I.E. General Provisions Concerning a Faculty

(Source: Statutes of the Trustees, Article 7, January, 1956; revised, Article 9, June 17,1983; became Article 10, November 2, 2001; revised, June 20, 2003; revised, Office of the Provost, November 21, 2022)

The faculty of a school consists of the members of the Standing Faculty, the Standing Faculty-Clinician-Educator, the Associated Faculty, and the Academic Support Staff. The voting faculty of a school (hereinafter referred to as the Faculty) shall consist of the members of the Standing Faculty and the Standing Faculty-Clinician-Educator and such other persons who have been granted the right to vote by that faculty. The Standing Faculty and the Standing Faculty-Clinician-Educator comprise the core of the academic staff. The term “Standing Faculty,” used alone, shall refer only to those faculty members with tenure or in tenure-probationary status.

There shall be a Dean and a Secretary of each Faculty. The Dean shall be appointed or removed by the Trustees, upon recommendation by the President and the Provost, and according to policies and procedures promulgated by the President and the Provost. The Dean shall preside at meetings of the Faculty; shall sign all diplomas, certificates, and other official papers on behalf of their Faculty; and serve as the official means of communication between the Faculty and the Provost. The Secretary shall be elected by the Faculty and shall serve for such a time as determined by the Faculty.

Each Faculty shall meet at stated times and also at the call of its dean or of the President, the Provost, or other designated officer. Each Faculty shall also adopt provisions governing the call of meetings by its members. Except for the standing Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility, which shall be elected annually, committees of each Faculty shall be appointed by the Dean, or elected, as prescribed by the procedures adopted by each Faculty.

Upon recommendation of the President, the Trustees may authorize the establishment, merging, or closing of departments, divisions, or similar entities in schools that do not have departments. The chair of each department shall be appointed or removed by the President, upon the recommendation of the Dean with the advice of the Faculty, and with the approval of the Provost or the Provost's designee. A department chair shall serve according to policies and procedures established by the President and the Provost.

Subject to general policies established by the Trustees, the responsibility for determining the quality of the student body shall rest with the Faculty of that school. Each Faculty shall articulate the criteria for selection of applicants for admission and shall establish a written admissions policy that describes these criteria. Each Faculty shall also monitor implementation of its admissions policy and amend it when necessary.

Subject to general policies established by the Trustees, and in a manner consistent with general University policies, each Faculty shall also set its regulations for instruction of students and requirements for recommendations for degrees in course and in faculty.

Subject to general policies established by the Trustees, and in a manner consistent with general University policies, each Faculty shall set its own procedures for governance and determine the qualifications for membership in the Faculty.