Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, PhD

The Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering is primarily a research-oriented degree for students showing exceptional promise for original contributions to the theory and practice of chemical and biomolecular engineering.  The degree is a virtual requirement for those planning to teach chemical and biomolecular engineering, as well as for those planning on a research career. Doctoral candidates are expected to show superior capability for independent work and study.

View the University’s Academic Rules for PhD Programs.

Required Courses

Students are required to take a minimum of 10 graduate level courses, including the six required core courses.

Core Courses
ENM 5100Foundations of Engineering Mathematics - I1
ENM 5110Foundations of Engineering Mathematics - II1
or ENM 5020 Numerical Methods and Modeling
CBE 6180Advanced Molecular Thermodynamics1
CBE 6210Advanced Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design1
CBE 6400Transport Processes I1
Select five course units 15
Total Course Units10

5 electives are required to complete the doctoral program. PhD students in CBE select their electives with their Faculty Advisor. Electives may be chosen from any courses at a level of 5000 or above. Students may take up to one course in the Wharton School. Non-technical classes will be allowed at the discretion of the Graduate Chair.

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.

Sample Plan of Study

First Year
Advanced Molecular Thermodynamics
Advanced Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design
Transport Processes I
Foundations of Engineering Mathematics - I
Numerical Methods and Modeling
Elective (2-3) 1
Qualifiier Exam
Second Year
Electives (2-3) 1
Teaching Assistant
Electives (1-2) or CBE Thesis/Dissertation Research 1
Teaching Assistant
Third Year and Beyond
Thesis/Dissertation Research
Dissertation Defense

Electives can be chosen from most 5000+ level courses in engineering or the sciences and should be chosen with advisor input. Courses outside of engineering MUST have advisor approval for worksheet approval by the Graduate Coordinator.