VI.C. Acceptance of Conditional Gifts

(Source: Office of the President, Almanac, September 22, 1981)

  1. All proposals for gifts to the University, including endowments and similar agreements, will be processed by the Development Office.
  2. In the event a proposed gift to the University is conditional, the conditions must be in writing. The Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations shall notify the President of all substantial conditional gifts and all other gifts containing conditions that might be construed to violate University policies. The President shall then determine, as a requirement for University acceptance, whether the conditions violate University policy, including recognized principles of academic freedom. If the President has doubts in that regard, he/she shall seek the advice of the chair of the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility, who will consult with the Chair of the Senate.
  3. The Chairs of the Senate and the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility may inspect the terms of any final agreement. Other members of the University community may, as needed, make requests in writing to the Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations to see the conditions of such final agreements.

(See page 2 - Almanac, September 22, 1981)