Computer Graphics & Game Technology, MSE

Interactive entertainment and computer-animated visual effects are now part of our mainstream culture. Creating such computer-generated imagery, however, is no trivial task. It requires a delicate blending of art with science by teams of highly skilled professionals, including artists, animators, writers, designers, engineers and software developers working long hours with cutting-edge technology and tools. Currently there are very few interdisciplinary academic programs at four-year research universities adequately preparing students for such positions. The Master of Science in Engineering in Computer Graphics and Game Technology (CGGT) was created specifically to address this need.


A total of 10 course units are required for the MSE in Computer Graphics and Game Technology (CGGT).1, 2

Core Areas
Creative Arts and Design
DSGN 50053-D Computer Modeling1
Computer Science, Systems and Technology
CIS 5600Interactive Computer Graphics1
CIS 5620Computer Animation1
CIS 6600Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics and Animation1
Select 1 required Math-based course. Recommendations include:1
Applied Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Advanced Computer Graphics
Physically Based Animation
Computer Vision & Computational Photography
Machine Perception
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Business and Entrepreneurship
Select 1 Business and Entrepreneurship course. Recommendations include:1
Engineering Entrepreneurship I
Product Design
Graphics Elective 3
Select 1 Graphics elective. Recommendations include:1
GPU Programming and Architecture
Advanced Computer Graphics
Physically Based Animation
Video I
Cinema Production
Computer Animation
Technical Elective 4
Select 1 Technical elective. Recommendations include:1
Advanced Computer Graphics
Physically Based Animation
Computer Vision & Computational Photography
Machine Perception
Applied Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Feedback Control Design and Analysis
Model Predictive Control
Internet and Web Systems
Independent Study for Masters Students
Game Design and Development (only offered during the summer term)
Free Elective 5,6
Select 1 free elective. Recommendations include:1
Engineering Entrepreneurship II
Art of the Web: Interactive Concepts for Art & Design
Digital Figure Modeling
Enabling Technologies
Advanced Projects in Animation
Design Project
CIS 5680Game Design Practicum1
or CIS 5970 Master's Thesis Research
Total Course Units10

10 course units are required;  9 course units in addition to a one semester design project over a one year period.


Students enrolled in the program from outside the University who have taken substantially similar coursework at their undergraduate institutions also can petition the program for approval of appropriate course substitutions. Granting of such approvals will be at the Program Director's discretion, and will be made on a case by case basis.


Must be graduate-level technical or creative course in the area of graphics or animation.  Approval of the CGGT program director is required.


Any graduate level course in the School of Applied Science and Engineering (SEAS). Approval of the CGGT program director is required.


Any graduate level course at the University that relates in some way to graphics, animation and/or games. Approval of the CGGT program director is required.


Recommended choices include any of the Graphics Elective, Technical Elective or Business and Entrepreneurship courses.

Additional Information

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.