Epidemiology and Biostatistics: Biostatistics, MS

The goal of the MS program is to train students in the basic theory and applications of statistical methods, as applied to problems in the biomedical sciences. The program typically consists of two years of full-time study, including the preparation of a Master's thesis. Requirements include courses in probability, mathematical statistics, and statistical methods including linear models, longitudinal data analysis, survival analysis, statistical computing, and applied data analysis.

View the University’s Academic Rules for Research Master's Programs.

Required Courses 

Theory Courses
BSTA 6200Probability I
BSTA 6210Statistical Inference I
Methods Courses
BSTA 6300Statistical Methods and Data Analysis I
BSTA 6320Statistical Methods for Categorical and Survival Data
BSTA 6510Introduction to Linear Models and Generalized Linear Models
BSTA 6560Longitudinal Data Analysis
BSTA 6600Design of Observational Studies
BSTA 6610Design of Interventional Studies
BSTA 6700Statistical Computing
BSTA 5110Biostatistics in Practice
Additional Coursework
Advanced Electives

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.

Sample Plan of Study

Year 1
Probability I
Statistical Methods and Data Analysis I
Design of Observational Studies
Design of Interventional Studies
Statistical Inference I
Statistical Methods for Categorical and Survival Data
Introduction to Linear Models and Generalized Linear Models
Year 2
Advanced Survival Analysis
Longitudinal Data Analysis
Biostatistics in Practice
Advanced Elective
Statistical Computing
Advanced Elective