Classical Studies, PhD

The Graduate Group in Classical Studies trains students in the languages, literatures, cultures, and history of the ancient Greek and Roman world. Students are encouraged to combine this work with the investigation of such related fields as Art History and Archaeology, Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, Linguistics, Medieval Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies.

Penn offers superb resources for the study of classical antiquity.  We have a world-class faculty, who specialize in a wide range of sub-fields within the discipline, and who take seriously the responsibility of training graduate students for careers in and beyond academia. 

All candidates for the Ph.D. are required to teach for at least two semesters under the supervision of the Graduate Group. In practice, students normally teach four semesters, during the second and third years of the program. During the first fall semester of teaching in Latin or Greek (typically in the second year of the program), students are required to complete the Language Pedagogy Workshop, a not-for-credit workshop that provides support and collaboration for first-time language teachers.

All candidates for the Ph.D must take a series of exams including Modern Language Examinations, the Qualifications Evaluation Examination in Greek and Latin translation, and the Preliminary Examination on the literary history of Greece and Rome, along with special topics chosen by the student. The dissertation is normally completed by the end of the student's fifth year in the program.

Information on coursework is provided below.

View the University’s Academic Rules for PhD Programs.

Required Courses

The total course units required for graduation is 18.

Core Courses
CLST 6000Materials and Methods: Proseminar in Classical Studies and Ancient History1
GREK 6610Reading Greek1
LATN 6610Reading Latin1
GREK 5801Advanced Greek Language and Composition1
or LATN 5801 Advanced Latin Language and Composition
CLST 9991Special Topic (twice)2
CLST 9000Dissertation Prospectus Workshop1
Additional Courses
Students select research seminars and additional courses in consultation with the graduate chair, using these course-planning guidelines:

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.