WH UG Statistics Concentration Elective (WUST)

AMCS 6481Probability Theory1
AMCS 6491Stochastic Processes1
BSTA 5500Applied Regression and Analysis of Variance1
CRIM 4740Modern Regression for the Social, Behavioral and Biological Sciences1
ECON 4320Micro-econometric Techniques and Applications1
MATH 3120Linear Algebra1
MATH 3600Advanced Calculus1
MATH 3610Advanced Calculus1
MATH 5300Mathematics of Finance1
MATH 6480Probability Theory1
MATH 6490Stochastic Processes1
MKTG 4760Applied Probability Models in Marketing1
PSYC 6110Applied Regression and Analysis of Variance1
PSYC 6120Introduction to Nonparametric Methods and Log-linear Models1
STAT 1018Introductory Business Statistics1
STAT 4050Statistical Computing with R0.5
STAT 4100Data Collection and Acquisition: Strategies and Platforms0.5
STAT 4220Predictive Analytics for Business0.5-1
STAT 4230Applied Machine Learning in Business1
STAT 4240Text Analytics0.5
STAT 4320Mathematical Statistics1
STAT 4330Stochastic Processes1
STAT 4350Forecasting Methods for Management1
STAT 4420Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis1
STAT 4700Data Analytics and Statistical Computing1
STAT 4710Modern Data Mining1
STAT 4740Modern Regression for the Social, Behavioral and Biological Sciences1
STAT 4750Sample Survey Design1
STAT 4760Applied Probability Models in Marketing1
STAT 4900Causal Inference1
STAT 5000Applied Regression and Analysis of Variance1
STAT 5010Introduction to Nonparametric Methods and Log-linear Models1
STAT 5120Mathematical Statistics1
STAT 5150Advanced Statistical Inference I1
STAT 5200Applied Econometrics I1
STAT 5210Applied Econometrics II1
STAT 5420Bayesian Methods and Computation1
STAT 7010Modern Data Mining1
STAT 7110Forecasting Methods for Management1
STAT 9300Probability Theory1
STAT 9310Stochastic Processes1
STAT 9610Statistical Methodology1