Environmental Health Sciences, Certificate

A unique curriculum has been designed to provide training to span the disciplines of translational environmental health sciences. This curriculum takes the place of the Graduate Group electives and is designed not to delay the time to attain the PhD degree. Upon completion of the didactic curriculum, trainees will have completed the requirements for the Certificate in Environmental Health Sciences. Upon completion of their thesis, trainees will receive the Certificate in Environmental Health Sciences and a PhD from their graduate group.

 The below Plan of Study includes graduate group coursework (16-18 CU depending on group).

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCourse Units
PHRM 5340 Experimental Genome Science 1
BIOM 6000 Cell Biology 1
Required Graduate Group Courses 2
 Course Units4.00
PHRM 5900 Molecular Toxicology: Chemical and Biological Mechanisms 1
BIOM 6100 Foundations in Statistics 1
Required Graduate Group Course 1
Lab Rotation 1
 Course Units4.00
Epidemiology- or Community-based Lab Rotation 2
 Course Units2.00
Second Year
Required Courses, Electives or Lab Rotation 2
BMIN 5030 Data Science for Biomedical Informatics 1
EPID 7110 Environmental Epidemiology 1
 Course Units4.00
Electives or Pre-Thesis Research 2
Thesis Proposal Candidacy Examination 2
 Course Units4.00
Lab Rotation 2
 Course Units2.00
 Total Course Units20.00

Third to Fifth Year

Thesis Research


Students are required to do three rotations. One rotation can be taken in the summer before matriculation. One rotation must involve a mentored community-based experience or epidemiology/population based study. Rotations must be done in the lab of a CEET investigator.

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.