Computer and Information Science, PhD

The Doctoral Program (Ph.D.) in Computer and Information Science (CIS) welcomes candidates with strong training in any of the disciplines related to modern information processing, with an emphasis on computer science and mathematics. Research and teaching form the essence of our doctoral program. Our curriculum is designed to develop the intellectual skills essential for the rapidly changing character of research and to meet the demands of academe and industry. Students develop their own advanced study focus, working with faculty mentors on topics ranging from the core computer science discipline to diverse scholarly interactions within the School of Engineering and the University.

View the University’s Academic Rules for PhD Programs.

Required Courses 

Responsible Conduct of Research Requirement
EAS 9000Responsible Conduct for Research (RCR), Engineering0
Breadth Courses 1
Choose two breadth courses, each from a different area among the five buckets: 22
Mathematical Foundations:
Software Foundations
Analysis of Algorithms
Theory of Computation
Topics in Logic: Finite Model Theory and Descriptive Complexity
Machine Learning *also counts in the Learning and Modeling bucket
Advanced Geometric Methods in Computer Science
Theory of Machine Learning
Advanced Topics in Programming Languages
Computer-Aided Verification
Advanced Topics in Algorithms and Complexity
Friendly Logics
System Design and Implementation:
Database and Information Systems
Internet and Web Systems
Computer Organization and Design
Computer Architecture
Software Systems
Principles of Embedded Computation
Embedded Software for Life-Critical Applications
Embedded Systems Programming
Software Analysis
Operating Systems Design and Implementation
Wireless Communications for Mobile Networks and Internet of Things
Computer and Network Security
Advanced Programming
Networked Systems
Programming Paradigms
Programming for the Web
GPU Programming and Architecture
Advanced Topics in Computer Architecture
Advance Topics in Software Systems: Data Driven IoT/Edge Computing
Advanced Topics in Databases
Learning and Modeling:
Applied Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Fundamentals of Computational Biology
Scientific Computing
Deep Learning for Data Science
Machine Translation
Natural Language Processing
Biomedical Image Analysis
Machine Perception
Computer Vision & Computational Photography
Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
Advanced Topics in Natural Language Processing
Advanced Topics in Machine Perception
Human-Centered Computing:
Introduction to Human Computer Interaction
Ethical Algorithm Design
Game Design and Development
Explaining Explanation
Interactive Computer Graphics
Advanced Computer Graphics
Computer Animation
Physically Based Animation
Procedural Computer Graphics
Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics and Animation
Technical communication:
Writing and Speaking with Style
Teaching Practicum
CIS 8950Teaching Practicum1
CIS 8950Teaching Practicum1
Depth Requirement
Select four approved 5000-8000 level University courses4
Independent Study
CIS 8990Doctoral Independent Study (Select 4 courses)4
CIS 9990Thesis/Dissertation Research (Select 2 required courses related to the Dissertation Research area plus 2 in an unrelated area)2
Dissertation Status
CIS 9950Dissertation0
Total Course Units14

Students are required to take and receive a grade of B or above in two courses spanning two of the five buckets.  


Two courses can be waived for students entering with a Master's degree. Advisor and Graduate Chair approval is required for non-CIS courses.

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.