Graduate Arts & Sciences (GAS)

GAS 6000 Academic Communication for International Graduate Students

This course is designed for international graduate students who are non-native speakers of English and want to improve their English fluency in academic communications. Intelligibility of speech, clarity of expression and active listening skills in a variety of academic, teaching, and professional situations (e.g. presenting material, responding to questions, directing discussions) are emphasized. The course includes instruction in oral academic discourse skills and prominent features of spoken English that promote successful communication for teaching, research presentations, and job talks. Priority is given to doctoral candidates, individuals who will be teaching assistants, and those who seek English fluency certification. Through this course, students will develop, and practice strategies to effectively use spoken language in university settings and for a variety of academic purposes.


1 Course Unit

GAS 6010 Proseminar in Graduate Studies

Graduate Arts and Sciences doctoral students may register for GAS 6010 as an introduction to the methods of graduate study and research. To be conducted by individual graduate group faculty.

Fall or Spring

1 Course Unit