Applied Geosciences, MSAG

The Online Master of Science in Applied Geosciences in the College of Liberal and Professional Studies and Department of Earth and Environmental Science (EES) is a 12-cu, graduate program designed to prepare mid-career professionals (minimum 3-years’ experience, preferably 5-10 years) in geoscience organizations (consulting, government, non-profit/NGO) for the next step in their careers.  In this entirely online program, students take 9 cu’s of required courses and 3 cu’s of electives. As a culminating exercise, students must complete a Project Design capstone that is an applied project directly related to their career goals.


Students are required to complete 12 cu’s of graduate level course work for the program.  Students must take nine required courses, three electives, and complete a Masters level Project Design or capstone positively evaluated by two readers in order to earn the MS Applied Geosciences degree.

Required Courses9
Aqueous Geochemistry
Applied and Environmental Geophysics
Geomechanics: Solids
Environmental Groundwater Hydrology
Geomechanics: Fluids
Engineering Geology: Rock Mechanics
Project Design
Three Elective Courses3
Students will choose three electives to complement their backgrounds and reach their career goals.Students choose from a selection of courses that are designed to help mid-career professionals boost career opportunities.
Geologic Field Methods
Fate and Transport of Pollutants
Environmental Statistical Analysis
Geochemical Modeling
Modeling Geographical Objects
Total Course Units12

Project Design Capstone Requirement

The project design capstone research is the culmination of the student’s career. The capstone draws on methodology directly related to the student’s career goals for the program. Students are expected to submit their project design proposal and reader candidates as part of the Project Design capstone course (EESC 6998) in the first year of their program. Students should plan to spend a minimum of one year on the research and writing of the capstone. Online students will work closely with an academic adviser to develop a project that can be completed remotely.

Field Opportunities

Students who did not take a field course in their undergraduate career and plan to apply for Professional Geologist licensure can take EESC 5704 Geologic Field Methods to fulfill the field component required by many states including Pennsylvania. This course must be taken in person to meet the requirements for state licensure and the instructor has adapted the course to a one week in person (daily field trips) model. For this model, online students will complete online exercises before traveling to Philadelphia where they will spend one week immersed in the course material. Upon returning home they will complete post-trip reports to complete the licensure requirements. In addition to this field course, several courses will have video taped field components and opportunities for students to do field work in their local area.

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.