Law, ML

Penn Law's Master in Law degree enables students and professionals working and studying in related fields to expand their knowledge of law and legal principles. Students enrolled in the program’s specialized curriculum will gain a solid understanding of how the U.S. legal system functions in general as well as specific knowledge of the law in their areas of interest.

The ML degree is available to members of the University of Pennsylvania community (graduate students, alumni, and current staff at Penn and related entities) who are neither law students nor lawyers and who wish to complement their studies or careers in other disciplines with a legal education at Penn Law. Non-Penn affiliates who are interested in the Master in Law degree should contact the program directly to inquire about application opportunities. 

The ML degree is intended to provide exposure to critical issues in the law; however, it will not permit a student to sit for any state's bar examination or otherwise allow recipients to practice law. The American Bar Association regulations do not permit the application of ML classes toward a JD degree.


Eight courses  are required to complete the Master in Law degree:

  • 3 required ML foundational courses
  • 1 elective ML foundational course
  • 1 elective course from the JD curriculum (excluding 1L required courses)
  • 3 electives from either the JD curriculum or the ML curriculum

Coursework may be completed on a full-time or part-time basis. Members of the Penn community may take one or more ML courses as stand-alone courses before or without enrolling in the ML degree program. Note that a maximum of two ML courses taken prior to matriculation in the ML program may be applied toward the ML degree if request is made and approval is given by the ML program.

ML Degree Requirements

Required Foundational Courses
LAWM 5110ML: US Law & Legal Methods
LAWM 5280ML: General Business Law
LAWM 5290ML: Navigating the Regulatory State
Elective Foundational Courses
Select 1 of the following:
ML: American Constitutional Law
ML: Technology Law
ML: Corporate Governance and Compliance
ML: Health Law and Policy Fundamentals
ML: Medical Negligence and Tort Law Fundamentals
ML: Contracts & Negotiations
ML: Fundamentals of US Legal Research - Online
ML: Intro to Patent Law - Online
Select 1 course from JD curriculum 1
Select 3 courses from either JD or ML curricula 2

Excluding 1L required courses.


ML offerings, designed for non-lawyers, are listed with the subject code LAWM.

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.