Comparative Literature, PhD

The Ph.D. Program in Comparative Literature covers the study of narrative, poetry, representation and cultural history.  The Program enables students to engage rigorously with critical theory.  We draw our faculty from many disciplines: the languages and literary histories of Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, East Asia, and South Asia: history, art history, religion; anthropology; folklore; political science; Africana studies; Jewish studies; Gender and Sexuality studies; sociology; communications.

We provide a structured and challenging program in which graduate students can combine the careful study of a particular literary tradition with interests in other languages and disciplinary approaches. The broad interests that our students bring to their projects include the history of philosophy, film and media studies, technology and the history of science, and area studies. Students work in varied historical periods, from antiquity and the Middle Ages to the postmodern, and in diverse language fields. Proficiency in two languages is required for graduation (English excluded).

Comparative Literature at Penn has a dynamic intellectual community.  Our signature event is our public colloquium series, Theorizing, which is organized primarily by the graduate students.  Our students and faculty are active participants in the many interdisciplinary lecture and seminar series at Penn, including the Medieval-Renaissance Seminar, the History of Material Texts Seminar, the Wolf Humanities Center, the Latitudes Seminar, and several student reading groups.

View the University’s Academic Rules for PhD Programs.

Sample Plan of Study

The total course units required for graduation is 14.

Year 1
Comparative Literature Proseminar
Select three other courses
M.A. Exam Prep
Select three other courses
MA Examination
Designation of major and minor traditions of concentration
Reading for the Qualifying Exam
Year 2
Teaching requirement
Independent Reading and Research
Select two other courses
Teaching requirement
Independent Reading and Research
Select two other courses
Qualifying Examination
Pre-Dissertation Bibliography
Pre-Dissertation Bibliography
Year 3
Teaching requirement
Independent Reading and Research
Prospectus Workshop (runs through fall and spring of third year)
Select AT MOST TWO other courses (this is the maximum -- may take one or none, as advised by Chair and other mentors)
Pre-Dissertation Bibliography
Teaching requirement
Independent Reading and Research
Select at most one other course
Prospectus Workshop (runs in spring and fall)
Dissertation Prospectus
Years 4 and Beyond
Dissertation Research, Writing, and Defense

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.