Materials Science and Engineering, PhD

Materials science is a highly versatile discipline that enables innovations across a wide variety of technologies from cell phones to solar energy to bioimplants to airplanes. Applying insights from the basic sciences, this discipline designs new materials and fabrication methods to continually expand the scope and combination of mechanical, electrical, optical and transport properties available in materials. The newer fields of nanotechnology, biomaterials and quantum materials are providing materials scientists with an entirely new palette of atomic, molecular, organic, biological and inorganic building blocks to engineer materials with unique functionalities. The research and academic programs in the MSE Department and the broader MSE Graduate Group at Penn reflect these exciting new developments and our goal is to provide students enrolling in our program with a broad and multidisciplinary training so that they can be part of this materials revolution and contribute to solving the 21st century challenges.

View the University’s Academic Rules for PhD Programs.

Required Courses

Students are required to take at least 10 graduate level courses, including courses outside of their research area to gain a broader understanding of materials science and engineering. Doctoral students with a Master's degree may transfer up to eight credits as course units to the Ph.D. program upon the approval of the Graduate Group Chair. However, a maximum of five transferred courses count toward the 10 courses required for the Ph.D. program.

Core Courses
Structure of Materials
Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria
Phase Transformations
Select four approved non-core courses 1
Select three additional Graduate Level courses 2

Non-core courses may be selected from offerings within MSE and other departments in SEAS, as well as the physical, biological, and mathematical sciences.


Courses must be at the 5000 level or greater.

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2023 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.

Sample Plan of Study 

First Year
Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria
Three approved courses 1
Structure of Materials
Phase Transformations
One approved course 1
Second Year
Two Graduate Level courses 2
Graduate Level course 2
Qualifying Exam 3
Third Year and Beyond
Thesis/Dissertation Research

Non-core courses may be selected from offerings within MSE and other departments in SEAS, as well as the physical, biological, and mathematical sciences.


Courses must be at the 5000 level or greater.


The Qualifying Examination will be held at the end of May after the second semester.