877Modern Biology and Social Implications1
HIST 1110Hamilton's America: US History 1776-18041
HIST 1119History of American Law to 18771
HIST 1127African American History 1550-18761
HIST 1150American Jewish Experience1
HIST 1155Introduction to Asian American History1
HIST 1163Modern American Culture1
HIST 1177African American History 1876 to Present1
HIST 1191US Empire in the Twentieth Century1
HIST 1260Tolstoy’s War and Peace and the Age of Napoleon1
HIST 1275Spain: From Civil War to Post-Francoism, 1930-20201
HIST 1280Origins of Nazism: From Democracy to Race War and Genocide1
HIST 1300Gunpowder, Art and Diplomacy: Islamic Empires in the Early Modern World1
HIST 1310Africa and the Transatlantic Slave Trade1
HIST 1362The Making of Modern Israel and Palestine1
HIST 1365Bacteria, Bodies, and Empires: Medicine and Healing in the Eastern Mediterranean (15th-21st c.)1
HIST 1550East Asian Diplomacy1
HIST 1600Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
HIST 1610Medieval and Early Modern Jewry1
HIST 1706Global Environmental History from Paleolithic to the Present1
HIST 1710Jews in the Modern World1
HIST 1711Remembering the Holocaust1
HIST 1731Financial Meltdown, Past and Present1
HIST 1733Free Speech and Censorship1
HIST 1740Capitalism, Socialism, and Crisis in the 20th Century Americas1
HIST 1759Technology, Policy & War1
HIST 1760Strategy, Policy and War1
HIST 17701947-49: British Empire and the Partitions of South Asia and Palestine1
HIST 1785American Expansion in the Pacific1
HIST 2290The Great War in Memoir and Memory (Penn Global Seminar)1
HIST 2500History of Private Life in China1
HIST 3350Religion and Colonial Rule in Africa1
HIST 3351Africa and the Mid-East1
HIST 3704Re-reading the Holocaust1
HIST 3920European Diplomatic History 1789-19141
HIST 3921European International Relations 1914-present1
HSOC 0100Emergence of Modern Science1
HSOC 0228Studying Sex1
HSOC 0283Medicine, Magic and Miracles1
HSOC 0311Addiction: Understanding how we get hooked and how we recover1
HSOC 0361From Medical Missionaries to Community Partners1
HSOC 0387Epidemics in History1
HSOC 0400Medicine in History1
HSOC 0480Health and Societies1
HSOC 0490Comparative Medicine1
HSOC 0600Technology & Society1
HSOC 0823Sport Science in the World1
HSOC 1120Science Technology and War1
HSOC 1222Medical Sociology1
HSOC 1362Bacteria, Bodies, and Empires: Medicine and Healing in the Eastern Mediterranean (15th-21st c.)1
HSOC 1382Introduction to Medical Anthropology1
HSOC 1411American Health Policy1
HSOC 2002Sociological Research Methods1
HSOC 2312Healthy Schools1
HSOC 2401Social Determinants of Health1
HSOC 2457History of Bioethics1
HSOC 2537Gender and Health1
HSOC 2563Doing Good?: Humanitarianism and Global Health1
HSOC 3185Global Radiation History: Living in the Atomic Age 1945-Present1
INTG 2610Emerging Technologies and the Future of the World1
INTR 1001Transnational Issues in Global Politics1
INTR 2900Topics in International Relations1
JWST 0014Jerusalem: Holy City1
JWST 1130How to Read the Bible1
JWST 1150American Jewish Experience1
JWST 1300Jewish Folklore1
JWST 1362The Making of Modern Israel and Palestine1
JWST 1600Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
JWST 1610Medieval and Early Modern Jewry1
JWST 1710Jews in the Modern World1
JWST 1711Remembering the Holocaust1
JWST 1910The Religious Other1
JWST 3203Power and Peril: The Paradox of Monarchy among Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Jews1
JWST 3704Re-reading the Holocaust1
LALS 0040First-Year Seminar: Coca and Cocaine1
LALS 0091Sustainable Development and Culture in Latin America1
LALS 0092Corona Capitalism: Crisis and Inequality Across the Americas1
LALS 0093Latinx Environmental Justice1
LALS 0115American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
LALS 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
LALS 1060Race and Ethnic Relations1
LALS 1090Urban Sociology1
LALS 1191US Empire in the Twentieth Century1
LALS 1290Race and Ethnic Politics1
LALS 1310Africa and the Transatlantic Slave Trade1
LALS 1740Capitalism, Socialism, and Crisis in the 20th Century Americas1
LALS 2610Latinos in the United States1
LALS 3020Diplomacy in the Americas - The Penn Model OAS Program (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
LALS 4240Latinx Communities and the Role of CBO's in Social Change1
LGIC 1710Introduction to Logic1
LING 0051Proto-Indo European Language and Society1
LING 0060Language and Social Identity1
MELC 0001Introduction to the Ancient Middle East1
MELC 0002Introduction to the Middle East1
MELC 0003Origin and Culture of Cities1
MELC 0014Jerusalem: Holy City1
MELC 0200Land of the Pharaohs1
MELC 0350Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
MELC 0355Medieval and Early Modern Jewry1
MELC 0360Jews in the Modern World1
MELC 0365How to Read the Bible1
MELC 0460First-Year Seminar: Of Horses, Bows and Fermented Milk: The Silk Roads in 10 Objects1
MELC 0550Introduction to Islam1
MELC 0600The Middle East through Many Lenses1
MELC 0650History of the Middle East Since 18001
MELC 0905Water in the Middle East Throughout History1
MELC 1300Jewish Folklore1
MELC 16501947-49: British Empire and the Partitions of South Asia and Palestine1
MELC 1910The Religious Other1
MELC 2900Who Owns the Past? Archaeology and Politics in the Middle East1
MELC 3550Africa and the Mid-East1
MELC 3560Gunpowder, Art and Diplomacy: Islamic Empires in the Early Modern World1
NRSC 0090Your Brain on Food1
NURS 1010The Nature of Nursing Practice.5
NURS 1020Situating the Practice of Nursing.5
NURS 3130Obesity and Society1
NURS 3160Social Determinants of Global Food Insecurity1
NURS 3340Public Policy and the Nation's Health1
NURS 5130Obesity and Society1
NURS 5180Nursing and the Gendering of Health Care in the United States and Internationally, 1860-20001
PHIL 0340The Self: Aspiration and Transformation1
PHIL 0430Markets and Morality First-Year Seminar1
PHIL 0991Topics in Philosophy1
PHIL 1000Introduction to Philosophy1
PHIL 1110Ancient Greek Philosophy1
PHIL 1170History of Modern Philosophy1
PHIL 1180Benjamin Franklin and His World1
PHIL 1220World Philosophies1
PHIL 1221World Philosophies1
PHIL 1252Introduction to Indian Philosophy1
PHIL 1330Ethics1
PHIL 1380Aesthetics1
PHIL 1433The Social Contract1
PHIL 1440Machine Fairness: Algorithms and the Theory of Justice1
PHIL 1450Philosophy of Law1
PHIL 1571Repairing the Planet: Tools for the Climate Emergency1
PHIL 1710Introduction to Logic1
PHIL 1800Philosophy of Science1
PHIL 2221Philosophy East and West1
PHIL 2450Justice, Law and Morality1
PHIL 2560Philosophy of Education1
PHIL 2620Introduction to Epistemology and Metaphysics1
PHIL 2640Introduction to Philosophy of Mind1
PSCI 0010First-Year Seminar1
PSCI 0100Introduction to Comparative Politics1
PSCI 0101Comparative Politics of Developing Areas1
PSCI 0200Introduction to American Politics1
PSCI 0400Introduction to International Relations1
PSCI 0600Ancient Political Thought1
PSCI 0601Modern Political Thought1
PSCI 0602American Political Thought1
PSCI 1101The Politics of Slow Moving Crises1
PSCI 1140Politics in the Contemporary Middle East1
PSCI 1141The Making of Modern Israel and Palestine1
PSCI 1150Contemporary Chinese Politics1
PSCI 1160Democracy and Development in India1
PSCI 1172Russian Politics1
PSCI 1205Constitutional Law1
PSCI 1208The Politics of Food and Agriculture1
PSCI 1209American Campaigns and Elections1
PSCI 1290Race and Ethnic Politics1
PSCI 1401International Security1
PSCI 1402International Political Economy1
PSCI 1404American Foreign Policy1
PSCI 1440International Politics of the Middle East1
PSCI 1441Arab Israeli Relations1
PSCI 1800Introduction to Data Science1
PSCI 2103Information Communication Technologies for Development1
PSCI 2203Healthy Schools1
PSCI 2210Balance of Power in American Politics (PIW)1
PSCI 2401Emerging Technologies and the Future of the World1
PSCI 2420Diplomacy in the Americas - The Penn Model OAS Program (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
PSCI 3151Politics, Geopolitics, and China's Role in the World's Renewable Energy Revolution1
PSCI 3992Selected Topics in Political Science (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
PSCI 4100Power Sharing in Deeply Divided Places - BFS1
PSCI 4201Political Empathy & Deliberative Democracy in the US1
PSYC 1440Social Psychology1
PSYC 3446The Science of Well-Being (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
REES 0130Portraits of Soviet Society: Literature, Film, Drama1
REES 0190Russia and the West1
REES 0630Behind the Iron Curtain1
REES 1380Tolstoy’s War and Peace and the Age of Napoleon1
REES 1535Russian Politics1
REES 1630Soviet and Post-Soviet Economy1
REES 2670Shaping Russian Society: Soviet Heritage and Transformation1
RELS 0003History, Culture, and Religion in Early India1
RELS 0050Gender, Sexuality, and Religion1
RELS 0055Introduction to Indian Philosophy1
RELS 0080Religion and Sports1
RELS 0088Penitentiaries to PILOTs: Religion and Institutions in Pennsylvania1
RELS 0130Gods, Ghosts, and Monsters1
RELS 0250Jerusalem: Holy City1
RELS 0300Gurus, Prophets & Aliens: Understanding New Religious Movements1
RELS 0330Modern Catholic Christianity1
RELS 0500East Asian Religions1
RELS 0690Love and Hate1
RELS 1050Virtual Religion: Religion in the Digital Age1
RELS 1130How to Read the Bible1
RELS 1150American Jewish Experience1
RELS 1170African American Religion1
RELS 1430Introduction to Islam1
RELS 1600Jews and Judaism in Antiquity1
RELS 1610Medieval and Early Modern Jewry1
RELS 1710Jews in the Modern World1
RELS 1730Introduction to Buddhism1
RELS 1800Sacred Stuff: Religious Bodies, Places, and Objects1
RELS 3203Power and Peril: The Paradox of Monarchy among Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Jews1
RELS 3560Living Deliberately: Monks, Saints, and the Contemplative Life1
SAST 0001Introduction to Modern India1
SAST 0002The City in South Asia1
SAST 0003History, Culture, and Religion in Early India1
SAST 0050Introduction to Indian Philosophy1
SAST 0057Planning to be Off-shore?1
SAST 0058Doing Research: First-Year Seminar1
SAST 0063East & West: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Cultural History of the Modern World1
SAST 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
SAST 0690Love and Hate1
SAST 1115American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
SAST 1120Community, Freedom, Violence: Writing the South Asian City1
SAST 1160Democracy and Development in India1
SAST 1169Merchants, Saints, Slaves and Sojourners: the Worlds of the Indian Ocean1
SAST 1430Introduction to Islam1
SAST 1730Introduction to Buddhism1
SAST 17701947-49: British Empire and the Partitions of South Asia and Palestine1
SAST 2217CU in India - Topics Course1
SAST 2554Religion and Resistance in South Asia1
SOCI 0001Poverty and Inequality1
SOCI 0002Social Inequality and Health - First Year Seminar1
SOCI 0003Sociology of Race and Ethnicity1
SOCI 0004The Law in our Lives1
SOCI 0005Sociology of Education First-Year Seminar1
SOCI 0006Anxious Times: Social Change and Fear1
SOCI 0007The Future of Work - First Year Seminar1
SOCI 0008Work and Careers in the 21st Century - First Year Seminar1
SOCI 0009Diversity, Technology and the Penn Experience1
SOCI 0010Modern Families: Society and the Changing American Family1
SOCI 0100Sociology of the Black Community1
SOCI 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
SOCI 0600Technology & Society1
SOCI 1000Introduction to Sociology1
SOCI 1010The Family1
SOCI 1050Social Stratification1
SOCI 1060Race and Ethnic Relations1
SOCI 1090Urban Sociology1
SOCI 1100Sociology of Gender1
SOCI 1110Medical Sociology1
SOCI 1120Law and Society1
SOCI 1140Asian Americans In Contemporary Society1
SOCI 2000Sociological Research Methods1
SOCI 2010Social Statistics1
SOCI 2260The Future of Work1
SOCI 2280Sociology of Education1
SOCI 2420Social Problems and Public Policy1
SOCI 2610Latinos in the United States1
SOCI 2640Media Culture & Society in Contemporary China1
SOCI 2910Globalization And Its Historical Significance1
SOCI 2920Criminology1
SOCI 2921Criminal Justice1
SOCI 2931Latinx Communities and the Role of CBO's in Social Change1
SOCI 2940Homelessness & Urban Inequality1
SOCI 2951The Information Age1
SOCI 2952Health and Social Justice (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
SOCI 2960Participatory Cities (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
SOCI 2976American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
SPAN 0091Sustainable Development and Culture in Latin America1
SPAN 0092Corona Capitalism: Crisis and Inequality Across the Americas1
SPAN 0093Latinx Environmental Justice1
STSC 0100Emergence of Modern Science1
STSC 0228Studying Sex1
STSC 0283Medicine, Magic and Miracles1
STSC 0387Epidemics in History1
STSC 0400Medicine in History1
STSC 0490Comparative Medicine1
STSC 0600Technology & Society1
STSC 0823Sport Science in the World1
STSC 1120Science Technology and War1
STSC 1151Modern Biology and Social Implications1
STSC 1201Darwin's Legacy: The Evolution of Evolution1
STSC 1600The Information Age1
STSC 2080Science and Religion: Global Perspectives1
STSC 3185Global Radiation History: Living in the Atomic Age 1945-Present1
URBS 0002The City in South Asia1
URBS 0003Origin and Culture of Cities1
URBS 0005Poverty and Inequality1
URBS 0010Homelessness & Urban Inequality1
URBS 0093Latinx Environmental Justice1
URBS 0101Asian American Communities1
URBS 0116American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
URBS 0335Investigating the Old 7th Ward1
URBS 1030Industrial Metropolis1
URBS 1050Metropolis: Culture of the City1
URBS 1060Race and Ethnic Relations1
URBS 1070Berlin: History, Politics, Culture1
URBS 1090Urban Sociology1
URBS 1120Community, Freedom, Violence: Writing the South Asian City1
URBS 1150American Race: A Philadelphia Story (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
URBS 1151Comparative Cultures of Resilience and Sustainability in the Netherlands and the United States1
URBS 1310Small Business Anthropology1
URBS 1400Inequity and Empowerment: Urban Financial Literacy1
URBS 1780Faculty-Student Collaborative Action Seminar in Urban University-Community Rltn1
URBS 2020Urban Education1
URBS 2190The Heart of Social Change1
URBS 2970Nature Culture Environmentalism1
URBS 3140Participatory Cities (SNF Paideia Program Course)1
URBS 3230Tutoring School: Theory and Practic1
URBS 3260Tutoring in Urban Public Elementary Schools: A Child Development Perspective1
VLST 2210Introduction to Philosophy of Mind1