Integrated Product Design, Certificate

The certificate in Integrated Product Design makes a focus on product design feasible for students who are interested in the field from a wide range of disciplines. Jointly offered by the School of Engineering and Applied Science, Wharton and the School of Design, the IPD certificate certifies that students have had additional experience with an interdisciplinary, human-centered design process for developing new product innovations. Students enrolled in the certificate will be exposed to design thinking, have the opportunity to design at different scales and scopes, prototype and iterate distinct executions of their ideas, address manufacturing concerns, design enabling technologies, consider the implications of financial models on their product design, and develop business strategies. 


A total of 5 course units are required for the Certificate.

Required Courses
Select 2 of the following:2
Product Design
Design Thinking
Elective Courses 1
Elective I: Design Arts1
Technology in Design
Furniture Design Strategic Process
Design of Contemporary Products: Design for Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility
Technology Designated Elective
Semi-Fictitious Realms: A History and Future of Virtual Reality
New Approaches to an Architecture of Health
Function of Fashion in Architecture
Form and Algorithm
Image, Object, Architecture
Ecology, Technology, and Design
Sensing the City
Art, Design and Digital Culture
Design 21: Design After the Digital
Art of the Web: Interactive Concepts for Art & Design
3-D Computer Modeling
Graphic Design Practicum
Cultures of Making
Biological Design
Graphic Design I: Creative Technologies
Functions for Form and Material
Information Design and Visualization
Interfacing Culture: Designing for Mobile, Web and Public Media
User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design
Artificial Intelligence in Art: Redefining Creativity in the 21st Century
How to Make Things: Production Prototyping Studio
Designing Smart Objects for Play and Learning
Industrial Design I
Integrative Design Studio: Biological Design
Advanced Mechatronic Reactive Spaces.
Elective II: Engineering1
Rehab Engineering and Design
Applied Machine Learning
Big Data Analytics
Programming for the Web
Programming Languages and Techniques
IoT Edge Computing
Human Systems Engineering
Data Mining: Learning from Massive Datasets
Integrated Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing and Analysis
Design for Manufacturability
Advanced Mechatronic Reactive Spaces.
Smart Devices
Designing Connected Objects and Experiences
Energy Engineering in Power Plants and Transportation Systems
Materials and Manufacturing for Mechanical Design
Design of Mechatronic Systems
Introduction to Robotics
Elective III: Business1
Behavioral Science: Theory and Application of Experimental Methods
Power, Persuasion and Influence
Judgments & Decisions
Intellectual Property and Business Law for Engineers
Intellectual Property and Business Law for Engineers
Engineering Negotiation
Engineering Entrepreneurship I
Engineering Entrepreneurship II
Engineering Entrepreneurship Lab
Corporate Sustainability Strategies
Engineering Economics
Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation
Management and Strategy in Medical Devices and Technology
Health Care Entrepreneurship
Intellectual Property Strategy for the Innovation-Driven Enterprise
Technology Strategy
Change, Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Management
Social Entrepreneurship
Marketing Management
Dynamic Marketing Strategy
Consumer Behavior
Data and Analysis for Marketing Decisions
Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce
Marketing for Social Impact
Introduction to Brain Science for Business
Entrepreneurial Marketing
Contagious: How Things Catch On
Digital Marketing, Social Media and E-Commerce
Applied Probability Models in Marketing
Experiments for Business Decision Making (Center Special Topic)
Special Topics - Consumer Neuroscience
Social Impact Lab
Empowering Nonprofit Leaders to Thrive
Group Dynamics
Group Dynamics and Organizational Politics
Strategic Management and Leadership of Nonprofits
Leadership Theory and Practice
Business Analytics
Enabling Technologies
Total Course Units5

A complete list of electives are available in the IPD program office (229A Towne Building).


The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.